View Poll Results: The Delta Variant

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  • A legitimate concern

    48 40.68%
  • The powerful trying to keep control

    70 59.32%
  1. #876
    Demonata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    John 3:16

    King James Version

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 (KJV)

    The Name of Jesus: Salvation in That Name

    Are you going to answer my question or just post quotes?

  2. #877
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    So it would have been smarter to go in the capital even though we were told not to? You get dumber the more you talk.
    You were told NOT TO GO. What if you were told TO GO??? You would have went because you are a follower who cannot think for himself.

    I don't go to protest, riots, lootings, etc. I am not that motivated by Trump or Biden to give up my freedom. Not for those jerks. I don't have time for that.

  3. #878
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    You were told NOT TO GO. What if you were told TO GO??? You would have went because you are a follower who cannot think for himself.

    I don't go to protest, riots, lootings, etc. I am not that motivated by Trump or Biden to give up my freedom. Not for those jerks. I don't have time for that.
    Nope I would not have entered even told to go. It's called freedom of choice. You have to post a ton of times daily on sbr but no time to do anything else? Liberal logic.

  4. #879
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    Are you going to answer my question or just post quotes?
    I will speak to you in parables because the simple confounds you.

    You asked me about what religion? Why does it matter? Religion sees people as the enemy. Jesus saw sin as the enemy. Religion turns everything into an Us vs Them. Religion doesn't allow for an open discussion or dialogue. Religion thinks who's right and who's wrong. It's a product of self not God. Which is why religion starts wars. The more someone disagrees with you, the more upset and angry you get. That anger and pride ends up turning into persecution and eventually murder. True Christians never started a war. It never killed another person. Jesus didn't come to draw battle lines between people. He created battle lines between God and Satan. You are fighting the wrong enemy. Jesus loved people. All people. Even those that hung him on a cross.

  5. #880
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    Nope I would not have entered even told to go. It's called freedom of choice. You have to post a ton of times daily on sbr but no time to do anything else? Liberal logic.
    Hmmmm, you've said on several occasions that you "were told" what to do", on several issues as a Proud Boy. Something tells me that if you were told to go, you would have blindly followed. Of course, knowing what you know now, you wouldn't have went but prior to Jan 6th, I believe you would have went if you were told.

    I have time for what is important to me. It is not very important to me to protest social issues. The last place you will find me is at a march, rally, or protest. I really don't care that much about politics. It is important for me to gloat at SBR over Trump losing and you getting triggered that he lost in an open forum. I'm posting right now, while I'm working, trading stocks and cleaning the pool. I can multitask posting into most things. The moment you guys get over your loss, is the moment this thread will die. So many months later and you are still in denial. So funny.

  6. #881
    goduke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I will speak to you in parables because the simple confounds you.

    You asked me about what religion? Why does it matter? Religion sees people as the enemy. Jesus saw sin as the enemy. Religion turns everything into an Us vs Them. Religion doesn't allow for an open discussion or dialogue. Religion thinks who's right and who's wrong. It's a product of self not God. Which is why religion starts wars. The more someone disagrees with you, the more upset and angry you get. That anger and pride ends up turning into persecution and eventually murder. True Christians never started a war. It never killed another person. Jesus didn't come to draw battle lines between people. He created battle lines between God and Satan. You are fighting the wrong enemy. Jesus loved people. All people. Even those that hung him on a cross.
    Well said

  7. #882
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    People that believe that Jesus is the son of some god or our saviour are also the same people that believe vaccines have microchips or graphene, that 9/11 was an inside job, that Sandy Hook was a false flag, that vaccines kill more people than covid, etc...

    They're the most susceptible to be brainwashed because they're conditioned to it from a young age. Dont question anything, just believe. Faith like a child

    Imagine actually believing that crap. A majority here do

    Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post
    Well said

  8. #883
    Demonata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I will speak to you in parables because the simple confounds you.

    You asked me about what religion? Why does it matter? Religion sees people as the enemy. Jesus saw sin as the enemy. Religion turns everything into an Us vs Them. Religion doesn't allow for an open discussion or dialogue. Religion thinks who's right and who's wrong. It's a product of self not God. Which is why religion starts wars. The more someone disagrees with you, the more upset and angry you get. That anger and pride ends up turning into persecution and eventually murder. True Christians never started a war. It never killed another person. Jesus didn't come to draw battle lines between people. He created battle lines between God and Satan. You are fighting the wrong enemy. Jesus loved people. All people. Even those that hung him on a cross.
    So you are incapable of simply saying what religion you are? You only know how to spam random sentences? Let me know when you figure it out. Thanks

  9. #884
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    You atheists that believe we came from monkeys or aliens are weirdos.

  10. #885
    pay Bobby
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I will speak to you in parables because the simple confounds you.

    You asked me about what religion? Why does it matter? Religion sees people as the enemy. Jesus saw sin as the enemy. Religion turns everything into an Us vs Them. Religion doesn't allow for an open discussion or dialogue. Religion thinks who's right and who's wrong. It's a product of self not God. Which is why religion starts wars. The more someone disagrees with you, the more upset and angry you get. That anger and pride ends up turning into persecution and eventually murder. True Christians never started a war. It never killed another person. Jesus didn't come to draw battle lines between people. He created battle lines between God and Satan. You are fighting the wrong enemy. Jesus loved people. All people. Even those that hung him on a cross.
    Jesus doesn't love you

    he thinks you are a complete tool just like EVERYONE else here

    you are a mouth breather with no game your wife told me check her DMs

  11. #886
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Delta is a weaker variant then the OG variant.

    Can knock it out in a few days if reasonably healthy and if you are not obese and or a chronic smoker. No biggie..

  12. #887
    mjsuax13's Avatar Moderator
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    We have now moved on to Lamda.

  13. #888
    dlowilly's Avatar
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    Hey where is kraken?

    Still seeing loads of young otherwise healthy people needing lung transplants?

  14. #889
    Fishhead's Avatar
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    Good poll

    We are winning

  15. #890
    stake1's Avatar
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  16. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by stake1 View Post

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