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    Good Footage In Here From Chicago Trump Rally..Unreal What Turmoil He Is Causing

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    12:00 Classic

    White Mother fukker did not black down to thug

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    Trump is dividing the country. Leaders unite people.
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  4. #4
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    American pigs

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    Lakerboy he is dividing lazy America which is ok and people that do not belong in USA

    We do not need them

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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Lakerboy he is dividing lazy America which is ok and people that do not belong in USA

    We do not need them
    So all whites are hard working? Lol.

  7. #7
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    No 70% white college kids are punks we do no not them either

    Lakerman the WALL is coming

  8. #8
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Watching these Rallies is almost like watching WWE events now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Watching these Rallies is almost like watching WWE events now.
    Yes they are good shit

    must watch

    Trump making networks tons of money

  10. #10
    It's not what they bring...
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    Russian Rocket
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    12:00 Classic

    White Mother fukker did not black down to thug

    quick reaction by the white nerd

  12. #12
    smoke a bowl
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Trump is dividing the country. Leaders unite people.
    The count has been dividing for the last 8 years unfortunately.

  13. #13
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    Russian Rocket For Pres Of The USA 2016

  14. #14
    King Mayan
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    broke ass inbreds fighting for a narcissistic billionaire...

    America is truly fukked..
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    King Tut I am personally going to throw you over the fukkin wall when BUILT

    Good Luck PAL!!
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  16. #16
    Russian Rocket
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    King who are you voting for this year, vato?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    So all whites are hard working? Lol.
    No but the majority of them work so you, Wizzle and the Blacks don't have to. You have had your 8 years of nothing with Obama. Trump 2016. Get all the illegals the fuk out too

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    Quote Originally Posted by Russian Rocket View Post
    King who are you voting for this year, vato?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    King Tut I am personally going to throw you over the fukkin wall when BUILT

    Good Luck PAL!!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    King Tut I am personally going to throw you over the fukkin wall when BUILT

    Good Luck PAL!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GT21Megatron View Post
    No but the majority of them work so you, Wizzle and the Blacks don't have to. You have had your 8 years of nothing with Obama. Trump 2016. Get all the illegals the fuk out too
    Settle down whiteboy. I work plenty and I am not American.

    I work in the usa and I see everything. Many whites are trash(obese and useless). Mexicans are mostly lazy and dirty but they do the jobs whites won't. Blacks just do their thing.

    I like trump but he won't unite america. He won't do fukk all actually. His talk has shown that america is still a bigoted nation deep down inside. The same country who sent it's people to Europe to die against a bigoted dictator.

  22. #22
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    Lakerman is real

    I met him In Vegas

  23. #23
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    ... He won't do fukk all actually...

    I think he might get away with some form of tax reform and attack some fraud and waste, but he's sure to see opposition in all those places. Not sure exactly what else he'll be able to accomplish either.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    King Tut I am personally going to throw you over the fukkin wall when BUILT

    Good Luck PAL!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Settle down whiteboy. I work plenty and I am not American.

    I work in the usa and I see everything. Many whites are trash(obese and useless). Mexicans are mostly lazy and dirty but they do the jobs whites won't. Blacks just do their thing.

    I like trump but he won't unite america. He won't do fukk all actually. His talk has shown that america is still a bigoted nation deep down inside. The same country who sent it's people to Europe to die against a bigoted dictator.
    The same bigot America who electrd a worthless black president to back to back terms? I'm sure the blacks knew the issues. Come on bro. What do you mean the blacks "do their thing"? What do they do actually? I'm not racist at all. I have black friends and had a black roommate In college. There are plenty of hard working African Americans. The bottom line is you work for what you get and nothing should be handed out. This regime with Obama hasn't done shit except catch Bin Laden and throw money away. That's absolutely it!!!

  26. #26
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    This is the shit I'm talking about here

  27. #27
    King Mayan
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    Gotta love dumb inbreds.. They get brainwashed so easily

    Want everything handed to them.. And only them

  28. #28
    Eddie Mush
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Trump is dividing the country. Leaders unite people.
    Obama has already done a great job of that.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post
    Gotta love dumb inbreds.. They get brainwashed so easily

    Want everything handed to them.. And only them
    nothing should be handed to anyone. That's the whole fuking problem right now. You think shits bad now. Put Hilary or old ass Bernie in office. We will go to hell in a handbasket

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GT21Megatron View Post
    No but the majority of them work so you, Wizzle and the Blacks don't have to. You have had your 8 years of nothing with Obama. Trump 2016. Get all the illegals the fuk out too
    Nothing lol typical Fox News nonsense.

    pushing back against GOP rhetoric that the nation has suffered in the Obama era. “When the cynics told us we couldn’t change the country, they were dead wrong; we proved them wrong,” he said. “Think about it: if somebody told you seven years ago we’d have 4.9% unemployment, 20 million newly insured, gas is $1.80, deficits cut by three-quarters, marriage equality a reality, bin Laden out of the picture, Wall Street reform in place you wouldn’t have believed me…. Imagine what Trump would say if he actually had a record like this – instead of selling steaks.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by GT21Megatron View Post
    nothing should be handed to anyone. That's the whole fuking problem right now. You think shits bad now. Put Hilary or old ass Bernie in office. We will go to hell in a handbasket
    did u miss the eight years Bush gave out huge tax breaks while destroying the country going into an unwinnable war? The fukin ignorance of some of u hillbilly's is borderline insane. Then again u all now like Trump while he pushes a lot of democratic messages. U can't make this shit the fuk up. Trump wants single payer now the hilbilly's are okay with it cause there is an R next to Trumps name.
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  32. #32
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Here is the guy that went after Trump in Ohio. A real American.

  33. #33
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    JJ gold I'm demanding a trump endorsement video from you to get things turned up here on sbr don't back down

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor4140 View Post
    Nothing lol typical Fox News nonsense.

    pushing back against GOP rhetoric that the nation has suffered in the Obama era. “When the cynics told us we couldn’t change the country, they were dead wrong; we proved them wrong,” he said. “Think about it: if somebody told you seven years ago we’d have 4.9% unemployment, 20 million newly insured, gas is $1.80, deficits cut by three-quarters, marriage equality a reality, bin Laden out of the picture, Wall Street reform in place you wouldn’t have believed me…. Imagine what Trump would say if he actually had a record like this – instead of selling steaks.”
    Deficits cut by three quarters.... Where the fuk are you getting your info from?

  35. #35
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    I will

    Quote Originally Posted by pilebuck13 View Post
    JJ gold I'm demanding a trump endorsement video from you to get things turned up here on sbr don't back down

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