1. #1
    harlee71's Avatar
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    SBR Pro's...And Nicky Santoro

    SBR has me conditioned like one of Pavlov's dogs.

    Click the Become a Pro link under a Non Pro's name and see what emotions you feel.

    I get all excited and a little nervous as the screen turns that light gray/blue color.

    But then I get the error message instead of what should happen when you see those colors.
    Last edited by harlee71; 03-12-11 at 07:55 AM.

  2. #2
    harlee71's Avatar
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    It's such a tease!

    Damn you SBR!

  3. #3
    Cap dat 4ss
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  4. #4
    Nicky Santoro
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    Harlee buddy, i swear i read your post 9 times and i still don't understand what the hell you are talking about.

    Harlee, you lost me at Pavlov's dog. who is pavlov?? is he a russian NHL hockey player?? You also lost me on the be a pro, or non pro stuff. what are you saying, harlee?? harlee, be honest, are you drinking right now?? harlee, for christ sakes, put that bottle down...it's only 9 am in the morning, go have a coffee instead.. no alcohol..

  5. #5
    harlee71's Avatar
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    Click the become a pro link under a non pro's name.

    You get the effect of SBR Trivia starting, but instead of the sweet words that start out each trivia session, you get an error msg instead of the start of trivia.

    It is such a tease!

  6. #6
    harlee71's Avatar
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    I have been drinking


  7. #7
    jjgold's Avatar
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    I do not understand third post

    It is one of the most bizarre I have ever read

  8. #8
    Nicky Santoro
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    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ok... i get it now.. i would have never figured this out in a million yrs... so you love trivia like me.. I hear you. man, i am addicted to this trivia, and i swear it's not only for the 50 pts or so.. it's the fukkin high.. when that blue and white box pops up, then i click begin.. then that clock starts to tick down, i get so high. i start reading the question, then look at the clock again, see i only have 7 secs left, it's awesome. then when i press one, and it says in BLUE,. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON 10 betpoints.. man does that excite me. then i press NEXT.. and the 50 pt one comes up, again i am on a high, and if i get it right, i love the CONGRATULATIONS again.. and when i get it wrong, i hate that SORRY, THAT IS INCORRECT.. i actually get mad and punch the desk. honest..

    You know, IF sbr had 24/7 trivia for even 1 pt each time, i swear i might do this 19 hrs a day and never gamble again. i love this game. the whole concept is amazing. it's addictive as hell. I get so happy when that box pops up. the game is so challenging and fun.

  9. #9
    harlee71's Avatar
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    I keep clicking the become a pro (under non pro's names) just to see the gray/blue screen and the white box. It make me nervous and excited at the same time!

  10. #10
    The Great Khali
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky Santoro View Post
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. ok... i get it now.. i would have never figured this out in a million yrs... so you love trivia like me.. I hear you. man, i am addicted to this trivia, and i swear it's not only for the 50 pts or so.. it's the fukkin high.. when that blue and white box pops up, then i click begin.. then that clock starts to tick down, i get so high. i start reading the question, then look at the clock again, see i only have 7 secs left, it's awesome. then when i press one, and it says in BLUE,. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON 10 betpoints.. man does that excite me. then i press NEXT.. and the 50 pt one comes up, again i am on a high, and if i get it right, i love the CONGRATULATIONS again.. and when i get it wrong, i hate that SORRY, THAT IS INCORRECT.. i actually get mad and punch the desk. honest..

    You know, IF sbr had 24/7 trivia for even 1 pt each time, i swear i might do this 19 hrs a day and never gamble again. i love this game. the whole concept is amazing. it's addictive as hell. I get so happy when that box pops up. the game is so challenging and fun.

  11. #11
    Housemoney's Avatar SBR PRO
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    You must have had too much to drink. It should give an error when you click "become a Pro" and you already are one.

  12. #12
    Long Live Rodney!
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    ill be pro next week and i wont have to associate with you commoners anymore.

  13. #13
    I have a MAJOR fukkin clue..
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    Quote Originally Posted by harlee71 View Post
    I keep clicking the become a pro (under non pro's names) just to see the gray/blue screen and the white box. It make me nervous and excited at the same time!
    I finally won 125 on trivia yesterday. Its the greatest accomplishment of my life!!

    Before yesterday, I would've said my daughter was the best thing that ever happpened to me. But lets be real here.....she pales to the 125 point Trivia Badge I better see soon!!!

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  14. #14
    harlee71's Avatar
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    Opie you are on restrictions, you still owe 147pts of your fine.

  15. #15
    I have a MAJOR fukkin clue..
    opie1988's Avatar
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    I'm not going to chit-chat with you anymore until you remove some of your badges from your signature.

    I find it very emasculating.

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  16. #16
    harlee71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Housemoney View Post
    You must have had too much to drink. It should give an error when you click "become a Pro" and you already are one.
    When I do it, my screen turns the color of trivia, which is the tease, then I get the error message.

    I got excited the first time when by accident clicked on the link.

  17. #17
    harlee71's Avatar
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    I am short a few badges actually. They should combine the badges into a shield of honor or something. I think that would be cool too.

  18. #18
    donkdown's Avatar
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    I got screwed at Trivia yesterday. My 125 pt ? was my easiest yet who was The Jets director of operations in 2001. Parcells the damn screen froze. So all Lou could do was send me a new batch of ?'s missed the last one..
