1. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtymer56 View Post
    Thank God for the rest of us Mr. Damadian didn't have your "God has already taught me everything I need to know so f**k science, I'm gonna go frolic in the fields" attitude.

    As for extending life meaning nothing, doubt when you get sick instead of seeing doctors and taking medicine to get better, you just sit around talk to God and hope for the best.

    And addressing autism, doctors barely knew what it was a century ago. With a century to study it, its a real shocker doctors have become better at successfully diagnosing all the different types and severities of each case, thus increasing the reported cases of it.
    Never heard a soldier in a foxhole crying for a scientist when the lead was flying.
    Look we get it, you believe in man for everything and no amount of proof will set your mind free of the ways of the world. You are obviously very narrow minded. Good-luck with that
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  2. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Never heard a soldier in a foxhole crying for a scientist when the lead was flying.
    The utterances of those in the most stressful of moments are supposed to add believably to the story?

    So before an Islamist blows himself up, he praises his own deity. That makes his God real and right?

  3. #248
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    Soul consciousness is focused within the throat chakra's level of consciousness. It is a frequency of higher mental consciousness in contrast to the refined emotional content of higher heart consciousness. There is a yin-yang principle operating in the chakra system. The solar plexus is mental, focused upon basic intellect, while the heart chakra is emotionally focused, and the throat chakra is a higher mental chakra.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    How do you know there is one? Should one really feel him in ones heart?
    Throughout the eternal mists of time, there has always been one underlying desire that serves to drive people forward. That desire is the divine urge to become closer to the spiritual source from which we originally came.

    Today, that ever-present drive leads us from the heart chakra into the new territory of the throat or soul chakra. Spiritual seekers are discovering that there are ways to overcome limitations and self-imposed blockages to their growth. For example, by forgiving themselves and others, they set themselves free from their former limitations.

    By expressing gratitude for everything, even for each breath of life itself, they move into the higher aspect of heart consciousness and await there for the next step in their spiritual growth, for that step into soul consciousness, which is so different from heart-centered consciousness and, yet, is merely one short step away.

    It is in soul consciousness that true inspiration begins to dawn. By expanding the connection between the soul self and the physical mind, true inspiration and wisdom becomes possible.

  4. #249
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    Spiritual freedom is the ability to rise above the illusions that the material world presents - illusions of lack, poverty, illness, any type of depression or discouragement. All of these things are solved when your viewpoint is expanded by rising to a higher vista of consciousness.

    Spiritual consciousness begins when the heart chakra is activated and inner joy begins to flood into the mind. It is by this activation of higher consciousness that we find the resources - the inner knowing, the spiritual determination, and the inspired fortitude to rise above all challenges and transform our lives into beacons of joy and successful living.

    We came into this world to learn how to master the illusions that arise from the lower, material levels of consciousness. By rising into the higher levels of consciousness, we meet the challenge and begin to master life on earth.

    It is now time for people to learn how to take the next step in their spiritual growth. It is time to move beyond the initial stage of heart-centered consciousness and explore the next stage, that of soul awareness.

    Your soul mind operates at a frequency just above heart-centered consciousness because that is where you can explore the possibilities of life without being constrained by the limitations of the physical mind. Your soul mind exists at an unconstrained, nonphysical level and you can gain much from this limitless level of consciousness by practicing a soul connection meditation.

  5. #250
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    Infinite Being is the awareness behind all things.

    Infinite Being IS all things.

    WE are Infinite Being.

    In your true nature, you are an aspect of Infinite Being and, like all things in Creation, totally unique. There is no one exactly like you in all of Creation. Your mission is to experience life from your own unique viewpoint.

    The question is, deep down, do you know who you really are?

    We grow up in a world that assigns roles, rules, and beliefs that typically force us into boxes that are of other people's design. Inside that veneer of who you were trained to be on the outside is who you really are on the inside. That true and authentic inner you is your soul consciousness.

    Your soul, inner being, or "higher self" is the level of your consciousness that resonates at a higher frequency of consciousness than your physical mind. This occurs because your immortal soul resides in the nonphysical realm of fifth-density consciousness, where it has the freedom to see life above the limitations of time and space.

    From that vantage point, your soul is ideally positioned to guide you into fulfilling your life plan and exploring everything there is to discover from your unique viewpoint of existence. The one problem is that the intuitive wisdom that comes from your soul tends to arrive as whisperings rather than as fully-aware knowingness.

    When you develop your ability to fully perceive your own intuitive intelligence, life becomes more meaningful, purposeful and, as a result, filled with joy.

