1. #36
    Frank Mills
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    I could beat him I think after watching that fight. Ol' Chuck couldn't even swing.

  2. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mackballs View Post
    Need at least a week's worth of jibby heavy bag footage to make a fair assessment.

    If I had to set a line I'd say Chuck -285 jibby +225
    Jibby has a 42 size waist but says 48’s are more comfortable

  3. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBfightlife View Post
    Lets see the pics of tuff Jibby? I've just seen him in a hammock working on a laptop..

  4. #39
    hostile takeover
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Nino View Post
    Jibby also thinks he's not a racist...
    People who bring race into a conversation for no reason generally are the true racists.

  5. #40
    jjgold's Avatar
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    Jibby one of toughest guys here

    I believe him

  6. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bert102 View Post
    Lol thread.. I was being honest though..
    I do think I could kick Chuck Liddel's ass at 50 years old today from what I saw.. No lie.. I move much better then him, can still bang and hit like a truck.. I out weigh him by 30 pounds also.. I've never been KO'd in my life.. No glass jaw here but it hasn't been tested in 15 years....

    Did get clocked and saw stars one time, but wasn't rocked and that happened in my early 30's sparring. Head kick. Felt like I got hit in the head with a baseball bat.. Only time I got KO'd was when I was drunk and slammed my head falling face first off stairs into cement. I was tripped too.. Wasn't sloppy drunk.. I lost that battle.. Worst concuss ever!!! I was fine until I got home that night. Room was spinning for hours and I was sober then also..

    Guys I run, I bike, and lift weights almost every day.. I've done that since I was 20 years old, no lie.. I drink protein shakes daily and eat perfect.. Truth.. Give me a million dollars I'd fight Chucky with a 6 week training camp no problem and I'd bet on myself.. Would have to be open catch weight as I'm a 240lb guy, might be able to cut to 230 but that's it...

    Just being honest.. I'm a lover today, got no more fight in me.. Peace and love from this big guy..
    I’d fight anyone for a mil, don’t really care if I win: I’m too dumb to just go down, id take a real ass whipping! I ain’t scared.

  7. #42
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
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    Jibs reaction to this thread..

    He wants to know why everyone is picking on him!

  8. #43
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    Even old retired fighters would be tough to beat. They weren't pro's for nothing. They have a mental approach that the average person doesn't have or should I say the guys that go and get into bar fights thinking they can fight don't have the mental approach an old pro has.

    Jibs unless you fought pro before at a high level that would be a tough assignment. Although I would bet on you to give you some confidence. One word of advice before you go in, don't let him extend his arms or legs, keep him close to you.

  9. #44
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    Where are the photos of JB?

  10. #45
    Sarmat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Where are the photos of JB?
    Jibbby looks like an adult version of Groot -very tall (at least 6'6"...extremely long limbs, good ground and pound)

    He has at least 12-14 inches, if not more, reach advantage on Chuck Liddell

    I'd would take Jibbby here at plus money all day!

  11. #46
    firekillex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarmat View Post
    Jibbby looks like an adult version of Groot -very tall (at least 6'6"...extremely long limbs, good ground and pound)

    He has at least 12-14 inches, if not more, reach advantage on Chuck Liddell

    I'd would take Jibbby here at plus money all day!

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangeFinder View Post
    Even old retired fighters would be tough to beat. They weren't pro's for nothing. They have a mental approach that the average person doesn't have or should I say the guys that go and get into bar fights thinking they can fight don't have the mental approach an old pro has.

