1. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    See, I don't believe in RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP. Yes, I own a gun and I'm a responsible gun owner... BUT, who knows when I may suffer a mental event? 20% of our society are sane and responsible RIGHT NOW but they will suffer a mental episode this year. What do you think will happen when I get older? What if I get a mental disease like Alzheimers or Parkinsons? Am I still a responsible gun owner? What if I become a delusional paranoid schizophrenic? Am I still responsible? What if I lose my emotions during a road rage? Put a gun in the picture and you are seeing what we're seeing every day. Normal, average people going through life, then all of a sudden snaps and has access to a gun.

    Most parents encourage kids to shoot guns. My dad gave me a gun when I was 13. We didn't have locks on our guns. Most parents are totally shocked when they find out their kid went on a homicidal rampage.
    Root cause for most mental illnesses is drug abuse.. Crack and Meth can alter minds, behavior, etc..Make you paranoid and violent, See and hear things that aren't really there.. Gun owners on dope could go nuts and start shooting also.. Bath salts and other hard drugs even worse... Street drugs are the main cause for people with mental illnesses these days I believe.

    Fry the brain on drugs enough and you go nuts and will probably become homeless.. Start talking to yourself.. DRUGS!!!

  2. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    my high school student parking lot generally had six or seven trucks in it with gun racks containing a shotgun, deer rifle, or both on display in a rear window gun rack; including my own....

    used to go straight from football practice to shoot doves out at my grandfather's farm/ranch just before sundown.... guns weren't thought of as "bad" or somehting we shouldn't have.....

    they were just fukkin' guns..... and we used them to hunt.... not act a fool....

    stupid fukkers like jayfly will never understand that it's not the f'n gun.... guns are simply tools.... deadly tools..... but not evil.....
    See that's why you gotta wonder about this,don't reckon it's got much to do with bullies,im sure you had alot of kids that got bullied at you're HS back in the day with guns readily available,and this shit never happened.

    So what's really going on.
    Last edited by packerd_00; 05-18-18 at 02:49 PM.

  3. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebumdude View Post
    Yes I have kids. Three to be exact and I also own guns. Many of them. And guess what? They are all locked where the kids do not have access. Period.

    Why? Because I am a responsible gun owner.

    And you don’t “hide” guns from them. You simply lock them up.
    A determined kid will find a way. My parents couldn't hide a thing from me, so why should I assume that I can hide anything from my kids? I think that I'm smarter than my kids but it's very naive to think they can't figure things out.

    There's been many stories of responsible parents totally blindsided when their kids snapped. Some of these kids have even shot and killed the parents first. I'd like to blame the parents here but we don't know the entire story.
    What good does a locked gun do?

  4. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by packerd_00 View Post
    See that's why you gotta wonder about this,don't reckon it's got much to do with bullies,im sure you had alot if kids that got bullied at you're HS back in the day,and this shit never happened. So what's really going on.
    only the cool kids had guns.....

    also, the guys we bullied the shit out of new we'd flat out murder their ass if they came at us.... lol

    and really, we bullied the male teachers more than other kids....

  5. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post

    A determined kid will find a way. My parents couldn't hide a thing from me, so why should I assume that I can hide anything from my kids?

    Stop trolling

    you claim to be a gun owner yet obviously know nothing about gun safe technology

    Pay a little more and get biometrics

  6. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    A determined kid will find a way. My parents couldn't hide a thing from me, so why should I assume that I can hide anything from my kids? I think that I'm smarter than my kids but it's very naive to think they can't figure things out.

    There's been many stories of responsible parents totally blindsided when their kids snapped. Some of these kids have even shot and killed the parents first. I'd like to blame the parents here but we don't know the entire story.
    What good does a locked gun do?
    I also found items that my parents hid. But I don’t hide my guns. I lock them in a safe. A locked gun is a safe gun.

    The guns used in 99 percent of all school shootings were guns that kids had free access to from their parents. Only a very small handful were guns that were obtained themselves, ie Columbine and Virginia Tech.

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    Another crazy, quiet, white boy.