  6. #251
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    Through the interaction of these two aspects of original consciousness - Intent and Love, or Thought and Feeling - the universe was formed and, along with it, the capability for Infinite Being to observe itself from an infinite number of viewpoints in time and space.

    The human race today represents approximately seven billion different viewpoints of the one Source. According to the rules of the human adventure, we were born with spiritual amnesia. In other words, we have forgotten our inner connection. The challenge of the game of human life is to discover and consciously reconnect with that to which, in reality, we are and always were connected. Self-awareness and free will are included in the rules of the game. The illusion of separateness from each other is created by an intense focus upon life in an outer, physical world, as viewed by the five senses. In this outer world, people are free to choose to interact with other people in the ways that they see best.

    People can even choose to believe that they are separate from that ultimate Source to which they are connected. For instance, atheists claim to lack belief, but atheism is really a belief in something that isn't so. If people have an inbuilt connection to God, yet believe that they don't, then they are actually expressing a belief, not a lack of one.

    Mystics talk of experiencing a sense of oneness with the infinite while in deep meditation. Those who can go still deeper into the realms of consciousness report that there is more to it than just a feeling of oneness. Deep within, you aren't so much an individual who is as one with Infinite Being. Deep within, you are Infinite Being!

    You are Infinite Being observing itself through the one viewpoint that is you. You aren't a part of Infinite Being. You are Infinite Being, acting from one specific point of view. Likewise, all sentient beings are also Infinite Being, observing themselves from their own unique points of view.

    It seems strange to live in a world where everything appears separate and then discover that, beneath all of the surface appearances, we really are One. If you suspend the sense of strangeness that this concept brings long enough to reach some conclusions, you can see that:

    1. Friends, acquaintances and strangers alike are all aspects of the One, just as you are. Whatever you do to others upon the stage of this theater of life, you really are doing to yourself!

    2. You can never fail to become one with God because you always were God. How could you fail to become yourself? How could God ever reject you or judge you when you are the eyes and ears of God itself, walking through life in this world of manifestation, learning from what you were sent here to experience? The only way that God could reject you is if God decided to stop loving itself, and that's just not going to happen!

    The solution to the Paradox of Infinite Being is that while we are a part of an immense universe of almost unlimited proportions, we are also Infinite Being itself. As you experience life through your eyes and ears and senses, you are Infinite Being, acting through yet another viewpoint of the infinite variety of life. Every fiber of your body is Infinite Being, every dream that you manifest is Infinite Being in action, every tear of joy that you shed is a tear shed by Infinite Being in its form as you.

    You can be closer to God than ever before when you realize that every part of your body, mind and spirit is God. Even in this strange world where we appear to be separate from everyone else, the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away.

  7. #252
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    soul mind? heart chakra? at least give credit to the fukking wacko who you are quoting... entirely to many drug abusers in this thread... jaaysus

  8. #253
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    Your inner self is your complete self. Often referred to as your soul or higher self, your inner self includes all aspects of your consciousness as an individual.
    Your inner self encompasses all levels of your consciousness - subconscious, superconscious and waking consciousness. You can think of your waking consciousness as an "outer self," because it's function is to focus upon a world which has the appearance of being external. The human brain is designed to translate the concepts of space and time into something that appears real. Your outer self's focus is directed at the physical world, which it perceives through the five physical senses.

    People habitually think of their soul as being something elsewhere, and not something that encompasses their waking consciousness. They also think of the world as being "out there" rather than what it really is - an internal projection of theatrical props which make life appear to be a real drama.

    It is more useful to use the term "inner self" to describe the complete self because, compared to the external world, it appears to be inside of you.

    When you look at the reality of life, everything is inside of you. As a spark of Infinite Being, the entire universe is inside of you because the universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being. The definition of "Infinite Being" is "consciousness which encompasses all." Nothing can be outside of an all-encompassing consciousness, therefore all must be within and, as an aspect of Infinite Being, it is within you.

    Before you were born, you carefully planned the possibilities for this incarnation. Your inner self had access to all of the probabilities which would unfold in your current life, thus enabling you to make a life plan. You examined several possible lives and chose this one for the experiences that it would let you explore.

    Think of your inner self as a nonphysical, spiritual personality which chose to enter your body at the time of birth. Gradually, over a period of months, your conscious mind formed a greater attachment to this new body and eventually became completely identified with it.

    The current system of incarnation on earth involves spiritual amnesia - we are born with blank physical memories as part of the challenge of reconnecting with our spiritual essence during physical incarnation. That system will change in the coming centuries as human consciousness rises to new challenges and opportunities but, in the meantime, it still provides a fresh start to every incarnation that we choose to experience.