    Jibs unless you fought pro before at a high level that would be a tough assignment. Although I would bet on you to give you some confidence. One word of advice before you go in, don't let him extend his arms or legs, keep him close to you.
    I was a really good boxer as a kid. All backyard. Started out saw one my boys all beat up and asked wtf happened, said he was at these apartments in the hood where they had boxing matches. I was like take me to this dude who lit you up, I gotta get a little revenge for my boy!! I’m was and always been a higher weight class as I been right around 250 most my life (well except when I got fat for a minute before going to prison and hitting the weights again!! ). So they gave me a bigger dude, but these were boxing matches in these little kitchen apartments, man I thrived in a phone both. I can take a punch and have a vicious right hand. Poor dude didn’t have a chance. I cover up and every time he left himself open for a counter I tagged him w straight right after straight right. Had blood flying all over the place, was so awesome, like 30-40 ppl crammed in these apartments w a PA system, it was cool as shit.. I went bout 7 weekends in a row just busting dudes up and started getting a nice following! after that took us to another hood spot against this big monster black cat (fought several of both, black, white, a Mexican). Anyways they said this dude was the champ of several the hoods., he had no interest in the kitchen fights tho, took it out to the basketball court (more like a ring), no problem w me I was pretty good in general, it was just a situation in those close quarters I wasn’t losing., out on the court this dude prob had 20-30 lbs on me, super long reach and a big ol moose head compared to me even! (Saying a lot as I got a big ol moose head myself!! Lol).. anyways he would just cover up w those big long arms then would uncork a huge right out of nowhere, I could see it coming but way he threw it was really hard to counter w anything but a left hook and that was my biggest weakness as my left was never more than a stiff strong jab for the most part., I beat on this cats body round after round for bout 6-7 rounds, just digging right hooks to the ribs (always loved Hopkins cause in his prime he just destroyed guys to the body!) always thought beating a mans body was one of the most awesome ways to take it to someone!! I’d get inside and dig those hooks to his ribs, he step back real quick and fire that huge right and I would slip it, if I had a better left hook I’d have been able to make him pay w counter left hooks after slipping the right. Went on this way for 6-7 rounds. Then the rooster_eater caught me w one those rights and put me on the ground, 1st time a punch knocked me out! Soon as I hit the ground I was awake and popped right back up, then was so pissed I attacked his body w vengeance!! Jabbed my way in between his d then more hooks to the body but just couldn’t get his head as he never dropped his hands to defend the body!! 2 more rounds and I put him down to 1 knee on another big body shot, wrapped it around a little like straight to kidneys!! Went to about 10th and he never landed another those heymakers, he retired saying his back hurt! I bet it did, I beat dudes body all night!! Pretty bias crowd as way more black than white and mf’ers tried to say he won which I’ll never get?? I was strong back then but nothing like the beast I became after prison and lifting every day., I never really devolped a strong left hook or I could have been really good I think., back then when I boxed I was 17-18-19 or so I wasn’t in best shape, was doing more drugs and not much lifting. once I got out of prison and did w cycle I got to where I was benching 365 3-4x and was a flat out monster,, then I met my current old lady and ya know how that goes. Happy and content, 3-4 years ago at 36-37 I was in best shape of my life but ya know how it goes, get lazy and out of gym, now I doubt I could push more than 275 a few times. At 40 I just can’t go to work than get motivated to go to gym after. Work slowing down was thinking of getting a cycle of test and getting back in beast mode, don’t really need the test but man it just so fun!!! Lol...

    I’m old school. I’ll always like boxing over mma.. I don’t even like being on the ground as I like to punch., I can typically hold my own on ground cause I understand leverage and am strong enough to be ok but ultimately I wanna be on my feet!! The advantage of being big is most the time guys don’t think it a good idea to wanna get on ground w me even tho that the way to have a chance vs me. I’ve always prided myself on knowing my strengths and have lots of ways to keep it as a stand up fight.. what I truly hate the worst is smaller guys who have a healthy/reasonable fear and dont wanna get hit., I’ve always preferred fighting bigger guys who think they tough, they lost before the fight began., this was much easier before I got to be huge, when I was a bit chunky it was way easier when fighting some think he a bad ass, nobody easier to knock out than a guy who underestimates ya!!

    Holy crap this turned into a long post. I used to love to fight!! In no means saying I’m some bad ass. I’ve had my ass kicked more than a few times. I can proudly say nobody has ever fought me and walked away Feeling good bout it!! it all comes down to want to/heart, and resolve. Never fought anyone who walked away thinking “we should try that again” !!!! All comes down to

  13. #48
    19th Hole
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    Which one's Jibby??

    Were Jibby and Ikidtogrovel joined at birth, I can't separate them.
    Other than Jibby can usually spell.

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