1. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by opie1988 View Post
    Bush family pure class. Top to bottom. People that actually loved this country.

    Unlike that baboon currently embarrassing us in the White House.
    Lol it was a relief when president Obama was passed this mess that w helped make. I think you forget how much of the world was laughing at us for electing that dumbass as our leader. Nobody laughed at president Obama or threw shoes at him. People actually laughed in the uk and France in 2007 it wasn't something I enjoyed. All I could say is I didn't vote for him. Just another dumb Texas redneck with oil money

  2. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
    Lol it was a relief when president Obama was passed this mess that w helped make. I think you forget how much of the world was laughing at us for electing that dumbass as our leader. Nobody laughed at president Obama or threw shoes at him. People actually laughed in the uk and France in 2007 it wasn't something I enjoyed. All I could say is I didn't vote for him. Just another dumb Texas redneck with oil money
    I still remember in his final year during a summit of world leaders and not a single world leader would shake his hand at the meet and greets.

    He was the schoolyard kid nobody liked and totally deserved the snubbing he got.

    Its on youtube somewhere. Quite sad yet fulfilling at the same time...

  3. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
    I still remember in his final year during a summit of world leaders and not a single world leader would shake his hand at the meet and greets.

    He was the schoolyard kid nobody liked and totally deserved the snubbing he got.

    Its on youtube somewhere. Quite sad yet fulfilling at the same time...
    achoochy how many of these w voters do you also think are Trump backers? foxworthy style " you might be a dumbass if..."

  4. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
    achoochy how many of these w voters do you also think are Trump backers? You know who you are.
    Teaser Trump is already as much of a joke on the international stage as Bush jnr ever was which is saying something because he isnt even head of a party, little known holding office yet ut im done giving that blowhard oxygen.

    The attention is his fuel. A bit like a few guys on here they beat their chest in hope, praying that someone will listen...

    Teaser your welcome here if Trump somehow pulls the imaginary rabbit from the hat...

  5. #40
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    With an inevitable Repub Pres and a Repub controlled congress, be afraid, be very afraid.

    Pay off your bills and save like crazy. The '08 crash was nothing. The coming is almost bunker material.
    You have been warned. (hint, Obama wants better unemployment compensation laws)

  6. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
    Lol it was a relief when president Obama was passed this mess that w helped make. I think you forget how much of the world was laughing at us for electing that dumbass as our leader. Nobody laughed at president Obama or threw shoes at him. People actually laughed in the uk and France in 2007 it wasn't something I enjoyed. All I could say is I didn't vote for him. Just another dumb Texas redneck with oil money
    Does being born in conn make him a texan. As far as oil boy he is not. He was stupidly made president of zapata oil. everyone went to jail but him after the money and books disappeared. Guy is no more a texan as seaweed is a tout!

  7. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    Pay off your bills and save like crazy. The '08 crash was nothing. The coming is almost bunker material.
    You have been warned. (hint, Obama wants better unemployment compensation laws)
    worst start to the year in the stock market in history!!! 2 trillion lost. That's with no subprime loan scandal and mortgage meltdown with so many of you guys loved to (and still do) blame Bush for.

    For years people like me have been telling you the market is artificially propped up by the FED. Obamanomics is a big fukking scam with his bullshit 5% unemployment rate while millions more on food stamps and living in poverty. A grade schooler can see it.

    OBAMA we love you! Please keep lying to us. We will believe whatever you tell us.

    Bush's fault Trump will be worse. He's racist and he will start wars all over this planet and other planets.

    Last edited by DwightShrute; 01-17-16 at 11:49 AM.

  8. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    worst start to the year in the stock market in history!!! 2 trillion lost. That's with no subprime loan scandal and mortgage meltdown with so many of you guys loved to (and still do) blame Bush for.

    For years people like me have been telling you the market is artificially propped up by the FED. Obamanomics is a big fukking scam with his bullshit 5% unemployment rate while millions more on food stamps and living in poverty. A grade schooler can see it.

    OBAMA we love you! Please keep lying to us. We will believe whatever you tell us.

    Bush's fault Trump will be worse. He's racist and he will start wars all over this planet and other planets.

    I blame Bush Sr. then Clinton, Then W Bush big time. Bushs failures gave us the OBama nation.

  9. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otters27 View Post
    I blame Bush Sr. then Clinton, Then W Bush big time. Bushs failures gave us the OBama nation.
    No one is good enough for you? Good luck gambling your way out of this.

