1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post

    You either get buried in the earth or go up in smoke.

    I'm not talking about the body or your physical presence

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR88 View Post
    I'm not talking about the body or your physical presence
    well that's all that remains
    sorry to spoil your fantasies

  3. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveRyan View Post
    That's awesome! I like the way you think man.

    What's been makin me think lately is trying to comprehend the size of our galaxy.

    For example: Traveling at the speed of light, it would take 26,000 years to go from Earth to the center of the Milky Way.

    Speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.

    26,000 years????????

    You gotta be fukin kiddin me?????

    And that's just to the center of our galaxy.

    Nearest Galaxy is Andromeda. 2,000,000 years away traveling at the speed of light.

    No wonder we ain't met any aliens. Their just too damn far away.
    I have got a good one for you.

    The Milky Way and Andromeda are actually getting closer together and it is projected that they will actually 'collide' and merge into one super galaxy. During that process, the two centres of the galaxies will go through a dance and revolve around each other until they eventually merge. Stars will be scattered over 100s of thousands of light years until they are eventually drawn in by gravity. The whole process will take around 1.2 billion years.

    Despite that there is about a 50/50 chance that not a single star will be destroyed by colliding with another star, such are the distances between them.

    Last edited by FourLengthsClear; 12-29-11 at 02:39 AM.

  4. #144
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    If you want to meet Aliens, youd better find a wormhole or meet aliens that came through some kind of wormhole because otherwise it pretty much aint happening.

    Wormhole = a Place in space where it is "bent" and two distant points in space somehow connect.

    Noone knows if it is even possible to safely travel through one of these wormholes safely though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by warriorfan707 View Post
    If you want to meet Aliens, youd better find a wormhole or meet aliens that came through some kind of wormhole because otherwise it pretty much aint happening.

    Wormhole = a Place in space where it is "bent" and two distant points in space somehow connect.

    Noone knows if it is even possible to safely travel through one of these wormholes safely though.
    thanks for that

    hey look, you go first and let us know if you get through and make contact. ok?

  6. #146
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    Andelay Andelay Andelay Hareeba

  7. #147
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    Big Bang theory. So basically saying there was nothing and then some weird Big Bang happened and the Universe was born, hard to believe that theory
    Last edited by TR88; 12-29-11 at 04:14 AM.

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR88 View Post
    Big Bang theory. So basically saying there was nothing and then some weird Big Bang happened and the Universe was born, hard to believe that theory

    surely before there was anything there must have been nothing?

    but please don't ask me to explain how something can emerge from nothing

  9. #149
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  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by warriorfan707 View Post
    Absolute nothingness is a bizarre thing to try to grasp.
    You've already enjoyed 15 billion years of it how could it be hard to grasp? The intelligence in ppls minds doesn't like to accept the fact that its temporary, there must be some unseen supernatural being just waiting for me to die to reveal itself to me, trust me if a being wanted ur company that much he woulda just made u in heaven or wherever, there is nothing spiritual about getting on top of some whore and fertilizing her eggs, nothing spiritual when u do it nothing spiritual when a dog does it, it has nothing to do with god and everything to do with an animal wantin to bust a nut, hell think about all the ppl uve killed just by jerking off if ur sperm is so spiritual, ur *** rag contains an entire civilization u just wiped out
    Last edited by bettilimbroke999; 12-29-11 at 07:41 AM.

  11. #151
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    Take a grain of sand, or a grain of salt. Place it in the palm of your hand, and really fixate on it. Look at how tiny it is.

    Earth is that grain of sand/salt. You live within it. That is how huge the universe is, as we know it. Now try to wrap your mind around what we don't know.

  12. #152
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    the "big bang" was just one in a series of "big bangs"-maybe---saw it on tv, must be true-seems reasonable

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR88 View Post
    Big Bang theory. So basically saying there was nothing and then some weird Big Bang happened and the Universe was born, hard to believe that theory
    We are back to that word again. The best description of nothing would be along the lines of:
    "An area of reality which is empty of matter and energy and can not be defined in spatial and temporal terms"

    A complete vacuum is not nothing, it is definable and we know that quantum particles are formed in what is otherwise empty space. As such we cannot find or see nothing in what we call the observable universe i.e. the volume of space that has been filled by space/time since the 'big bang' 13.7 billion years ago.

