1. #1
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    If You're Rooting Against Billy Walters, You Just Might Be A Hater

    People will say his exploits are urban legend. JJ will say he made his money elsewhere and was never a great gambler. Others will say he's a crook. But let's face it--he's the gambler every poster on here wants to be. To root against him is nothing more than self loathing. I, for one, do not want to see the Feds take him down. Go, Billy, Go!!!!

  2. #2
    Those who stay.. will be Champions!
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    eidolon's Avatar
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    Why would i want to be him? he is going to jail.
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  5. #5
    grease lightnin
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    I did notice a lot of hate going his way...

  6. #6
    jjgold's Avatar
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    I say big fines

  7. #7
    Ralphie Halves
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    People love success but hate successful people. C'est la vie.

  8. #8
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar
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    Feds always look for the one dude that's unconventional, having a great life, and making the most of it. That would be Walters. They always go after the dude... that made it look easy.

    Just wasted.... and I mean WASTED attorney fees. Pile of money set a blaze. Unreal.

  9. #9
    jjgold's Avatar
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    he has made money in lots of shady things

    never got caught

    Sportsbettting was a front

  10. #10
    agendaman's Avatar SBR PRO
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    exactly jj feds know that too

  11. #11
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    JJ, the guy owns car dealerships, golf courses, stakes in many businesses (big and small), and plenty of real estate. But years ago when he came to Vegas as a rube from Kentucky he didn't have a pot to piss in. His only skill was that he knew how to gamble, play cards, golf, and shoot pool. He parlayed that into building an empire. A real empire, not some make-believe one like a Brandon Lang or Steve Stevens. Billy Walters is a living legend and no card-carrying degenerate should root against him.
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  12. #12
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    he has made money in lots of shady things

    never got caught

    Sportsbettting was a front

    Well sports wagering is the worst front you could have to cover anything up. In fact, I think that's why the Feds pried into him more. Who cares if he did it all in Nevada etc. They were probably looking at tax evasion #1..... and then that led up to other unique deposits... and the Feds looked closely into what he was doing. My guess is.... if he wasn't into sports wagering... it would of been swept under the rug possibly forever.

  13. #13
    BuckyOne's Avatar SBR PRO
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    If you are going to swim with the sharks - you better not bleed! BW got to where he got by being ruthless! If greed overcame good sense and other people got hurt because of it - that's the breaks. The stock market is the biggest, crookedest, form of gambling known to mankind. Oh - put commodities and the rest of the supposed financial crap in there with gambling as well. It is subjective prosecution - do you think they reprimand and punish 1 out of 100 people guilty of this crime?

  14. #14
    texhooper's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    People love success but hate successful people. C'est la vie.
    this is true.

    gamblers in particular all think they're better than everyone else in the game and try to tear down anyone with any success. you see it around here all the time.

  15. #15
    jtoler's Avatar
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    Never had anything against him but how is someone a hater if he's guilty and one doesnt like what he did.

  16. #16
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    has anybody mentioned the insider trading? if it's true he probably got too greedy

  17. #17
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    People love success but hate successful people. C'est la vie.
    not true, i hate all people equally. i prefer dogs...

  18. #18
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    not true, i hate all people equally. i prefer dogs...
    No, you clearly prefer to attack and lie about successful people, this much is obvious.

  19. #19
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    Billy W is known as being pretty damn lucky. He will skate.

  20. #20
    Ralphie Halves
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Feds always look for the one dude that's unconventional, having a great life, and making the most of it. That would be Walters. They always go after the dude... that made it look easy.

    Just wasted.... and I mean WASTED attorney fees. Pile of money set a blaze. Unreal.
    He's 3-0 against the Feds. That's probably the main reason. They don't like being embarrassed like that, repeatedly.

  21. #21
    mikejamm's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    He's 3-0 against the Feds. That's probably the main reason. They don't like being embarrassed like that, repeatedly.

    Exactly! And I hope he beats those fuk'ers again! Asshole feds, like Harry said, dude is a self made man, used what skills he had to gain the best advantage, nothing wrong with that. The fact of the matter is, he got his information somewhere, especially the stock tips he gave Mickelson. Wall street and government fuks want him taken down, because he beat them at their own rigged bullshit system.

    "A rube from Kentucky", is right Harry, but one hell of a making money genius and the greatest Vegas degenerate of all time. I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat, any of you fuk's would! Give 'em hell Billy!

  22. #22
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    His action alone moved all the lines in vegas


  23. #23
    agendaman's Avatar SBR PRO
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    watch the great cnbc show American greed
