1. #1
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    Louisiana governor threatens future of LSU football

    While campaigning for a tax increase, Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards said the LSU football team is in jeopardy of being cut.

    "If you are a student attending one of these universities, it means that you will receive a grade of incomplete, many students will not be able to graduate, and student-athletes across the state at those schools will be ineligible to play next semester," Edwards said. "That means you can say farewell to college football next fall." The state of Louisiana is facing a nearly $1 billion deficit, prompting Edwards' rhetoric. He also threatened that the state would be forced to shut down hospice services if new taxes aren't approved soon. Louisiana residents need not worry about LSU football going away. We aren't sure what will play worse among Edwards' denizens, the threat of axing the Bayou Bengals or the threat of yanking treatment for the sick. One way or the other, if Edwards gets anywhere near the beloved LSU football institution, he'll find himself clearing out his office soon thereafter.

  2. #2
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    Guy is a criminal

    He is reason they are in debt

  3. #3
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    God damn these politicians.

  4. #4
    badgerguy's Avatar
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    Isn't LSU football above all politics in Louisiana? Zero chance they shut down LSU football.

  5. #5
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    He just took office, so there is no way he has to worry about anything. He is a Democrat, and those crazies are liable to do anything. 10 to 1 says that this is nothing more than a bluff, but would YOU trust a Democrat? I sure as hell would not.

  6. #6
    Auto Donk
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    better off without em.... baton rouge a dump, the school's second rate at best; if they couldn't buy tx talent they'd be of the same caliber football wise as the rest of the schools from the state, most all of which have a direction (or two) from a compass in front of their name

  7. #7
    Only Backdoor'd; never backdoor
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    Tax hikes solve everything. At least that's what my smart liberal friends have taught me

  8. #8
    jjgold's Avatar
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    LSU not going anywhere

    Football is all they got

    People real dumb there too

  9. #9
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    LSU not going anywhere

    Football is all they got

    People real dumb there too
    smartest people in the state are the old black guys down in the Quarter

  10. #10
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    How do you cut a football team? This douchebag is full of it.

  11. #11
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    Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeggieDog View Post
    Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money.

  13. #13
    cankid's Avatar SBR PRO
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    never happens, rioting and outright chaos would squash the idea

  14. #14
    Mr KLC
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    I guarantee you if he cuts football, he will not get re-elected.

  15. #15
    xKMACKx's Avatar
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    empty threat

  16. #16
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    The fact of the matter is that the majority of people in Louisiana could give a s**t less about football. Just because you guys think that it is the greatest thing on hearth, does not mean that the majority of people do. Wake up and smell the coffee. You guys really do not know very much, do you? This is a ploy to get a tax increase, but if it fails, LSU can say good bye to football for at least one year. The fact of the matter is that Louisiana, and the much of the South, for the most part, are nothing more than a bunch of broke hicks who drink their arses into oblivion.

  17. #17
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    All the people in Louisiana like to do is drink burbon, eat butter, and watch football. Take one of the 3 away and your career is over

  18. #18
    Ralphie Halves
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    LSU actually makes money for the state. You would lose even more if you got rid of it.

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    They will never ever cut lsu football.

  20. #20
    Grits n' Gravy
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    The fact of the matter is that the majority of people in Louisiana could give a s**t less about football. Just because you guys think that it is the greatest thing on hearth, does not mean that the majority of people do. Wake up and smell the coffee. You guys really do not know very much, do you? This is a ploy to get a tax increase, but if it fails, LSU can say good bye to football for at least one year. The fact of the matter is that Louisiana, and the much of the South, for the most part, are nothing more than a bunch of broke hicks who drink their arses into oblivion.
    You really believe your own bullshit? I've never seen a more ignorant guy spout off about various subjects and be wrong every single time. At least jj is on the joke that he is a clown. You on the other hand, are just flat out dumb. I'd say I feel bad for your wife for having to live with a clown like you but we all know that your girlfriend is your left hand and it is probably hoping to get mangled in some accident so it can be done with you as well.

    LSU football will play this season. Regular students at many state universities in Louisiana may get the screw job on lack of many classes due to budget cuts though. In reality it is just shock rhetoric to get constituents attention so they let their local politicians to get their shit together and figure out how to trim the massive budget deficit that shitbird Jindal left the new governor with.