    What is outside that? Is that nothing?
    Again we don't know. Our laws of physics cannot cope with 'something' that has no dimension, no forces and no energy.

    Similarly our law of physics can't explain what about about the singularity at the moment just before the 'big bang', we don't know if there was 'nothing' because we don't know what nothing is.

  14. #154
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    That's one hell of a pickle.

    It's impossible for something to come from nothing.

    Therefore, something must have always been there....which is also impossible.

  15. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveRyan View Post
    That's one hell of a pickle.

    It's impossible for something to come from nothing.

    Therefore, something must have always been there....which is also impossible.
    Is it though? Why should it be the case that their being nothing, as a starting point, is more logical than there always having been 'everything'?

  16. #156
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    Jesus was black so if he indeed exists than most of you are screwed for being racists. I am also racist but I've kissed a black girl before so I think I'm in the clear

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROFLcopter View Post
    Jesus was black so if he indeed exists than most of you are screwed for being racists. I am also racist but I've kissed a black girl before so I think I'm in the clear

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  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR88 View Post

    Very good question, let's say one is atheist or someone that don't believe in a higher power how do you explain this ?

    Let's say the first person on earth was born as an infant. How does that infant survive and grow up ?

    It's like a Bulldog being a (not so distant) relative to a wolf. It happens over generations. Mutations, defects etc. get passed down. A human baby didn't just pop up one day.

  20. #160
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    When I get to heaven I'll send down a message and a winner.

  21. #161
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    Not sure a-lot of near death experiences people have can be explained by science. Watched a special on the discovery or nat geo can't remmeber what one. Our brain can't except the fact its over, and chemicals are released to give people that 'peace' feeling. Could go into more detail but i don't remember them.

    I personally believe there is something,after we die. There are so many unanswered questions in this world, how it was created. Not talking the Earth, but the universe in general. Where did the material from the big bang come from, and how can nothing turn into something if nothing was there>?

    But i can't accept any of the religions we have, what-ever is out there. It is far too complex for the human brain, maybe some day we can get close to it but we will never reach it.

    The christian religion just has so many holes in it, its laughable. But all religions do, its not based on facts, or logic or pragmatic thinking its just accepting what is is. and i can't accept that.

    But i am not an i hate you religion type of person i respects peoples right to practice, it. there probably always be religion in this world, and it will continue to do damage.

    My whole family is religious but i just bite my lounge at family meals, over at relatives houses when the do prayers.

    After all the shit that went down in my life, and all the terrible things in the world. To think there is someone that can control it is something i just can't accept.

    A majority of the world lives in poverty. Kind of some sick joke if there is the Christian version of god. Also this whole Jesus business, why is it that he spent all of his time in a tiny portion of the Earth? If he really was the son of god, wouldn't he want to teleport all around the world? Or wouldn't he tell his folks, hey guys there is more then just tiny portion of land.

  23. #163
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    Good discussion so far guys,but I say we let this thread fade away for a while

    If we worry to much and every day about death, we are dying slowly everyday......let's enjoy life to the fullest and think positive and we die only ones.

    Good luck all

  24. #164
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    my wife spends my life insurance. my girlfriend tells my wife. my wife shoots my girlfriend and her family. i get tortured in hell for eternity with my girlfriend and her colombian family bitching at me having a wife

  25. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by wtt0315 View Post
    my wife spends my life insurance. my girlfriend tells my wife. my wife shoots my girlfriend and her family. i get tortured in hell for eternity with my girlfriend and her colombian family bitching at me having a wife

    Cracked me up.

    During the Korean War my grandpa had his calling. After the war he began to preach. He is now a retired Luthern Reverend and he has always told me that it gives the Lord the greatest pleasure when we let our free spirit guide our lives.

    I truly believe that there is no perfect path to the Lord but only through yourself in finding out what your own free spirit's path is.

    Some probably laugh but meditation helps me.

