1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    I'm surprised a Dem backer didn't punch out that lady.

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Who the fuk likes Hilary, Not Me
    It's Hillary or Trump... so a choice must be made one way or the other. Hillary is a known evil. I think Trump is a moron, but he's still the lesser evil of the two choices.

  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    It's Hillary or Trump... so a choice must be made one way or the other. Hillary is a known evil. I think Trump is a moron, but he's still the lesser evil of the two choices.
    The lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Somebody said that.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    The lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Somebody said that.
    That's true. I'm not going to waste my vote on a write in candidate so they can lose by 50 million votes though.

  5. #145
    The Kraken
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    Seems like the Bernie crowd does a better job of condemning violence than the Trump crowd

    Any time one of these videos comes out, the liberal response is pretty strong and opposed

    The same can not be said for the conservative crowd when a Trump supporter hits a black female

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post

    what a piece of shit this orangutan

  7. #147
    Am i serious? Are you serious?
    ACoochy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Seems like the Bernie crowd does a better job of condemning violence than the Trump crowd

    Any time one of these videos comes out, the liberal response is pretty strong and opposed

    The same can not be said for the conservative crowd when a Trump supporter hits a black female

  8. #148
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    lol condemn it, except Bernie supporters organize the attacks.

  9. #149
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    Not to mention that the only way a black women is getting struck by a white man in 2016 is if they are screaming in his face first.

    You people don't think Trump supporters are going out looking for fights, do you? Are you that stupid?

    Bernie supporter attacks are ALWAYS first, Trump supporter "attacks" are always in response or clearly self defense.

    The tell tale sign that the Bernie camp is filled with outrageous stupidity is that they can't even acknowledge that these people who go to rallies just to scream at Trump supporters are in the wrong.

    Guess what, this is America, Trump and his supporters have the right to rally. Go hold your penetrating rally in another part of town.

  10. #150
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    Situation 1: Bernie hosts a rally. No one crashes it, no fights break out.

    Situation 2: Trump hosts a rally. Bernie supporters crash it, start fights, fight breaks out between both.

    Shitliberal: Well, gee, can't those Trump supporters stop the violence?

    Jesus penetrating Christ. Kill yourselves guys.
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  11. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post

    what a piece of shit this orangutan
    King... are you even legal to vote pal?

    Probably not.

  12. #152
    jtoler's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    Not to mention that the only way a black women is getting struck by a white man in 2016 is if they are screaming in his face first.

    You people don't think Trump supporters are going out looking for fights, do you? Are you that stupid?

    Bernie supporter attacks are ALWAYS first, Trump supporter "attacks" are always in response or clearly self defense.

    The tell tale sign that the Bernie camp is filled with outrageous stupidity is that they can't even acknowledge that these people who go to rallies just to scream at Trump supporters are in the wrong.

    Guess what, this is America, Trump and his supporters have the right to rally. Go hold your penetrating rally in another part of town.
    What if unbeknownst to you Donald wants riots, wants fighting, and chaos. Donald has never once told his supporters denounced what goes on at his rallies, that should tell you something, any normal person who has a voice and in the position he's in right now would have spoke on such at his rallies, urging his supporters to not engage and to keep the peace. Donald has done no such thing.

  13. #153
    King Mayan
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    Chicken legs not my fault you have shitty business skills and your shit business when down the toilet

  14. #154
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    Situation 1: Bernie hosts a rally. No one crashes it, no fights break out.

    Situation 2: Trump hosts a rally. Bernie supporters crash it, start fights, fight breaks out between both.

    Shitliberal: Well, gee, can't those Trump supporters stop the violence?

    Jesus penetrating Christ. Kill yourselves guys.
    and they usually throw in "racist" a few times.

    No wonder the term "liberalism is a mental disorder" even came about.

  15. #155
    khicks26's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    Not to mention that the only way a black women is getting struck by a white man in 2016 is if they are screaming in his face first.

    You people don't think Trump supporters are going out looking for fights, do you? Are you that stupid?

    Bernie supporter attacks are ALWAYS first, Trump supporter "attacks" are always in response or clearly self defense.

    The tell tale sign that the Bernie camp is filled with outrageous stupidity is that they can't even acknowledge that these people who go to rallies just to scream at Trump supporters are in the wrong.

    Guess what, this is America, Trump and his supporters have the right to rally. Go hold your penetrating rally in another part of town.
    Why are Trump rallies the only ones that get violent. Could it be something he said? Something intolerant.

    “The so-called paradox of freedom is the argument that freedom in the sense of absence of any constraining control must lead to very great restraint, since it makes the bully free to enslave the meek. The idea is, in a slightly different form, and with very different tendency, clearly expressed in Plato.

    Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.”

    Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies

  16. #156
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    and they usually throw in "racist" a few times.

    No wonder the term "liberalism is a mental disorder" even came about.
    Coming from a guy that condones a candidate that wants to bomb Canada

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Why are Trump rallies the only ones that get violent. Could it be something he said? Something intolerant.
    So they're asking for it?

  18. #158

  19. #159
    chico2663's Avatar SBR PRO
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    the result of the republican party not working with the left is the rise of trump. cruz reading green eggs and ham. mcconnell being an asshole equals the rise of trump. paul ryan who collected social security survivor benefits all thru college but calls them benefits leads to the rise of trump. I'm not thrilled with either candidate and comrade sanders needs to go back to russia. But anyone that thinks giving japan and korea their own nukes is an idiot.

  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    and they usually throw in "racist" a few times.

    No wonder the term "liberalism is a mental disorder" even came about.

