1. #1
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    Why is this Oklahoma fraternity such a big deal?

    This guy has a good opinion


    Like it or not, these kids were expressing a political and social opinion. I do not care if you agree with it or not. They have a First Amendment right to freedom of association – that means they can be in a private club that says “no ni****s allowed.” I can’t say that I would want to belong to such a club, but the KKK and the American Nazi Party not only have a right to exist, but serve a valuable function — even if that function is only to serve as a negative example.

    Now lets think back to college. You said dumb shit in college. You probably said dumb shit yesterday. So a couple of kids got hopped up on everclear and fried okra and sang a really stupid racist song.




  2. #2
    Bobbywaves is a stiff
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    This group and groups very similar from various races exist on almost every college campus.

  3. #3
    on to the next one
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    Quote Originally Posted by downsouth View Post
    This group and groups very similar from various races exist on almost every college campus.

    No doubt. These dumb asses let someone video tape them. They're racist people all over the planet and in all organizations. People should not be shocked.

  4. #4
    Bobbywaves is a stiff
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    Yeah. They are not bright but a group if dumbass es shouldn't get so blown our of proportion by media when they say something dUmb.

  5. #5
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    No one cares that they said it. They just can't represent the university of Oklahoma and say it. The expelled ones can get on you tube and sing the same chant today and it wouldn't make the local news.

  6. #6
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    Bunch of college douchebags wasting their parents money.

  9. #9
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    Every college I've been to, SAE has been regarded as a bunch of fukk ups...that is if they weren't suspended or kicked off campus.
    Last edited by daneblazer; 03-12-15 at 12:09 PM.

  10. #10
    Ted Sheckler
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    Not a big deal at all...Just like the Donald Sterling thing. If anything lynch the dumbass who posted the video, because he'll amount to about nothing in life.

  11. #11
    Grits n' Gravy
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    So it won't be a big deal when these kids get the shit kicked out of them by black kids? You will be the first ones in here running your mouths about "thugs" "animals" when in reality they are giving the spoiled little shits the beating they should of gotten years ago.

    Use them as tackling dummies for Sooner squad.

  12. #12
    Ted Sheckler
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    So it won't be a big deal when these kids get the shit kicked out of them by black kids? You will be the first ones in here running your mouths about "thugs" "animals" when in reality they are giving the spoiled little shits the beating they should of gotten years ago.

    Use them as tackling dummies for Sooner squad.

    Awww do some silly little words hurt the coloreds feelings? What are ya gonna pull out your gun and shoot someone because they said some mean words. jesus christ, if that's how they should react to something like this, then I don't know what to think.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by daneblazer View Post
    Every college I've been to, SAE has been regarded as a bunch of fukk ups...that is if they weren't suspended or kicked off campus.
    I remember the SAE's at Bama getting busted for selling cocaine etc. You're right...they are typically a bunch of D-bags. And if they think its a shocker that SAE is racist...should venture around to some KA and other houses in the region.

    But lets be honest....white Greeks are the same as the black Greeks on the opposite side of the race spectrum if not worse. Anyone who has been in or around the system knows this well but too politically correct to admit it.

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    [QUOTE=itchypickle;23716667]I remember the SAE's at Bama getting busted for selling cocaine etc. You're right...they are typically a bunch of D-bags. And if they think its a shocker that SAE is racist...should venture around to some KA and other houses in the region.

    didnt much care for them at U of Miami as well.

  15. #15
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    media loves anything racially charged

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    There ya have it.....why let someone film it to make a fool out of you?
    Quote Originally Posted by broadway6 View Post
    No doubt. These dumb asses let someone video tape them. They're racist people all over the planet and in all organizations. People should not be shocked.

  17. #17
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    its not a big deal I already knew along time ago that Texas and Oklahoma ARE racist as fukk as a whole so not really a shocker here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thetrinity View Post
    media loves anything racially charged

  19. #19
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    It's not a big deal but its part of the agenda, race is the biggest thing that gets emotions stirred in this country, which brings about protests, which brings about more implementation of a police state.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by daneblazer View Post
    They have a First Amendment right to freedom of association – that means they can be in a private club that says “no ni****s allowed.”
    like to the Federal Government passing a law that says they cant belong to a private club?

  21. #21
    Grits n' Gravy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Sheckler View Post
    Awww do some silly little words hurt the coloreds feelings? What are ya gonna pull out your gun and shoot someone because they said some mean words. jesus christ, if that's how they should react to something like this, then I don't know what to think.
    Not at all but it is ignorant. If I go around saying that your mother is a whore all over the place you would be offended. The people with the loudest mouths never say shit when those they speak on are in front of them. The kids in the video just need a reality check and an ass whooping would do the trick.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    So it won't be a big deal when these kids get the shit kicked out of them by black kids? You will be the first ones in here running your mouths about "thugs" "animals" when in reality they are giving the spoiled little shits the beating they should of gotten years ago.