  8. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Do you have kids? There is NOTHING that you can hide from your kids. Absolutely NOTHING. The best thing you can do is to teach your kids how to be responsible and hope and pray that they don't fukk up or snap one day.
    i sure hope this isn't true about the wife and I's sex toy collection, locked away in three military trunks.....

    her son, now in his teens, picks those locks or otherwise busts his way into them, we're up shit creek and his mind is forever warped....

    (I think sbr has seen our rubber fist before, and that's the mellow shit).....

    Last edited by Auto Donk; 05-18-18 at 02:53 PM.
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  9. #254
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    They should make an example of these school shooters.. Walk them out to the yard for a public hanging that should be Nationally televised live.. Maybe school shootings wouldn't be so cool anymore for these kids living on the violent mental edge..

  10. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Root cause for most mental illnesses is drug abuse.. Crack and Meth can alter minds, behavior, etc..Make you paranoid and violent, See and hear things that aren't really there.. Gun owners on dope could go nuts and start shooting also.. Bath salts and other hard drugs even worse... Street drugs are the main cause for people with mental illnesses these days I believe.
    Fry the brain on drugs enough and you go nuts and will probably become homeless.. Start talking to yourself.. DRUGS!!!
    I'm no mental health expert but I've seen many incidences of people with mental illness that NEVER used drugs. I don't have any statistics but the majority of people that I know that are mentally ill, weren't drug users. I had a college roommate that just snapped. One day he was great, the next day he was a raving lunatic. He had a chemical imbalance and come to find out that his mom did too. On his meds, he was docile, slow, lethargic, shell of himself. Off the meds and he was absolutely nuts. Doctors said that a dramatic even triggered it. Pressure of school, football and a girlfriend all the likely reasons. His life changed overnight. Totally shocked me to see that happen to a good friend. If he had a gun, he most likely would have shot me and others. He almost ran over a police officer before he got Baker acted (arrested for mental illness).

    It also seems to be a high number of young men that have mental illness than women. I have 4 female friends all with sons or brothers that are mentally ill. One friend says that whenever she sees these shootings on TV, she thinks it may be her son involved. She's tried to get help so many times and there's nothing out there. She's had to put him in jail when she has had no other options. It's a damn shame.

  11. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by INVEGA MAN View Post
    Another crazy, quiet, white boy.
    Who also wore T-shirt’s “Born To Kill”....also reports of him being bullied a lot. Signs were there. People ignored them and now kids are dead.

    Thank his parents.

  12. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    They should make an example of these school shooters.. Walk them out to the yard for a public hanging that should be Nationally televised live.. Maybe school shootings wouldn't be so cool anymore for these kids on the edge..

    Make sure the archtects of the shootings are set an example of also

  13. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
    Stop trolling
    you claim to be a gun owner yet obviously know nothing about gun safe technology
    Pay a little more and get biometrics
    Many parents in the US DO NOT lock their guns. Fact.

    Nobody in my family or my wife's family locked their guns. My grandfather had a shot gun under most beds. He didn't have a smoke alarm but he had plenty of guns. I can remember my uncle telling me to get his gun out of his house when he put down our family dog.


  14. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    i sure hope this isn't true about the wife and I's sex toy collection, locked away in three military trunks.....

    her son, now in his teens, picks those locks or otherwise busts his way into them, we're up shit creek and his mind is forever warped....

    (I think sbr has seen our rubber fist before, and that's the mellow shit).....

    Don't be surprised if he's not live streaming your escapades and selling them on his live cam channel. HAHA

  15. #260
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    my parents and grand parents didn't lock up their guns, no need to, as they taught me how to use and respect them.....

    in my early teens, even at age 11, I was free to grab my grandmother's 20 gauge or my grandfather's 12, walk outside, and blow away as many dove/quail as I could find.....

    you only need to lock away guns if your kids don't know how to use them and haven't been properly taught everything there is to know about them, and a proper respect for them....

  16. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post

    Google it 'biometrics gun safe'

  17. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Don't be surprised if he's not live streaming your escapades and selling them on his live cam channel. HAHA
    he does seem to have a lot of expendable cash and gas money, despite not having a job....

    i just assumed he was selling weed.....

