1. #36
    ikid2groove415's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ans61201 View Post
    Usually don't go at you because I'm not convinced you're mentally all there, but not sure you understand what you're watching or saying half of the time
    I auctually didn’t even bet this game ? You dumb rooster-sucker - sweet avatar you got fruit - get on my level
    On gambling rook -

  2. #37
    ans61201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ikid2groove415 View Post
    I auctually didn’t even bet this game ? You dumb rooster-sucker - sweet avatar you got fruit - get on my level
    On gambling rook -
    I am not the only one who imagines you smoking 3 packs a day, in a wheel chair in some beat up town, with a breathing tube in the nose soaking wet 110 pounds 😂😭 the other stuff is laughable and doesn't need much reply.

    But yeah seem awfully involved for someone "who didn't bet the game" I imagine your comment would be a little different with the score reversed lol

  3. #38
    On to the next one...
    JayLA's Avatar
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    Click clack

  4. #39
    MrSink's Avatar
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    easy. congrats
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  5. #40
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    About time, but most JV teams can hang a 131 burger on the Suns, but nice win never the less.

  6. #41
    jjgold's Avatar
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    a win is a win

  7. #42
    consensusontap's Avatar
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    Nice work

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