1. #141
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    guy can get a job other places it's not like his life is ruined he just can't play in the nhl at this time

    if i try to get hired as a church secretary and on my resume i have a degen gambler will steal anything listed and an addiction to nun porn i'm prob not getting the job

    go search for a different professional league that will take him and repair his image

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    guy can get a job other places it's not like his life is ruined he just can't play in the nhl at this time

    if i try to get hired as a church secretary and on my resume i have a degen gambler will steal anything listed and an addiction to nun porn i'm prob not getting the job

    go search for a different professional league that will take him and repair his image

    There is no other professional league that will sign this kid. He's a Rotten Apple that will spoil the entire bushel if not thrown out. Maybe he can get a job in Russia where when he fukks up again his cell mate can be Griner.

  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Thank you. I just awarded 95 bet points to put you at 10,000.

    When my special needs son was in High School the QB & Captain gave up his study hall to work with our son every day. Tyler Murphy went to the Florida Gaters where injuries at QB valted him into the starting role.

    From Wikipedia... Tyler Murphy was unknown, but quickly became popular as he led Florida in a 31–17 win over Tennessee. Murphy then became the starting quarterback, and lead the Gators to a 24–7 win over Kentucky and a 30–10 victory against the Arkansas Razorbacks. After initial success, the Florida Gators lost their final seven games of the 2013 season.

    Although initially he went undrafted by the NFL, the Steelers signed him from the usigned free agent list and began to play him at WR. Injuries cut short his professional career but we continue to keep in touch with Tyler because he is a fantastic human being.

    This is what happens to GOOD people. Good things happen to GOOD people.

    Great story Goose. I played at UF. Yes, there's butthole athletes like this kid but there's a lot more good kid athletes than bad. You have to be disciplined as an athlete. You learn about failure, success, hard work, team, humility, etc. You also feel a sense of gratitude that you were blessed to be where you were. Most guys I knew went out of their way to help others and did a lot of community work. It was required at first but eventually you realize that you will work harder for someone else than you will yourself. Most people will never know the work a lot of these athletes do in their spare time. How many peoples lives they touch. Without looking for any publicity.

    You see a kid with a disability or a kid with cancer and it breaks your heart. How anyone could think abusing those kids is just boys being boys is very sick. I can't believe kids at his school would not have self policed that and let it go for so long. If just one of those kids would have challenged him to do better, he wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. We have to call out bullshit and call people to higher standards.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    guy can get a job other places it's not like his life is ruined he just can't play in the nhl at this time
    if i try to get hired as a church secretary and on my resume i have a degen gambler will steal anything listed and an addiction to nun porn i'm prob not getting the job
    go search for a different professional league that will take him and repair his image
    Imagine a kid bitching they should be allowed entry into Harvard because they were 14 when they got bad grades and flunked out of school. Sorry. some shit follows you for a lifetime.

  5. #145
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    Mac4Lyfe blew so many gators at UF they called him the crocodile hunter

  6. #146
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    I noticed this story 2 days ago... and I had no idea what it was about until I noticed the page count of this thread... I was like wow... I need to check this out.

    Even though I find it disrespectful for what he did at 14 years old... it's absurd to ban him from the NHL. Bring out the video evidence of what the other NHL'ers did at 14... oh... there weren't any camera phones or surveillance? Well isn't that special?

    I can almost promise you the Brendan Shanahan's and the Brett Hull's were pests at 14. But since there's no video evidence back then... I guess we'll let it slide. Bullsh##.

    I'm tired of hearing "TODAY'S WORLD".... what exactly does that mean? We are still picking and choosing who suffers. There still isn't a so called "straight line".

    To Lakerboy's comments... it's awesome you are a great dad... and you teach your child or children right from wrong. That's excellent. A lot of kids act immature at 14... who didn't team up on someone and harass them? In 8th grade I got bullied... picked on.. harassed... was made fun of for a variety of things... I can promise you far worse than that kid. It's the luck of the draw in life. Some go unscathed and some aren't so lucky. I have no ill will to what happened years ago... my point to all of this is... it happened at age 13-14. Give that kid another chance... he probably was on the road to correcting his life. But the NHL took his dreams away... by a mistake at 14.

    Cam Neely... you're a coward as a President. You have no balls.

  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    I noticed this story 2 days ago... and I had no idea what it was about until I noticed the page count of this thread... I was like wow... I need to check this out.