    Each incarnation occurs in different locations and historical times, with different sets of parents and societal environments. This creates the opportunity for you to play many roles as different personalities. Your inner nature does shine through into your outer personality as an influence, but the variety provided by different incarnations is enormous. Imagine, over the last two thousand years, experiencing incarnations as a centurion defending Rome against the barbarians, then a quiet life as a peasant farmer's wife in Spain, then plying the Mediterranean trade routes as first mate on a spice ship, then as an English nun and finally a talk show host. Now that's variety!

    Personalities vary from life to life because of the societal environment in which they are formed. Shining through that outer personality, however, is the real you, your spiritual inner self. The wisdom of knowing how to handle a challenge often comes from the inner knowing gained from the experience of countless lifetimes.

    You can get in touch with your inner self if you take the time to simply go within using a meditation.

    In that contemplative state, ask yourself what it feels like when you get in touch with your inner self. How does life look when seen from its perspective? How does it feel to be connected to that part of you which is, in turn, consciously connected to the entire universe? How does it feel to live beyond the confines of space and time?

    Words like freedom, expansion, joy and harmony spring to life while you are in the presence of your true, spiritual self.
    Your inner self is eternal. It can never cease to exist, any more than Infinite Being can cease to exist. This eternal part of you has wisdom and love beyond the confines of any single incarnation. Feel the security of knowing this eternal part of yourself. While you are in the conscious presence of your inner self, see how meaningful the affirmation from the Infinite Being meditation becomes:

    "I am Infinite Being."

  9. #254
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    Successful seekers of spiritual wisdom share one outstanding common bond. They have all passed through the gateway of the heart into the first of the spiritual stages of human development.

    There are twelve stages of conscious evolution designed into our experience as human beings. They range from the basic will to survive all the way up to the ultimate spiritual achievement of cosmic consciousness.

    Those twelve stages are divided into two tiers of conscious evolution. There are six stages in the basic tier and six stages in the spiritual tier.

    Professor Clare W. Graves (1914-1986) was a social scientist who first identified the basic stages of human development as he observed the characteristics of what we now call the Cultural Creatives movement. He noted that people had entered stage six consciousness in huge numbers - totaling more than 1 in 5 adults at that time - and he also observed many instances of stage seven consciousness.

    From a metaphysical perspective, these stages of social development resonate directly with the human chakra system. The key to seeing this correlation is to realize that there are two faces to every major chakra.

    For example, the front face of the solar plexus chakra is the lower version of solar plexus consciousness. It relates to stage four consciousness, which focuses on the rule of law, traditional religion, and other forms of authoritarian control.

    The higher part of solar plexus consciousness relates to the version of that chakra that faces backward and is connected to the rear of the spine. Its stage five frequency resonates one half-tone higher than stage four and deals with the development of basic intellect, such as mathematical ability and materialistic science.
    How the twelve faces of the seven major chakras are configured
    Notice that, while the energy vortexes representing the root chakra and the crown chakra are both singular, the other five of the major chakras all face in both directions - front and back.

    Solar plexus-based consciousness is the lens that resonates most to the physical, third-density (3D) world in which we live. Stage four of the 12 stages of consciousness is the lower version of 3D consciousness and stage five is higher 3D consciousness.

    Now, look at the complete table of the twelve stages of human consciousness. As people - or society in large groups - evolve up the ladder of conscious development, their viewpoints expand to a wider worldview and, yet, they retain all that they have learned from the lessons of the lower levels through which they have already passed.
    The Twelve Stages of Human Consciousness
    and their Related Density Levels

    No. Density level Chakra location, facing direction Chakra function Manifestation of the chakra
    Tier 1: The Material Tier
    1 Upper 1D Root chakra Instinctual Personal survival
    2 Lower 2D Sex chakra -
    front face
    Emotional - receptive Clan formation
    3 Upper 2D Sex chakra -
    back face
    Emotional - active Courage
    4 Lower 3D Solar plexus chakra - front face Intellectual - receptive Ordered purpose
    5 Upper 3D Solar plexus chakra - back face Intellectual - active Achievement
    6 Lower 4D Heart chakra -
    front face
    Holistic - receptive Caring community
    Tier 2: The Spiritual Tier
    7 Upper 4D Heart chakra -
    back face
    Holistic - active Spiritual awareness
    8 Lower 5D Throat chakra -
    front face
    Creative - receptive Intuitive development
    9 Upper 5D Throat chakra -
    back face
    Creative - active Powerful creativity
    10 Lower 6D Third eye chakra -
    front face
    Higher spiritual - receptive Secrets of the universe
    11 Upper 6D Third eye chakra -
    back face
    Higher spiritual - active Globally-applied wisdom
    12 Lower 7D Crown chakra Universal connection Cosmic consciousness
    (Note: Density levels are sometimes incorrectly referred to as "dimensions.")