    Use them as tackling dummies for Sooner squad.
    Major difference: people saying things that might offend someone else isn't a violation of anyone's rights....assaulting a person is.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post

    Not at all but it is ignorant. If I go around saying that your mother is a whore all over the place you would be offended. The people with the loudest mouths never say shit when those they speak on are in front of them. The kids in the video just need a reality check and an ass whooping would do the trick.
    You can call my mother a whore all you'd like and I shall just ignore and go about my day. No big deal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post

    Major difference: people saying things that might offend someone else isn't a violation of anyone's rights....assaulting a person is.
    Thank you. I go to an Eagles game and I wear a Cowboys jersey, should I get my asswhooped because someone doesn't like it? Time to grow the fuk up and not be bothered by these sorts of things.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    So it won't be a big deal when these kids get the shit kicked out of them by black kids?
    your assumption being here that none them have been beaten up or know persons beaten up one or more black kids at once? cuz that never happens, unless you watch youtube. your righteous stance here falls flat as for it to be true, all blacks are white loving, respectable citizens that have done nothing to foster resentment. (that is not to say i would ever excuse racism from any person, it is a despicable and small minded thing)

    to close, per FBI statistics, black on white crime is 3 times more prevalent than white on black crime....hmmm..media bias hides that one well eh?

  25. #25
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    too many forgetting that the dumbfukks directly violated a signed code of conduct agreement... they embarrassed the school and that shit doesnt fly... great move to kick these kids... about time some kids were held responsible for doing stupid shit

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaborneq View Post
    No one cares that they said it. They just can't represent the university of Oklahoma and say it. The expelled ones can get on you tube and sing the same chant today and it wouldn't make the local news.
    This is correct. I can't go to work and call a patient a n***** and expect to have a job the next day, my free speech doesn't guarantee that.

    its a big deal because it had the weight of this being at the Univ of Oklahoma, an old White House mom is on camera saying the n***** word, a 4 star black recruit decommitted. So it's a multitude of factors why its a big deal.
    Last edited by The Kraken; 03-12-15 at 09:18 PM.

  27. #27
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    Why were there all sorts of protests over this but there weren't protests when OU's star recruit Joe Mixon called someone a slur and punched a woman in the face? He broke four bones in the girls face and it was all on video.

    No one demonstrated. Mixon didn't get expelled. People weren't marching in the streets.

    So it's ok to yell homophobic things and beat women? That somehow doesn't warrant being expelled but if you chant when you're drunk and being hazed that's worse?

    Violence and acting out hate is better than chanting it? Wtf kind of society do we live in?

    As an alumni I'm disgusted by the double standard.

    Both were wrong. Only one was handled correctly.

    We're the African American "only" frats protesting for Mixon to be expelled? Hell no.

    SAEs were douches. I'm glad they were expelled and agree with the swift action by the school. I'm just saying it's pretty damn hypocritical how they handled each.
    Last edited by BigDofBA; 03-12-15 at 10:57 PM.
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  28. #28
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    Kicking those students out was the right move, they couldn't show their face around that school anymore. Stupid people being stupid and getting what they deserved. I wonder if their names come out and haunts them for their future employment opportunities, hopefully so, and hopefully they learn how to act like a human.

  29. #29
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    America needs to step in and outlaw fraternities.

    There is no reason frats should exist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Sheckler View Post
    Kicking those students out was the right move, they couldn't show their face around that school anymore. Stupid people being stupid and getting what they deserved. I wonder if their names come out and haunts them for their future employment opportunities, hopefully so, and hopefully they learn how to act like a human.
    hopefully they all go to jail and get raped by a black man named Otis.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetrinity View Post
    media loves anything racially charged
    this is true.

    i call the news the "bad news"

    its never anything positive.

    And the reason is "fear sells"

    Advertisers like advertising with Fox News bc they try to scare the hell out of everybody especially old people and it attracts viewers.

    If the news ever said anything positive they would lose advertising money bc people dont like a feel good story.

    honestly its fukked up but Fox News loves it when terrorist attacks happen bc it attracts viewers to their tv show

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    you guys see the layered up with Timothy McVeigh's lawyer. Stuff is about to get real entertaining.

    Good for them, This is America after all right?

  33. #33
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    Timothy McVeigh's lawyer was unsuccesful

  34. #34
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    I was a SigEp -- Sigma Phi Epsilon, and we got confused for SAEs by people who never went the college route, and it was frustrating.

  35. #35
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    all this over a 10 second chant on a bus ?
    kids probably didn't even mean it..
    i just hate the new technologies.. everything on phone video
    nowhere is safe in public.. it's all too connected..
    life was better years ago.

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