    Even though I find it disrespectful for what he did at 14 years old... it's absurd to ban him from the NHL. Bring out the video evidence of what the other NHL'ers did at 14... oh... there weren't any camera phones or surveillance? Well isn't that special?

    I can almost promise you the Brendan Shanahan's and the Brett Hull's were pests at 14. But since there's no video evidence back then... I guess we'll let it slide. Bullsh##.

    I'm tired of hearing "TODAY'S WORLD".... what exactly does that mean? We are still picking and choosing who suffers. There still isn't a so called "straight line".

    To Lakerboy's comments... it's awesome you are a great dad... and you teach your child or children right from wrong. That's excellent. A lot of kids act immature at 14... who didn't team up on someone and harass them? In 8th grade I got bullied... picked on.. harassed... was made fun of for a variety of things... I can promise you far worse than that kid. It's the luck of the draw in life. Some go unscathed and some aren't so lucky. I have no ill will to what happened years ago... my point to all of this is... it happened at age 13-14. Give that kid another chance... he probably was on the road to correcting his life. But the NHL took his dreams away... by a mistake at 14.

    Cam Neely... you're a coward as a President. You have no balls.
    how is it cam neelys fault the comish said he wasn't eligible to play

    He's not coming into the NHL, he's not eligible at this point to come into the NHL," Bettman said

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Once again

    I am not saying sports leagues or teams shouldn't be able to exclude players for detrimental behavior. The problem I have is:

    -The NHL is under woke attack

    -The racial hypocrisy

    -He was 14 yrs old

    -They rescinded a contract. I find it strange that you can rescind a contract based on something that happened and was known about before the contract was signed.
    Bullying happens every fukking day.... in every fukking school. Until they put an ALL END TO IT.... allow the kid to play in the NHL.

    Did he rape a girl??? Put a gun to someone's head? Did he rob someone? The kid made a fukking mistake at 14. I wonder what Mr. Cam Neely did at age 13-14. He looks like the type to bully someone. He did it early in his hockey career too.

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    I get triggered because of the racial hypocrisy, yes. This wouldn't happen if the player was black and the victim was white. It also wouldn't happen if he didn't target race but instead made it about him being fat or short or a myriad of other things kids bully and get bullied for.

    Adolescents are psychopaths. Cry all you want to, but yes that is part of growing up. Insulting him for being black is no different than insulting him if he wore glasses or had bad acne, except that you lefties want it so desperately to be.
    this is high level ignorance even for you. what happened in your life at 14 for you to be this way? who beat you up? laughed at you? some black guy i''m sure and 30 years later you are still not over it. pretty transparent dlo.
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  10. #150
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    Corporate decisions are about dollars and cents. any league would survive without any player. so why take on one that you don't need in a city like boston where the players even said they don't want him. Boston has one of the worst racial images of any city and if this helps them look they are taking a stand, why wouldn't they? hypocrisy exists everywhere. your eyes only open when race is included. like your kinda obsessed or something...as that is what you are known for on this forum. damn sure ain't for picking winners, loser.

  11. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingdom View Post
    Corporate decisions are about dollars and cents. any league would survive without any player. so why take on one that you don't need in a city like boston where the players even said they don't want him. Boston has one of the worst racial images of any city and if this helps them look they are taking a stand, why wouldn't they? hypocrisy exists everywhere. your eyes only open when race is included. like your kinda obsessed or something...as that is what you are known for on this forum. damn sure ain't for picking winners, loser.
    It sure isn’t hurting the NFL…the highest paid QB sexually assaulted over 20 women. He was not 14 when this happened
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  12. #152
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    It was right move

  13. #153
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    Well this a million posts long. He is a fringe player. May not even be good enough to play in the league ultimately. That obviously matters, although he’s still 20 years old. I don’t see what the problem is putting him in the minors, make him to go counseling and see if he’s good enough anyways.

    With social media, cameras, and eyes everywhere, we are headed down a dangerous road. Like someone else said who knows what the others did at that age.

  14. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    It sure isn’t hurting the NFL…the highest paid QB sexually assaulted over 20 women. He was not 14 when this happened
    Stop the bullshit. Watson did not sexually assault any of those hookers. They all got paid to jerk him off. Then got paid again in a money grab. You know it was bullshit but you have to reach this low to somehow justify what this kid did for many years to a special needs child.

