1. #71
    contra spem spero
    cincinnatikid513's Avatar
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    wonder where they will put the donald trump library, not like that pos reads or anything

  2. #72
    Johnnythunder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fishhead View Post
    110% FRAUD and you guys are slamming Trump...............................UNBE LIEVABLE

    Exactly! What is he supposed to do, go peacefully after being cheated?

  3. #73
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    wonder where they will put the donald trump library, not like that pos reads or anything
    Most likely a strip club...

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I shouldn’t have said created BLM. He ramped their cause up. He basically ignored policing issues, created a divide with the NFL and NBA, who are predominantly black, made the anthem an issue, basically stoked racial tensions. He should have taken the high road and at least appear that he was open to listening to their concerns. As president, he could have calmed the nation if he was presidential but he stoked and egged on protest, which then turned violent and looting. This all happened on his watch and a calmer president most likely would not have let the country become so split. I think he loved the chaos.
    BLM couldnt care less about African Americans. Its a marxist organization with the intent of tearing down the country and starting over.

    Tim Scott for President 2024!

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Most wealthy people actually do not mind paying more taxes. They actually believe in helping the common man/good. Most also know that the tax law is setup to give them huge breaks. Many want those loopholes to be closed. Many wealthy people actually have good common sense and are not selfish pricks.
    Why should wealthy people pay more just because they make more? Because someone got educated, had drive, learned how to act (Hollywood), etc. we support our friends and family...I do not want to support uneducated broke dikks that have 40 kids just to have the government take care of them....

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnythunder View Post
    Exactly! What is he supposed to do, go peacefully after being cheated?
    gore and kerry did. not that any of this nonsense is real, just saying.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    Why should wealthy people pay more just because they make more? Because someone got educated, had drive, learned how to act (Hollywood), etc. we support our friends and family...I do not want to support uneducated broke dikks that have 40 kids just to have the government take care of them....
    Because many wealthy people understand gratitude and have compassion for the millions of people not as fortunate. They do not think of people as broke disks.


  8. #78
    shadymcgrady's Avatar
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    The Donald would fit in well here. If he's rly got any juice left in his brain he'd declassify all of these clips and air them as a reality tv program making millions in ad space

  9. #79
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    You sure?

    Antrim County Clerk came forward today, to announce a glitch with their voting machine software. 6000 votes were posted for Biden, when they were cast for President Trump. 47 other counties used the same software. Michigan will be recounted

  10. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Because many wealthy people understand gratitude and have compassion for the millions of people not as fortunate. They do not think of people as broke disks.

    I’m compassionate to people I know and trust....I’m not here to coddle and take care of the masses.

    Everyone has an opportunity to make something out of their life to not be unfortunate. My parents grew up in a damn trailer and had nothing but we didn’t rely on other people. I have no sympathy for beggars

  11. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    Yet they vote a president in that wants to tax everyone more making 400K or more....money can’t fix stupid
    Here’s another guy that had a lot to say about my Biden prediction. Start listening. I’m smart and most of you aren’t.


    President Vitterd

  12. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegades View Post
    BLM couldnt care less about African Americans. Its a marxist organization with the intent of tearing down the country and starting over.
    Tim Scott for President 2024!
    I have no clue what BLM wants nor do I really care. All I know is that Trump ramped up the rhetoric that caused all these fringe groups to expand.

  13. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    I have no clue what BLM wants nor do I really care. All I know is that Trump ramped up the rhetoric that caused all these fringe groups to expand.
    They started all their nonsense under Obama. Biggest rascist ever.

  14. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitterd View Post
    Here’s another guy that had a lot to say about my Biden prediction. Start listening. I’m smart and most of you aren’t.


    President Vitterd
    Good for you...You make $8 an hour at Walmart so you don’t have to
    worry about taxes anyway

  15. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    They started all their nonsense under Obama. Biggest rascist ever.
    Blacks just don’t get how Obama was the biggest race divider of all

  16. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    Good for you...You make $8 an hour at Walmart so you don’t have to
    worry about taxes anyway
    I make more in a week than you will for years. I’m smarter and better at life.....don’t ever go up against the king again....next time I won’t be so nice.

  17. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitterd View Post
    I make more in a week than you will for years. I’m smarter and better at life.....don’t ever go up against the king again....next time I won’t be so nice.
    You really are the biggest douchebag in the history of the internet. Congratulations.
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  18. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    You really are the biggest douchebag in the history of the internet. Congratulations.

  19. #89
    Big Dikk Energy
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    Vitterd just an angry black....blacks will always be inferior to whites...it’s just the way it is. All races can get along except for the black race. Time to get my water fountain back

  20. #90
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    Who won the election?