    Two militant black lives matter Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a peaceful talk just to assault the speaker several times and blow a whistle so that he can't continue his talk. It doesn't even matter to the Bernie Sanders black lives militant thugs that they're shutting down a minority that has been more recently abused and denied rights here in America. Nothing matters to liberal retards.

    Yep. That's the liberal world we live in though. The left shout down the right until the right can no longer utter a word. If you're a liberal in 2016, you're not smart. If you don't think like the left, you are not allowed to your opinion.

  21. #161
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    Watch 0:55 of that video and tell me that liberal Bernie Sanders supporters aren't the problem with violence. These thugs look like militant black panthers and they're not Trump supporters, I'll tell you that.

    I'm sure the irony is lost on her that she's screaming "What you got to say? Say it!" in the guy's face as she interrupts his talk, where he was literally saying what he had to say for people who paid to hear him speak.

  22. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    Watch 0:55 of that video and tell me that liberal Bernie Sanders supporters aren't the problem with violence. These thugs look like militant black panthers and they're not Trump supporters, I'll tell you that.

    I'm sure the irony is lost on her that she's screaming "What you got to say? Say it!" in the guy's face as she interrupts his talk, where he was literally saying what he had to say for people who paid to hear him speak.
    don't you realize soros is supporting this. don't know his end game but it is his money paying for it.I would of said it is because he isn't in the club but he just hired a soros employee to run his finance campaign. he just got bought!

  23. #163
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    see that is what happens when you are afraid. if those people would of whipped their asses. people will only go as far a you let them!

  24. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    the result of the republican party not working with the left is the rise of trump.
    Gee, you mean the left that's mandating "transgender" bathrooms in every high school in the US - and army bases too?

    I wonder fukkin why.

  25. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    see that is what happens when you are afraid. if those people would of whipped their asses. people will only go as far a you let them!
    If you punch a minority that deserves it, you are the bad guy in this country.

    They know it too. They know that they can shit on people in broad daylight and no one can touch them without being seen as the enemy.

  26. #166
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  27. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    If you punch a minority that deserves it, you are the bad guy in this country.

    They know it too. They know that they can shit on people in broad daylight and no one can touch them without being seen as the enemy.
    well than it is a good thing i'm a minority. i agree with you on the transgender shit but mcconnell started it by saying that he would make it his mission that obama would be a 1 term president. guess how that worked. The republican party did it by gerrymandering the districts. What they didn't plan on was the tea baggers taking over. funny thing is that some of these tea baggers are getting farm subsidies but will bitch about social security and welfare. fla senator who went to school at elder.(i did business with his father and uncle) said to drug test welfare people but got caught doing drugs.newt and his group tried to get clinton with monica and the four got exposed for extra material affairs or child molestation. trump brings up clinton and women when he got marla pregnant while married to his wife.we have spent millions on benghazi but trey gowdy admitted they couldn't of got there in time. don't believe me check snopes out. carl rove talks about emails when he trashed 2.5 million emails including some about 9-11. the list could go on

  28. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    the result of the republican party not working with the left is the rise of trump. cruz reading green eggs and ham. mcconnell being an asshole equals the rise of trump. paul ryan who collected social security survivor benefits all thru college but calls them benefits leads to the rise of trump. I'm not thrilled with either candidate and comrade sanders needs to go back to russia. But anyone that thinks giving japan and korea their own nukes is an idiot.
    completely false. Not even close to reality.

  29. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    What if unbeknownst to you Donald wants riots, wants fighting, and chaos. Donald has never once told his supporters denounced what goes on at his rallies, that should tell you something, any normal person who has a voice and in the position he's in right now would have spoke on such at his rallies, urging his supporters to not engage and to keep the peace. Donald has done no such thing.
    oohh the desperation is so thick with this post haha

  30. #170
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Desperation a great word

    It is what Dems feel now

  31. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post

    Two militant black lives matter Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a peaceful talk just to assault the speaker several times and blow a whistle so that he can't continue his talk. It doesn't even matter to the Bernie Sanders black lives militant thugs that they're shutting down a minority that has been more recently abused and denied rights here in America. Nothing matters to liberal retards.

    Yep. That's the liberal world we live in though. The left shout down the right until the right can no longer utter a word. If you're a liberal in 2016, you're not smart. If you don't think like the left, you are not allowed to your opinion.
    Its so fake why cant you see that.

  32. #172
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    look who always starts all the trouble anywhere

    not whites

  33. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post
    Situation 1: Bernie hosts a rally. No one crashes it, no fights break out.

    Situation 2: Trump hosts a rally. Bernie supporters crash it, start fights, fight breaks out between both.

    Shitliberal: Well, gee, can't those Trump supporters stop the violence?

    Jesus penetrating Christ. Kill yourselves guys.

    They can't help it . It's in their DNA.

  34. #174
    khicks26's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by JArrieta49 View Post

    Two militant black lives matter Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a peaceful talk just to assault the speaker several times and blow a whistle so that he can't continue his talk. It doesn't even matter to the Bernie Sanders black lives militant thugs that they're shutting down a minority that has been more recently abused and denied rights here in America. Nothing matters to liberal retards.

    Yep. That's the liberal world we live in though. The left shout down the right until the right can no longer utter a word. If you're a liberal in 2016, you're not smart. If you don't think like the left, you are not allowed to your opinion.
    When did the right start supporting Gay Rights. LOL

    Looks like a piss poor attempt by the right to appeal to millennials.

    What a joke this Milo clown is.

  35. #175
    khicks26's Avatar SBR PRO
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    This Milo Clown is a fuking sellout. Works for the man.

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