1. #36
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkHorseplayer View Post
    In the end, a handful of players will make millions, a bunch will make thousands and everyone else will make nothing; team chemistry will be gone. HS teams will have trouble finding kids who don't want to play QB.
    This was basically my point.

    In the NFL, if your QB is making 40 million a year and you are just a scrub on the bench making the league minimum, at least you are still making money and more well off than the common man.

  2. #37
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Athletes are much smarter than the general student population. Most athletes are much more disciplined. For every fukk up you hear about, there's dozens of guys who keep their noses clean. It's very dishonest to think that athletes are irresponsible, so let's not trust them with money. While everyone else is getting paid.
    Really? The litmus test is if you took away their athleticism today (lets say injury) in college and before making any money, would they still succeed more than their peers in college? I don't think so.

  3. #38
    Roger T. Bannon
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    These poor guys making all that money. It is just better if the coach gets it because they know what to do with it. Put it in the stock market.

    If the NCAA is worried about competition, they can just put in revenue sharing like the pros do. They don't give a damn.

  4. #39
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    All this does is help Saban recruit. Basically had his pick of the top talent, year in and year out. Now that just strengthens
    The program he built is a machine and just keeps getting stronger with these new rules

  5. #40
    Roger T. Bannon
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    I knew a college QB was worth $1 million. I had no idea he was worth $1 million in endorsements alone.

  6. #41
    jjgold's Avatar
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    Young will have to dish out cash to players to keep them happy

  7. #42

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