1. #36
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    Mexicans work to pay for booze and rent. Most are lazy. They are also very dirty. They don't clean up and they have a snarl about them especially the women most of whom are fat and ugly.

    The only ones who are doing well are the ones who have good connections and have trading houses or goods moving businesses.
    Yep I just didn't want to get rude in my post.. Most Mexicans don't have a high school level education either and that's being generous since the gloves are off.. Lol.. Yep the women are fat and lazy because the men work and the women don't. So what do the women do? Have kids, watch Mexican tv channels in Spanish, cook and eat all day long.. Certainly bringing down American society on every level near the border cities....

    Gotta close those borders soon or we all better learn to speak Spanish as a first language, because most sure don't want to learn English. Mexicans can also teach us all on how to not pay taxes every year and only pay for stuff with cash and not credit.. Ok I'm done.. I'm getting out of hand, my bad.. Love the Mexican people but just not this many all at once near where I live..
    Last edited by JIBBBY; 01-23-16 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #37
    lakerboy's Avatar
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    Lol jibby you seem like a good old boy.

  3. #38
    kyhawk's Avatar
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    Netflix has a good doc about Mexico. What a scary place. No wonder the Mexicans try to get here. In the opener of the doc, they show a guy has pictures of his neighbors with their heads cut off. Those guys don't f around.

    Watch 'Cartel Land' On Netflix Now Before It Wins The Oscar For Best DocumentaryDecider‎ - 2 days ago

    The potential for fancy statuettes aside, Cartel Land is so much more than an award-worthy ...

  4. #39
    The Kraken
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    Mayan is going to be pissed off

  5. #40
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    snowfall totals were mind boggling everywhere on East Coast

    most got at least 2 ft

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