    Did you watch the election returns on Tuesday night? Did you stay up all night? At about midnight on the east coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by large margins. The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win. Then for some unexplainable reason, Wisc, Mich, Pa, NC, and NV all stopped counting votes simultaneously... in unison.... took a "pause" ... at around 1 AM. None of those states counted any additional votes for the next 3 hours. So what did they do for those 3 hours?

    Let me point out a couple of things:

    1. All of those 5 states have Democrat governors.

    2. Suddenly during the 3 hour shut down, in the dead of night when most people were sleeping, all those states found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump. 5 for 5. At midnight in Michigan, Trump was ahead by 5% (400 thousand votes) with 80% of the votes already counted. When the next 10% of votes of about 400,000 were counted from Wayne County (Detroit), then suddenly Biden caught Trump with 90% of the votes in. Biden made up 5% with 10% of the total vote. That means that all the votes (close to 100%) from Wayne went to Biden. That also means that practically all registered voters voted in Wayne County. Does anyone believe any of that is possible? The same thing happened in Madison, Wis, In Raleigh, NC, in Las Vegas, NV, and could be happening in Phil, Pa by Friday. So why did all those Democrat stronghold cities take a "pause" to report their votes?

    3. Not one pundit questioned why a shut down in counting votes happened in all those states simultaneously. Not one. Not even on FOX. Not one questioned how almost all of the newly counted votes in those battleground states went to Biden. Only NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those 5 states with Democrat governors with Trump ahead before the "pauses."

    4. Wisc is now reporting 3,239,920 votes cast when there are only 3,129,000 registered voters on record. More people voted than actually registered. When questioned, the Democrat Sec of State says there are 3.6 million registered voters from late registrations. Even if there are 3.6 million registered voters, that means that 90% of them voted when the average was 55 to 60% across the USA. How did almost all votes from Madison go for Biden? Almost 100% of registered voters, not just votes? Did ballot harvesting happen? How about in those other battleground states?

    4. CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS all refused to call the elections in Tx and Fla until almost all votes were counted, yet FOX called Az only 30 minutes after the polls closed with less than 50% of the votes. Arizona had a million outstanding votes in Republican Maricopa County with Biden ahead in the state by only 100,000 when Az was called for Biden.

    If you think that the media cartel was hard at work demonizing Trump for the last 4 years ... 94% negative Trump reports.... then it was in full swing last night at protecting those Democrat governors in the battleground states.

    Think about this for a moment: “resist” by Democrats from the first day that Trump was elected, recounts, no peaceful transition of power, impeachment, 3 years of false accusations about Trump colluding with Russia to affect the 2016 election, Mueller, Comey/Clapper/Brennan with the FISA requests and the Steele Dossier paid by Hillary Clinton, 22 FBI agents lost their jobs because of spying on Trump, riots/looting/violence, continued polls that proved to be wrong, $400 billion by Soros and Bloomberg for Biden, Wall Street 4<https://www.google.com/maps/search/W...gmail&source=g> to 1 in donations to Biden, lack of coverage about the Bidens' relationships with China/Russia/Ukraine/Burisma, and then Covid, covid, covid around the clock by the media ... with little mention of the record economic and international results by Trump.

    Covid became the reason for the unsolicited mail out of ballots by Democrat governors. Covid was used to scare voters and to distract them from Trump's accomplishments. Covid was used as the reason to shut down economies in Democrat-run states. Let's see what happens with Covid now that Democrats and the media no longer need it.

    So did those battleground states run by Democrats use ballot harvesting or any other types of election fraud? How did the vote tallies change so dramatically after those Democrat governors "paused" in their election counts in the dead of night? In all 5 Democrat-controlled battleground states? If the media, Democrats, and deep state could be in such collusion against Trump for 4 years, then how hard is it to question collusion in ballot counting last night by those Democrat governors?

    What gets lost with a Biden election? for starters: any investigation of Biden with Burisma and China, the Barr investigations, the Durham investigations, the investigations of deep state players, and Constitution integrity with DC as a state and with packing the Supreme Court. Democrats had lots on the line so they practiced “the end justifies the means” just as Alinsky instructed. They cheated and the media helped.

    Who won the election? Average working Americans lost. Election integrity lost. No matter who won, America got less great.

  21. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    I’m compassionate to people I know and trust....I’m not here to coddle and take care of the masses.
    Everyone has an opportunity to make something out of their life to not be unfortunate. My parents grew up in a damn trailer and had nothing but we didn’t rely on other people. I have no sympathy for beggars
    You haven’t made enough money yet. When you have generational wealth, you don’t care about money anymore. You learn that there’s more joy in giving than taking. You become more sympathetic for people less fortunate. Good people sometimes need help.

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