1. #1
    Eddy Munny
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    Did Johnny Vegas Resort to Attempted Robbery to Bail Himself Out of Debt?

    His incompetence in picking winners is only rivaled by his incompetence in crime...

    Also I like the Yankees tonight on the RL or whatever.

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  2. #2
    19th Hole
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
    His incompetence in picking winners is only rivaled by his incompetence in crime...

    Also I like the Yankees tonight on the RL or whatever.


    Great video.
    Thanks for the laugh.

  3. #3
    homie1975's Avatar SBR PRO
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    funny but staged. no way in the world that many people could stay that calm in that situation.

  4. #4
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    funny but staged. no way in the world that many people could stay that calm in that situation.
    I think it's real. The robber probably wasn't convincing enough. I'm not saying the patrons of the salon weren't scared, but there seemed to be an element of "is this guy serious?" What was he even pointing at them, a toaster cover?

    Plus the women were heavy set and hemmed in, it's not like they had a whole lot of options. Frozen in place was as good as any. Furthermore staged events can be uploaded to YouTube, sure, but they don't get reported on by news outlets.

  5. #5
    homie1975's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
    I think it's real. The robber probably wasn't convincing enough. I'm not saying the patrons of the salon weren't scared, but there seemed to be an element of "is this guy serious?" What was he even pointing at them, a toaster cover?

    Plus the women were heavy set and hemmed in, it's not like they had a whole lot of options. Frozen in place was as good as any. Furthermore staged events can be uploaded to YouTube, sure, but they don't get reported on by news outlets.
    Balloon Boy 2009?

    it has been a cascading event ever since.

  6. #6
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    Balloon Boy 2009?

    it has been a cascading event ever since.
    Staged events get reported on by news outlets all the time, but that's a whole nother topic... I meant more like these new age pranksters or social experiments, unless something goes horribly awry. I don't remember the details of Balloon Boy but that's neither here nor there.

    There's really no incentive for this to be staged. You think those middle aged women and that advanced age, Asian salon proprietor got together with some black dude and decided "Hey, lets fake a robbery where everyone is uncannily calm. Maybe it'll get picked up by a local news outlet."

    It would all come out in the wash once the authorities interviewed the attempted "victims" anyhow. It's all risk with no reward. Literally nothing about your scenario makes sense.

  7. #7
    johnnyvegas13's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Not me but I believe it is real

    I once was attempted robbed by a guy w no gun who said give me ur money

    I said no and then he asked me where I was from before he left lol

  8. #8
    Eddy Munny
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    Damn, Homie... You just got schooled by Johnny V. This is not a good look.

  9. #9
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
    Staged events get reported on by news outlets all the time, but that's a whole nother topic... I meant more like these new age pranksters or social experiments, unless something goes horribly awry. I don't remember the details of Balloon Boy but that's neither here nor there.

    There's really no incentive for this to be staged. You think those middle aged women and that advanced age, Asian salon proprietor got together with some black dude and decided "Hey, lets fake a robbery where everyone is uncannily calm. Maybe it'll get picked up by a local news outlet."

    It would all come out in the wash once the authorities interviewed the attempted "victims" anyhow. It's all risk with no reward. Literally nothing about your scenario makes sense.
    This is what I call a well crafted post.

  10. #10
    homie1975's Avatar SBR PRO
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    they got air time.
    mission accomplished.

  11. #11
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    they got air time.
    mission accomplished.
    You're right. They probably all selling autographed memorabilia on Ebay right now for top dollar.

    And since no one knows it was staged, that black guy who agreed to partake in the theater of the absurd now gets to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life and hope he doesn't do hard time in the county clink for acting like a robber. I'm sure the salon owner gave him a free trim for his efforts, so perhaps it's all worth it in the end.

  12. #12
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyvegas13 View Post
    Not me but I believe it is real

    I once was attempted robbed by a guy w no gun who said give me ur money

    I said no and then he asked me where I was from before he left lol
    Imagine being a robber showing up to work with no gun, and attempting to mug a man with no money.

    That's a rough day at the office.

  13. #13
    Headsterx's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I wanna know which poster is the Long Island serial killer. 😂

  14. #14
    bhoor's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Serial killers are usually victims of MKultra CIA program.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headsterx View Post
    I wanna know which poster is the Long Island serial killer. 
    That's a big story around these parts.
    That nut job lived across the Sound on what we call the South Shore of Long Island Sound.
    Babylon LI to be precise.

    My place is on the North Shore in Ct.
    Big story here.

    Check out face of this career loser.


  16. #16
    kyhawk's Avatar
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    I don't think they understood English. The vietnamese dominate that industry.

  17. #17
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyhawk View Post
    I don't think they understood English. The vietnamese dominate that industry.
    No, Homie1975 insists it was a theatrical production for fame and glory.

    That 70 year old Vietnamese man probably immigrated here many moons ago, hardly knowing a lick of English, and built his business from the ground up in a foreign land all as a front for his real dream... to have security footage of himself make the rounds on news stations.

    He can now check that off his bucket list.

  18. #18
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    You people don't know. You don't fukk with Vietnamese or Cambodians.

    Shit like this don't faze them. They've seen some real shit back home.

  19. #19
    Headsterx's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
    That's a big story around these parts.
    That nut job lived across the Sound on what we call the South Shore of Long Island Sound.
    Babylon LI to be precise.

    My place is on the North Shore in Ct.
    Big story here.

    Check out face of this career loser.

    Insert a receding hairline and it's a banned poster...

  20. #20
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    You people don't know. You don't fukk with Vietnamese or Cambodians.

    Shit like this don't faze them. They've seen some real shit back home.
    Exactly. People expect typical Western white girl reactions, just flailing and screeching for no reason. Plus, the perpetrator wasn't exactly the stuff of nightmares. If he was at a poker table, you'd call his bluff without blinking.

    "Everybody gimme everything!"

    Last edited by Eddy Munny; 07-15-23 at 11:28 AM.

  21. #21
    mjsuax13's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    You people don't know. You don't fukk with Vietnamese or Cambodians.

    Shit like this don't faze them. They've seen some real shit back home.

  22. #22
    mjsuax13's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Munny View Post
    His incompetence in picking winners is only rivaled by his incompetence in crime...

    Also I like the Yankees tonight on the RL or whatever.

    Jenny Vegas getting up and walking out

  23. #23
    Eddy Munny
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjsuax13 View Post
    Jenny Vegas getting up and walking out
    The squeak of the door right around the 0:41 is the perfect punctuation to this anticlimactic robbery attempt. He comes in yelling and pacing and yelling some more, realizes it just wasn't gonna be his day, and exits in the ultimate walk of shame as the swinging of the door highlights his feeble effort.... "eeek."

  24. #24
    shadymcgrady's Avatar
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    Johnny is a legend. I can see him sitting in the can with multiple mandatory sentences tacked on for several botched robbery attempts and yet all he's talking about in gen pop is the one successful theft of a handful of Snickers bar from a convenient store

  25. #25
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Show the gun or nobody will take you seriously. I could see this happening.

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