  15. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetrinity View Post
    Well this a million posts long. He is a fringe player. May not even be good enough to play in the league ultimately. That obviously matters, although he’s still 20 years old. I don’t see what the problem is putting him in the minors, make him to go counseling and see if he’s good enough anyways.
    With social media, cameras, and eyes everywhere, we are headed down a dangerous road. Like someone else said who knows what the others did at that age.
    Most athletes are not animals that you guys are trying to make them out to be. Just because this asshole was doing dumb shit and some SBR posters did dumb fukked up shit, does not mean that is normal behavior. There are cameras everywhere. We would see a lot of shit like this if it was happening. Hint, hint, most normal people do not pick butterfly wings.

  16. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Most athletes are not animals that you guys are trying to make them out to be. Just because this asshole was doing dumb shit and some SBR posters did dumb fukked up shit, does not mean that is normal behavior. There are cameras everywhere. We would see a lot of shit like this if it was happening. Hint, hint, most normal people do not pick butterfly wings.
    Most are.
    Just like politicians and anyone in power.

    Human beings cannot use power/money innocently.

  17. #157
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    If the kid was white no one would care and would not even be a story.
    Hockey players do sick things in locker rooms to each other.
    They are disgusting.

  18. #158
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    This thread was ridiculous. The black posters are the richest with their nonsense, for example the Watson stuff I agree with it mostly being a sham, but "blacks as a group" (they promote that I don't) have been doing the victim stuff for so many years then act all surprised when similar political nonsense (me too) comes up and does the same stuff they benefited from (lies) all those years?

    Cry me a river

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by manny24 View Post
    Mac4Lyfe blew so many gators at UF they called him the crocodile hunter

  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19th Hole View Post
    Thank you for the response.
    I assumed the Teddy Boyesque bent due to your description of you and your friends'
    less than honorable activities.

    The 59 Club is new to me. Although, I have fond memories of Studio 54, The Continental Club. and Danceteria during the '70s.
    The activities in the private rooms of the after-hours clubs were not to be repeated.
    I got you it's just the way high school was people were mean.

    We'll say no more about it than you only live once right.

  21. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    It was right move
    Do you really believe that? I doubt it.

    If we are going to start holding juveniles accountable for crimes then there's millions who should be banned from working and going to college everywhere. Many blacks did far worse while 14 or younger. How about we prohibit them from participating in society according to their own abilities? Hmm ?

  22. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I went to one of the toughest inner city public schools in Cleveland Ohio. It wasn't called bullying when I grew up. You just got your ass kicked. You didn't pick on anyone unless you were waiting to get jacked in the cafeteria or after school. Most guys who thought they were the shit had to get their asses kicked to come down to size. You learned to respect everyone because you weren't all that yourself. A lot of kids today need a good ass whipping. But picking on special ed kids, making them lick shit. Guys who did that shit got their ass kicked often in our school. Same if you ever tried to sexually abuse a girl. Grab a girls ass, titties, etc., you got your teeth kicked in.
    Hey bud, I don't know what went on at your school. This doesn't happen at a normal hs, certainly not mine.
    Last edited by packerd_00; 11-08-22 at 11:48 AM.

  23. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingdom View Post
    this is high level ignorance even for you. what happened in your life at 14 for you to be this way? who beat you up? laughed at you? some black guy i''m sure and 30 years later you are still not over it. pretty transparent dlo.
    How is it different other than you are more sensitive to it and the left has launched a crusade to make it unforgivable? Glasses, acne, short, fat. Not much you can do about it as a kid, just like being black.

    Speaking of high level ignorance, remember when you claimed whites are pedophiles at a higher rate than blacks or other races, and your evidence (contrary to actual data) was that it happened more on crime tv shows you watched? LOL.

    THAT is high level ignorance. I will never forget it, because it was unforgettable. Kingdumb.

  24. #164
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    There’s a reason why it’s called professional sports. If you cannot conduct yourself in a professional manner on and off the field, you don’t deserve to be there. Period.

    Yeah, ok. Tell that to Cleveland and Deshaun

  25. #165
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    Now I read that the black kid didn't have any any mental or physical handicaps. He had mild ADHD when he was younger.

    When you read the articles, you would think that he had downs syndrome or something.

  26. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    Now I read that the black kid didn't have any any mental or physical handicaps. He had mild ADHD when he was younger.

    When you read the articles, you would think that he had downs syndrome or something.
    I suspected that. Trying to play the special-needs card too to make it seem worse.