    Big shock......Jindal is a Republican.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    You really believe your own bullshit? I've never seen a more ignorant guy spout off about various subjects and be wrong every single time. At least jj is on the joke that he is a clown. You on the other hand, are just flat out dumb. I'd say I feel bad for your wife for having to live with a clown like you but we all know that your girlfriend is your left hand and it is probably hoping to get mangled in some accident so it can be done with you as well.

    LSU football will play this season. Regular students at many state universities in Louisiana may get the screw job on lack of many classes due to budget cuts though. In reality it is just shock rhetoric to get constituents attention so they let their local politicians to get their shit together and figure out how to trim the massive budget deficit that shitbird Jindal left the new governor with.

    Big shock......Jindal is a Republican.
    Another dumb, stupid Liberal "Brother" shooting his ignorant mouth off. It is idiots like you who elect arseholes like Obama and then blame any Republican that you can. Typical Liberal Black rhetoric. You are just another dumb Liberal Clinton lover who is afraid of losing his handout. By the way boy, the only thing that is going to get mangled is your face if you dare come out here. Stick to your hole in the ground in Louisiana. That's where people like you belong.

  22. #22
    Big Dikk Energy
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    Lowseyiana is the most corrupt state in the US

  23. #23
    Grits n' Gravy
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    Another dumb, stupid Liberal "Brother" shooting his ignorant mouth off. It is idiots like you who elect arseholes like Obama and then blame any Republican that you can. Typical Liberal Black rhetoric. You are just another dumb Liberal Clinton lover who is afraid of losing his handout. By the way boy, the only thing that is going to get mangled is your face if you dare come out here. Stick to your hole in the ground in Louisiana. That's where people like you belong.
    Another post of nonsense from sbr's biggest loser.

    Any time you feel like putting on your big boy pants, fly out to Vegas and I can assure you that it will be the last time you ever mouth off again.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    You really believe your own bullshit? I've never seen a more ignorant guy spout off about various subjects and be wrong every single time...

    It really is nearly every single time.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    Another post of nonsense from sbr's biggest loser.

    Any time you feel like putting on your big boy pants, fly out to Vegas and I can assure you that it will be the last time you ever mouth off again.
    Listen up boy. You want some of me. You get your arse out here. I do not visit scum. I can, and will put you down permanently any time that I choose to. I have that kind of power. Been there. Done that. I suggest that you find out just who you are talking to. How many people have you killed, big mouth? Just another dumb arse talking trash. You guys are a dime a dozen.
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: Omar the Wizard

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrongside View Post
    Tax hikes solve everything. At least that's what my smart liberal friends have taught me
    You ever heard of a middle class politician.

  27. #27
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    So let me get this straight. Louisiana has a budget defecit of some 940 million now, but expects this to more than double to 2 billion by July 1. So the new DEMOCRATIC Governor is threatening the REPUBLICAN Legislature with the demise of LSU Football unless they rise taxes. Isn't it rather funny that Louisiana elects a Democratic Governor and this huge financial disaster suddenly appears. Oh yea, did I mention that Louisiana has a black population of over 33%, the second HIGHEST amongst the 50 States. Coincidence? You decide.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    LSU not going anywhere

    Football is all they got

    People real dumb there too
    You can't even write complete sentences or use somewhat proper grammar jj

  29. #29
    Albert Pujols
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    Listen up boy. You want some of me. You get your arse out here. I do not visit scum. I can, and will put you down permanently any time that I choose to. I have that kind of power. Been there. Done that. I suggest that you find out just who you are talking to. How many people have you killed, big mouth? Just another dumb arse talking trash. You guys are a dime a dozen.
    Did you really just admit to murder?

  30. #30
    Omar the Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    Another post of nonsense from sbr's biggest loser.

    Any time you feel like putting on your big boy pants, fly out to Vegas and I can assure you that it will be the last time you ever mouth off again.
    BigDaddyQH would make short work of you shine. Stay in your lane before you get yourself hurt boy.
    Last edited by Omar the Wizard; 03-16-16 at 12:18 AM.

  31. #31
    It's not what they bring...
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    A BigDaddyQH ghost would just be too damn obvious for so many reasons, including multiple posts of stupidity; but I just can't imagine a BigDaddyQH supporter. Then again, Hillary Clinton has supporters so who the fuk knows.