  18. #263
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    I'm not going to say that guns aren't a problem but this seems like another case where there were a million red flags totally ignored
    This kid was bullied, kept to himself, posted violent social media content, wore shirts about killing people, wore a trench coat in 100 degree weather

    How can you get into a school in 2018 wearing a long coat on in 90 degree weather??? Are you kidding me????
    It is amazing that after Columbine this could happen, especially since all those things were missed in the Columbine shooting

    Our society and parents raise kids that bully, get bullied, are totally detached from the world and see violence as the only resort out
    That is the real problem here
    Anyone that ONLY talks about the guns is a mental midget and simpleton

  19. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethebestdog View Post
    I'm not going to say that guns aren't a problem but this seems like another case where there were a million red flags totally ignored
    This kid was bullied, kept to himself, posted violent social media content, wore shirts about killing people, wore a trench coat in 100 degree weather

    How can you get into a school in 2018 wearing a long coat on in 90 degree weather??? Are you kidding me????
    It is amazing that after Columbine this could happen, especially since all those things were missed in the Columbine shooting

    Our society and parents raise kids that bully, get bullied, are totally detached from the world and see violence as the only resort out
    That is the real problem here
    Anyone that ONLY talks about the guns is a mental midget and simpleton
    there's an old saying in swinger world, that "your kids might suspect mom's a swinger when she has to wear a trench coat out of the house during the summer".... (swinger erotic wear is very revealing, and most babes are embarrassed to think their children might see the short skirts or totally seethrough tops they wear)

  20. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    only the cool kids had guns.....

    also, the guys we bullied the shit out of new we'd flat out murder their ass if they came at us.... lol

    and really, we bullied the male teachers more than other kids....
    So when did it change,the Trench Coat Mafia were the first ones I can recall hearing about.

  21. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by packerd_00 View Post
    So when did it change,the Trench Coat Mafia were the first ones I can recall hearing about.
    that seems to be the origin of the phase.....

    on a side note, kracken, send me your address.... I picked up the perfect shirt for your woman:

  22. #267
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    What is there really to say on this anymore?

    We're fukked if you take guns away.

    We're fukked if you leave them be.

    Truth. Pick your poison.

  23. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    that seems to be the origin of the phase.....

    on a side note, kracken, send me your address.... I picked up the perfect shirt for your woman:

    Bro. Every post you create, I laugh my ass off.

  24. #269
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    school resource officer still in surgery, almost died due to loss of blood after being shot trying to take down the shooter.....

    still listed in critical condition....

    anyone still wondering why that florida cop didn't go in after nic cruz, but rather hid outside, the two sentences above provide your explanation....

  25. #270
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    Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says there are too many entrances and exits to schools, and that is why shootings are able to happen. "Had there been one single entrance possibly for every student, maybe he would have been stopped."

  26. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
    Google it 'biometrics gun safe'
    Now, I've thought that it might be a good idea to apply biometrics to each gun so that only the gun owner can fire it. I also wish there was some sort of RFID device in each gun so that law enforcement can see on a scanner where all the guns are in a certain location.

    I laughed because my family is very much old school and extremely thrifty. My grandfather wasn't spending any money on a lock. His word was his safe. If he told you not to touch, it wasn't even up for debate, NO ONE touched it. We all were taught how to use guns on his farms before we were potty trained. All the girls were given guns when they went to college.

  27. #272
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    dan patrick is a bit clueless.....

    better seal up/brick in all windows and turn the damn places into complete prisons.....

    and about that time a fire or gas incident will result in hundreds of casualties as children stampede and crush their classmates trying to get out of the one damn available exit.....

    now cornyn's up there saying we need to make schools "harder"..... pass out the viagra to go along with the condoms, I guess....
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  28. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    dan patrick is a bit clueless.....

    better seal up/brick in all windows and turn the damn places into complete prisons.....

    and about that time a fire or gas incident will result in hundreds of casualties as children stampede and crush their classmates trying to get out of the one damn available exit.....

    now cornyn's up there saying we need to make schools "harder"..... pass out the viagra to go along with the condoms, I guess....
    I don’t fully understand his thoughts behind what he just said.