    GL and God bless

  26. #166
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    well I'm certainly not an expert but I have known about 16 people who are now "gone from this world" and in every case its different. sometimes people fight over the shit that the person used to own that is not "gone from this world" yet. I have seen a couple of occasions where people sit around and talk shit about the asshole who should have been "gone from this world" much sooner. Then there are the times when you think DAMN ANYBODY BUT THEM SHOULD BE "gone from this world" but it doesn't change anything.
    or you could just listen to some zealot who follows men who never have to really work coz they know what REALLY happens when you are "gone from this world" if it makes you feel better.

  27. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    oh dear!
    the old chicken or egg question
    No, it's not the chicken or the egg question. It's a question about how did the beings survive. Every single being but the first one started as an infant produced by sexual intercourse and completely dependent on their parents to take care of them. So did the very first life form start out as an infant like the others, or did it start as an adult? It's a serious question and every evolutionist I've talked to says "I don't know, Darwin explained it all."

    There was no purpose and no reason for life to begin, but one day, it just did. And in addition to beginning, it automatically was equipped with a means to reproduce itself. Believing in evolution without a creator is like believing that you can walk through the tropical forest and find a perfectly assembled SUV that formed without a designer from the chemicals in the rain forest. And gas stations popped up on their own also. It's absurd and completely impossible.
    Last edited by Albert Pujols; 12-30-11 at 03:42 AM.

  28. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Pujols View Post
    No, it's not the chicken or the egg question. It's a question about how did the beings survive. Every single being but the first one started as an infant produced by sexual intercourse and completely dependent on their parents to take care of them. So did the very first life form start out as an infant like the others, or did it start as an adult? It's a serious question and every evolutionist I've talked to says "I don't know, Darwin explained it all."

    There was no purpose and no reason for life to begin, but one day, it just did. And in addition to beginning, it automatically was equipped with a means to reproduce itself. Believing in evolution without a creator is like believing that you can walk through the tropical forest and find a perfectly assembled SUV that formed without a designer from the chemicals in the rain forest. And gas stations popped up on their own also. It's absurd and completely impossible.
    The first forms of life were single-celled orgamisms not apes or frogs. No sexual intercourse and no parents either.

    It may appear absurd that the 'chemicals' were arranged in such a way to produce such a thing but it is not impossible. It is the same principle as taking a taking several trillion monkeys and giving them a keyboard to enter random keystrokes. One of them WILL produce a readable novel, in English and with correct punctuation.

  29. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Pujols View Post
    No, it's not the chicken or the egg question. It's a question about how did the beings survive. Every single being but the first one started as an infant produced by sexual intercourse and completely dependent on their parents to take care of them. So did the very first life form start out as an infant like the others, or did it start as an adult? It's a serious question and every evolutionist I've talked to says "I don't know, Darwin explained it all."

    There was no purpose and no reason for life to begin, but one day, it just did. And in addition to beginning, it automatically was equipped with a means to reproduce itself. Believing in evolution without a creator is like believing that you can walk through the tropical forest and find a perfectly assembled SUV that formed without a designer from the chemicals in the rain forest. And gas stations popped up on their own also. It's absurd and completely impossible.
    So, because you can't wrap your head around it, the only logical explanation must be that an invisible man that lives in the sky must have put everything together. A mean, hateful, jealous man with very low self-esteem and obvious abandonment issues.
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    I heard if you die like this, you get a second shot. You get reincarnated.

  31. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by chilidog View Post
    So, because you can't wrap your head around it, the only logical explanation must be that an invisible man that lives in the sky must have put everything together. A mean, hateful, jealous man with very low self-esteem and obvious abandonment issues.
    If God is really just a being from another planet, this could be possible

  32. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Masu485 View Post
    If God is really just a being from another planet, this could be possible

  33. #173
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    time is just a measurement. most of us just cant fathom "forever" after or before- even if we wanted to consider it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Glitch View Post
    time is just a measurement. most of us just cant fathom "forever" after or before- even if we wanted to consider it
    sounds like you haven't been to the DMV lately.

  35. #175
    Albert Pujols
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    Quote Originally Posted by chilidog View Post
    So, because you can't wrap your head around it, the only logical explanation must be that an invisible man that lives in the sky must have put everything together. A mean, hateful, jealous man with very low self-esteem and obvious abandonment issues.
    The belief in a Creator, something supernatural and much bigger than this world, is the only belief that makes a bit of sense. It doesn't provide all the answers, but the existence of God is obvious.

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