    It is of huge significance to the evolution of humanity that so many people today have already entered stage six and stage seven consciousness. It is important because those are fourth-density (4D), heart-centered stages of consciousness and we are preparing today for a physical shift into a fourth-density state of physical existence.

    The leading mindset, therefore, is preparing the way for the physical shift which is to come.

    Professor Graves was fascinated with stage seven consciousness because he realized that the first six stages formed a set, or tier, of stages and that stage seven was a step into a whole new tier. He called the jump into the second tier of consciousness, "a momentous leap" for humanity.

    If you think of stage seven as the step from the basic tier of six stages into the spiritual tier of six stages of consciousness then, yes, "momentous" is a very apt description. No longer is a stage-seven individual wandering around the physical world searching for the lost, hidden truth of existence... they've found it!

    Spiritual awareness brings purpose to life because the underlying, overall purpose for the human experience is growth in consciousness. When your focus becomes spiritual, you are looking up, directly at the ladder of growth, and no longer looking around for clues as to what life is all about.

    The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the heart.

    Once a person reaches stage six consciousness, they are seeing the world through the lens of lower heart-chakra consciousness, which relates to lower fourth density (4D). In this stage, they become more sensitive to the needs of others and think more in terms of the good of the community than in purely selfish pursuits. It is a wider vista of awareness than the narrowly-focused, 3D ambition which preceded it.

    Stage seven, the first stage of the spiritual tier of consciousness, is just one short step away. The stage six person is already in heart-centered awareness. They just need to make that short step into upper heart consciousness, into the upper 4D awareness of stage seven, and the connection with higher levels of consciousness opens right up.
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  10. #255
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    You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.
    Sit in the quiet and realize you are not your body.

    Still the mind. You are not your mind. You are not a thought that comes and goes, or an emotion. You are the observer of all these things. You are the I, the I that exists beyond the physical body, beyond the mind. You are the I that Is. When the physical is gone, the I remains...the Infinite I.

    So, the first realization is that I, the Infinite I, have dominion over my mind and my body. I have dominion.

    Practice this realization. I direct the body to have perfect health, beauty, youthfulness, vigor, harmony, balance, wholeness.

    I, the Infinite I, direct the emotional body.
    What does the Isness, the Infinite I, expect of the emotional body? Joy, bliss, solitude, peace.

    I have dominion over the emotional body. I have authority over the emotions.
    Practice this realization. I direct the emotions. I choose calm, tranquility.

    I have dominion over mind. Be still and know that I Am.

    Practice this realization. I Am. Be still. I am wisdom... I am knowledge... I am Truth.

    Claim this Truth through your realization of it. Remember it.

    I am here now. I have always been here now. The only journey is to realization. I have always been...and will always be, Infinite I.

  11. #256
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    i knew a broad that moved out west with a clown who sold holistic rocks and homemade healing oils and shit... she lasted a month... said she had no idea how fukked in the head the guy was, or that he stayed high on something 24/7 ...

    no1there, you remind me of him

  12. #257
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    You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.
    Sit in the quiet and realize you are not your body.

    That is deep

  13. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Never heard a soldier in a foxhole crying for a scientist when the lead was flying.
    Look we get it, you believe in man for everything and no amount of proof will set your mind free of the ways of the world. You are obviously very narrow minded. Good-luck with that

    That's because people have certain phrases ,(whether it's learned ,conditioned, ingrained, programmed or really believe) we speak during certain situations
    For example, saying ouch every time we or someone hits our arm despite not really being in pain.

    Or a better example is during sex , either partner using oh God or Jesus repeatedly. these partners are using these phrases because it's what they have seen in videos or learned from gossiping with friends nothing to do with communicating with the Creator or Savior, especially those deemed as living in sin. One can can speculate to the origin of these phrases but,doubtful even snopes has the answer

    Obviously things feel good but of all things in the world to say, we revert to oh God along with the oh shits

    tv and video are very powerful in shaping our behaviors...look at during the Sosa, McGwire hr chase the pointing at the sky after a hr, now half the league does it. Or since Troy polamalus hair created attention now down into the high school and lower levels, thousands are sharing the same look
    Lebron and his chalk blowing is also at high school levels.