  27. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    If he did something illegal, let law enforcement deal with it.
    Kid was unlucky, if this happened in Canada noone would ever know about it as criminal records of juveniles are sealed once the person turns 18. Also people under 18 are protected by publication bans.

  28. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Fukk this kid and Fukk the Bruins too.

    There is NO PLACE for Bullying ANYWHERE at ANY age!!!

    Kid from my home town was drafted by the Atlanta Braves as a pitcher. One year later he was caught and convicted of stealing $50 worth of goods. The Atlanta Braves terminated the relationship immediately. That's what the Bruins or any other sports organization should do also. The kid is a Rotten Apple. And I don't care if it "ruins his adulthood". There are CONSEQUENSES to your actions in life at any age.

    If this kid wants to play in the NHL then AT THE VERY LEAST they should make him do some community service.
    Bologne. The amount of people that have done horrible shit in their lives and not only gotten away with it but benefited from it.

  29. #169
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    If the victim that was bullied was white and the hockey player was black (or white) this would be a non story and he would be in the league.

    Extremely sad the double standard that has been set.
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  30. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Stop the bullshit. Watson did not sexually assault any of those hookers. They all got paid to jerk him off. Then got paid again in a money grab. You know it was bullshit but you have to reach this low to somehow justify what this kid did for many years to a special needs child.
    Learn to read you illiterate fukk….I was responding to Kingdom’s post that it hurts corporations bottom line which I called bullshit on in the NFL. You have Watson, Hunt, mixon, kamara…the list goes on an on and they are still playing. Would it have made a difference if one of Watson’s accusers was mentally challenged? Watson is a piece of shit and I hope he has a career ending injury when he plays again….karma is a motherfukker
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  31. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by StackinGreen View Post
    This thread was ridiculous. The black posters are the richest with their nonsense, for example the Watson stuff I agree with it mostly being a sham, but "blacks as a group" (they promote that I don't) have been doing the victim stuff for so many years then act all surprised when similar political nonsense (me too) comes up and does the same stuff they benefited from (lies) all those years?

    Cry me a river
    It is why they will never get respect. All races figure it out except for them. I work with all Jamaicans and they do not want to be associated with the Black Americans
    Last edited by Booya711; 11-08-22 at 05:16 PM.

  32. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    It sure isn’t hurting the NFL…the highest paid QB sexually assaulted over 20 women. He was not 14 when this happened
    i kinda said any league would survive without any player. work on your reading comprehension little dlo. you are always on this jan 6th side as he is weirdo. talent matters in these situations. the rams had a d line man that killed someone in his second dui years back. like i said this has a lot to do with the city of boston and their history. why take an avg guy that increases drama. you are dumber than you seem.

  33. #173
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    kermit, dlow, packerd, and booya in this thread. hit dogs will holler lol. white guys got it so bad. life is unfair...sad

  34. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    Now I read that the black kid didn't have any any mental or physical handicaps. He had mild ADHD when he was younger.

    When you read the articles, you would think that he had downs syndrome or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    I suspected that. Trying to play the special-needs card too to make it seem worse.
    Incredible. Exaggerated issues of the black kid. I can't even anymore. Pathetic. Did this all start because of the "minority" issue with the NHL weeks ago?? Need to hire more minorities?? Then Cam Neely decided oh sh##... this kid we drafted or whatever... this story will surface about his conduct at age 14. lol It's just totally stupid.

    Can half of you people think about what you did at 13-14?? HELLO!!!!! You never threw a rock at someone's window? Never played a prank on any of your classmates?? Give me a fukking break. Cam Neely is the biggest coward ever. Let's dig up things on what Neely did at age 14. I promise you... you'd find a lot.

  35. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Incredible. Exaggerated issues of the black kid. I can't even anymore. Pathetic. Did this all start because of the "minority" issue with the NHL weeks ago?? Need to hire more minorities?? Then Cam Neely decided oh sh##... this kid we drafted or whatever... this story will surface about his conduct at age 14. lol It's just totally stupid.

    Can half of you people think about what you did at 13-14?? HELLO!!!!! You never threw a rock at someone's window? Never played a prank on any of your classmates?? Give me a fukking break. Cam Neely is the biggest coward ever. Let's dig up things on what Neely did at age 14. I promise you... you'd find a lot.
    ur blamingg wrong guy it was the commish bettman who said he wasnt elgible boston cant sign him

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