1. #1
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    Taylor Swift Somehow Gets On The Cover Of Time Magazine's Cover About #MeToo.

    Which idiot in the offices of Time Magazine thought it was a good idea to bring in this PopTart? Talk about cutting the legs out from under what would otherwise be an important movement. It's like when BLM started and suddenly mobs were shutting down highways, invading restaurants, marching through college campus libraries. What sensible person didn't immediately say GTFOH! I wanted to care, but now I don't.

    Who the heck is running these political movements? Does anyone really think Taylor Swift is a victim of anything real terrible. Or that Al Franken should step down because he tried to make out with some gals over a 40 year career? Enough of this crap. Men are pigs--get over it!

    My seeing that Mean Girl, Uber-twat Swift staring me down from the cover of Time magazine makes me want to puke.

  2. #2
    Sam Odom
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    dont like her really but would grab her by the pussy

  3. #3
    Most Well Rounded POY
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    Should have had auto donk on the cover

  4. #4
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    And they wonder why magazines are failing. T-Swift on the cover of Time, and AutoDonk photo-shopped out of the cover of Sports Illustrated. Double travesty!!
