1. #1
    Go Navy.....Beat Army!!!
    mpaschal34's Avatar SBR PRO
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    USCphilly asked me to post this...I'm sure my phone will probably screw it up.

  2. #2
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    sam9ball's Avatar
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    Is he in attendance?

  3. #3
    Go Navy.....Beat Army!!!
    mpaschal34's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Figures....my phone is a fail.

    anyone want to pm me their phone #, I'll text it over to you and you repost.

  4. #4
    dlowilly's Avatar
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    Another burial under way? Unless it's a pic taken from first class seating point of view of Manziel wearing it around his neck in coach we don't care what the Tico in charge of name tags cooked up for the $20 you gave him