  29. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethebestdog View Post
    I'm not going to say that guns aren't a problem but this seems like another case where there were a million red flags totally ignored
    This kid was bullied, kept to himself, posted violent social media content, wore shirts about killing people, wore a trench coat in 100 degree weather

    How can you get into a school in 2018 wearing a long coat on in 90 degree weather??? Are you kidding me????
    It is amazing that after Columbine this could happen, especially since all those things were missed in the Columbine shooting
    I'm sorry, but being bullied is not a fukking excuse to go on a shooting spree. Every time we hear about these events, we try to figure out why the perp did what he did. We have to stop giving sympathy for these sick fukks. He was a sick fukk that had no regard for life and should be ostracized then hung by his nuts. Fuk him, he quit.

    Funny, you mentioned a long coat in hot weather. Just yesterday at my kids school, I noticed that half the kids had on coats and sweaters outside (it's 95 degrees in Houston). My son was wearing a sweater hoodie too. I asked him why? He said that their school is so damn cold that all the kids have to bring jackets. It didn't even dawn on me until this week. We're walking to the car and I asked him if he wanted to take off his sweater and he said that he was still cold from being inside for so long.

  30. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluehorseshoe View Post
    Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says there are too many entrances and exits to schools, and that is why shootings are able to happen. "Had there been one single entrance possibly for every student, maybe he would have been stopped."
    If there was one entrance/exit, he would have shot them up like fish in a barrel. The 2 guards with guns would never be able to get out and engage the shooter.

    I don't know why we seem to elect all the dumb fukks?

  31. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    school resource officer still in surgery, almost died due to loss of blood after being shot trying to take down the shooter.....

    still listed in critical condition....

    anyone still wondering why that florida cop didn't go in after nic cruz, but rather hid outside, the two sentences above provide your explanation....
    He shouldn't be a cop if hes not willing to risk his life to protect others. Imagine if he were a firefighter, would've been fired on the spot.

  32. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
    Stop trolling

    you claim to be a gun owner yet obviously know nothing about gun safe technology

    Pay a little more and get biometrics

  33. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    What is there really to say on this anymore?

    We're fukked if you take guns away.

    We're fukked if you leave them be.

    Truth. Pick your poison.
    How are we fukked if we reduce guns? That and more mental health are the only answers. We need to stop being victims and take action.

  34. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethebestdog View Post
    I'm not going to say that guns aren't a problem but this seems like another case where there were a million red flags totally ignored
    This kid was bullied, kept to himself, posted violent social media content, wore shirts about killing people, wore a trench coat in 100 degree weather

    How can you get into a school in 2018 wearing a long coat on in 90 degree weather??? Are you kidding me????
    It is amazing that after Columbine this could happen, especially since all those things were missed in the Columbine shooting

    Our society and parents raise kids that bully, get bullied, are totally detached from the world and see violence as the only resort out
    That is the real problem here
    Anyone that ONLY talks about the guns is a mental midget and simpleton
    Parenting is the biggest problem in today's societies.. With the way social media is today kids can be bullied even online.. With digital media these days it's also very easy to become a loner and isolate.. Combine violent gaming and serial killer movie watching and that alone can trigger a few to entertain the idea or even go on a shooting rampage especially if they have assess to guns..

    Guns are probably the least of the problems.. Kills can happen with bombs, cars, knives, etc.. If there is a will there will always be a way... There are far to many guns out there circulating in America though.. I'd love to see a reduction in sheer numbers..

  35. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Multiple Student Fatalities are being reported. Multiple shooters is what I'm hearing now. WTF?

    Santa Fe, TX which is basically Houston suburbs.

    Once again, all you dumb gun rights fuks. Do you really want all these other dumb fuks to have easy access to guns? You have a gun? Great. Why in the fukk would you want others to get guns easily? Hell no. Ban all new guns. Mental illness is an epidemic. It's only a matter of time before it's hits home for you and I.
    Hard to validate your agenda against "dumb fuks" when you try to be Mr. Smarty Pants and use "I" as the object of a preposition. Any 2nd grade shooter knows the rules.

    Carry on and home school with Donker's teaching staff headed by Ms. Lickety Split.

    Get those cereal killers.

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