  14. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    The utterances of those in the most stressful of moments are supposed to add believably to the story?

    So before an Islamist blows himself up, he praises his own deity. That makes his God real and right?
    No, this means his family might have been tied up some where, and they pumped him with drugs and sent him out or killed everyone. Or they were fooled by false spirits, again this is not a battle of flesh in blood but of powers and principalities. If someone buys in to false doctrine and is deceived to hurt themselves or others, it's just that, a deception ...no God.

  15. #260
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    damn, this is good shit. Quite shocking on this forum lol

  16. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.
    Sit in the quiet and realize you are not your body.

    That is deep
    You have a body, but you have a soul as well, and some of the Holy Spirit with a soul. Mind, will, emotions (soul) + Spirit (God) .. We should be saved and live with God (spirit) denying the flesh (body) no lust, money lust, pride lust, pleasure lust, being envious all this is of the world, we are not of the world..just in it.

  17. #262
    Huck Fobos
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    Just wow

    can I be a dick right now and just be straight?

    You die. The end.

  18. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    Just wow

    can I be a dick right now and just be straight?

    You die. The end.

  19. #264
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    The only thing I will say about the potential for afterlife is that if energy itself doesn't end but transfers forms, then the whole idea of what no1here copy pasta'd is a legit possibility. Assuming the laws of conservation of energy are correct of course.

  20. #265
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    I notice this is what Halloween is all about, dressing and acting as something outside of ourself, letting something else take over.

    Listening to the wrong music.
    getting drunk and drugs
    acting in general some actors call this " the muse " on set
    dressing up
    acting certain ways to please others

    are just some of things that will take us outside of who we are

    God said that He renews are mind, and are new creations in Christ, it's best to remain this way. We should always be " in control " of ourselves, anything else results in sin against God.

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    Hey tripper, check that out tell me what'cha think ..
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  22. #267
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    Cool... I like it.

  23. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    Cool... I like it.
    Yeah bg, it's a call for intelligent design, despite how they would have us think in natural selection, and " random chance ".

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    Little poem from a brother, some of you might like, I know I did..
    will share one I wrote at a later date.

  25. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post

    Little poem from a brother, some of you might like, I know I did..
    will share one I wrote at a later date.
    I thought this guys poem was a blessing ... Hopefully it is a blessing for some of you here.

    Any thoughts ?

  26. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    Cool... I like it.
    I'm glad you and seaweed enjoyed that..

  27. #272
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    Ok now for one of my poems, this one was pretty prophetic in my life until 28.. Wrote at 17, God bless


    Growing up living in sin, I dug a hole so deep that I was drowning in, catching a gasp of air every now and then, knowing if I stayed this way it was coming to a end, realizing this struck by the sounds of death now a new life to begin, with no one to depend on, young or old I just reaped what I sowed being mentally kicked down the same road, street life is what I was used to and know, but God unwrapped the sheets of bondage and took apart the strong hold, reminiscing on what I was told, about Jesus Christ and the streets of Gold, now I'm stuck in the word because it's good for my soul, no matter if I'm hot or cold I'm blessed, to know what I've been through is like a completion of a test because I believe in my heart and confess that Jesus is my savior and nothing less,

    so I treat every second a blessing for my spirit to digest, I know I can't make it unless he's guiding my steps, no serious mistakes or nothing to regret, the night I got saved I will never forget, I'm going to heaven so take my last breathe, there's nothing new under the sun, what's done is done, the future has already begun, goes so quick thinking your having fun, better specify your future and what your growing to become, only Gods given grace you make it to 21, so choose your choice, make it eternal life, I praise God for showing me the light.
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    John 3:16

    16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  29. #274
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    take me to church

    i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

    i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

    offer me that deathless death

    good god, let me give you my life
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  31. #276
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    Romans 5:8 King James Version (KJV)

    8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

  32. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    take me to church

    i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

    i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

    offer me that deathless death

    good god, let me give you my life
    Fukkin wife and kids love this song and were looking for concert tix. I told them no.

  33. #278
    Swinging Johnson
    Swinging Johnson's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Boston Gambler.......you are one of my favorite posters.

  34. #279
    brainfreeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Never heard a soldier in a foxhole crying for a scientist when the lead was flying.
    Look we get it, you believe in man for everything and no amount of proof will set your mind free of the ways of the world. You are obviously very narrow minded. Good-luck with that
    So true, sometimes only a near death experience will make you think... " what is this all about "?!!

    Answer: GOD

  35. #280
    raydog's Avatar
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    tell your god to stop fukking with the asian airlines... thanks

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