1. #1
    frostno98's Avatar
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    What's the odd of a Secret Service Agent banging Melania

    Since The Donald will not be sleeping with her everyday at the Whitehouse, this is going to be interesting. The Trumpster is definitely go to bang one of his secretaries though, I'm certain of that.

  2. #2
    Snowball's Avatar SBR PRO
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    nothing, Trump is a man of God now.


  3. #3
    frostno98's Avatar
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    Trump son Barron is the Anti-Christ if you didn't know that by now.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostno98 View Post
    Trump son Barron is the Anti-Christ if you didn't know that by now.

  5. #5
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar
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    Some secret service dude will at least get a handy from her. That's a given.

  6. #6
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Donald and Melania are going to have a lot of sex in the next 4 years and most of it will not even be with each other.

  7. #7
    Auto Donk
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    now that this stupid ukranian whore has opted not to move into the Whitehouse, line on this jumped to -4,999

    what a f'n disgrace..... can i get a "do-over" on my vote?

    Trump needs to exercise some control over his bitch....

  8. #8
    sportsfan9698's Avatar
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    Melania can move in when she damn pleases... she has a 10-year old in the middle of a school year. But I guess your wishes are more important?

    SS will treat her with respect as they should. If any of them come close to banging her, Trump will find out and have them killed - and trust me they know that.

  9. #9
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfan9698 View Post
    Melania can move in when she damn pleases... she has a 10-year old in the middle of a school year. But I guess your wishes are more important?

    SS will treat her with respect as they should. If any of them come close to banging her, Trump will find out and have them killed - and trust me they know that.
    fukkin' main stream media.... all i saw reported was that she wasn't going to move in, with the implication it would be for the whole 4 years.... another attempt to try and dog out trump and his family.....

    I can understand her concern.... having said that, I'd still see what it would take to transfer, as "normal working americans" have to make such mid year transfers all the time, and it usually goes off without a hitch....

    Plus, Barron could immediately start pulling "new kid in school" pussy....

  10. #10
    sportsfan9698's Avatar
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    Donk - what are you 13 years old?

    She can move in with Barron when she decides... if you were in her position you would do the same. I think it is better this way. Trump is going to be a very busy man for the first few months.

    Media just wants to keep pounding the Trumps any way they can spin it. If this were the Obama's they would be reporting about what a great family man he is for making this sacrifice. Wise up

  11. #11
    Auto Donk
    Diggity man the fort, I'm outta here!
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    you and my f'n wife.... both always claiming I'm 13 years old....

    at least she qualifies it with the phrase "maturity level of"

  12. #12
    bigtymer56's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfan9698 View Post
    Donk - what are you 13 years old?

    She can move in with Barron when she decides... if you were in her position you would do the same. I think it is better this way. Trump is going to be a very busy man for the first few months.

    Media just wants to keep pounding the Trumps any way they can spin it. If this were the Obama's they would be reporting about what a great family man he is for making this sacrifice. Wise up
    On the bright side, they are creating jobs/work. Thats going to be alot of OT for NYPD. Wonder who is going to end up paying for that.

  13. #13
    sportsfan9698's Avatar
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    Yes I will assume you are 13 years old when you are talking about a 10 year old getting "new kid" pussy. I'd say your wife knows you pretty well

    Who the fuk cares about who picks up the tab for NYPD OT? I guarantee you have never worried about that before... Cops want the OT and now they get it. And if NYC does not start to play ball with the new AG, they can kiss away 10's of millions of fed funds. Time for everybody to grow up.

  14. #14
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