  10. #45
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    [IMG]https://*********************************/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11350473_651231698342493_847768490222650 2697_n.jpg?oh=2f174029999131bc04e5fcf8f0 4bca06&oe=56FEFB75[/IMG]

  11. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
    Teaser Trump is already as much of a joke on the international stage as Bush jnr ever was which is saying something because he isnt even head of a party, little known holding office yet ut im done giving that blowhard oxygen.
    I know you're a fruitcake progressive and all, but do you realize that W actually maintained his alliances throughout the world? That takes work.

    Obama's administration weakened bonds with allies, made no new friends, US enemies hate us as much as ever, and Putin is undisputed master of his domain - pushing around those Obama weakly promised to protect. The world sees him for what he is - a pushover. (See: Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, etc - all complete failures ... that is, unless you're some twink in Australia that hates America, then Obama is pretty cool.)
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: DwightShrute

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    I know you're a fruitcake progressive and all, but do you realize that W actually maintained his alliances throughout the world? That takes work.

    Obama's administration weakened bonds with allies, made no new friends, US enemies hate us as much as ever, and Putin is undisputed master of his domain - pushing around those Obama weakly promised to protect. The world sees him for what he is - a pushover. (See: Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, etc - all complete failures ... that is, unless you're some twink in Australia that hates America, then Obama is pretty cool.)
    ByeSheas version of Bush maintaining alliances


    Keep talking ByeShea and continue confirming what the rest of us already know about you...

    Can throw up another half dozen examples of Bush 'maintaining' rships if you like...

    Haha Dwighty lost his lapdog so needs to find another one

  13. #48
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    I love their baked beans goes well with a kosher hotdog

  14. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
    ByeSheas version of Bush maintaining alliances


    Keep talking ByeShea and continue confirming what the rest of us already know about you...
    Turns out the true explanation (shook hands with attendees before the photo) is more plausible than your left-wing fantasy ...

    And btw, it doesn't matter who the president is - everyone present will not only shake his hand, but vie for a meeting - comes with the job.

    Good luck on your sex change operation, Adoochy.

  15. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
    Turns out the true explanation (shook hands with attendees before the photo) is more plausible than your left-wing fantasy ...

    And btw, it doesn't matter who the president is - everyone present will not only shake his hand, but vie for a meeting - comes with the job.

    Good luck on your sex change operation, Adoochy.

    Byeshea sticking up for one of histories most murderous tyrants...

    Good job you piece of shit...

  16. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post

    Byeshea sticking up for one of histories most murderous tyrants...

    Good job you piece of shit...
    I believe you are all in on Hillary if remember correctly?

    Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

    "We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."



    Twelve Years Later, Hillary Clinton Is Still Defending Her Iraq Vote .

  17. #52
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    Trump is awesome

  18. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I believe you are all in on Hillary if remember correctly?

    Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

    "We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."



    Twelve Years Later, Hillary Clinton Is Still Defending Her Iraq Vote .
    All under George's watch...

    You a GW sympathizer as well?

  19. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
    All under George's watch...

    You a GW sympathizer as well?
    nope but I just wanted to see how consistent you were. You can't call GWB one of history's most murderous tyrants without apply that label to Hillary as well can you? Whom, you support for the next president of the United States.

    Wouldn't that be like Rob Lowe doing commercials for DirecTV while having cable at his home and then saying "my wife is the one who takes care of that"!

  20. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    nope but I just wanted to see how consistent you were. You can't call GWB one of history's most murderous tyrants without apply that label to Hillary as well can you? Whom, you support for the next president of the United States.

    Wouldn't that be like Rob Lowe doing commercials for DirecTV while having cable at his home and then saying "my wife is the one who takes care of that"!
    By your reasoning we should just remove the whole separation of power thing thats been in place between the boss and the worker for centuries now??

    I forgot that when a company goes under that its the workers fault. Nothing to do with the guy in charge right?

    The level of stoopid that permeates onto your keyboard at times is astounding Dwighter

  21. #56
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    cheney was the problem and that is why the old man wrote a book saying that george bush failed policies were the result of rumsfeld and cheney. even with the drop of the dow it is still a lot better than the 8000it was when bush left office. but please don't allow the facts to get in your way shea. but how are you going to know better than the senior bush?

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  23. #58
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    gas under 1 dollar in michigan, lets see bush do that. thanks obama

  24. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
    By your reasoning we should just remove the whole separation of power thing thats been in place between the boss and the worker for centuries now??

    I forgot that when a company goes under that its the workers fault. Nothing to do with the guy in charge right?

    The level of stoopid that permeates onto your keyboard at times is astounding Dwighter
    that makes no sense whatsoever as usual.

    Meanwhile in Australia ...

    [IMG]https://*********************************/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12439205_652358024903078_758548610788939 9930_n.jpg?oh=801f55c2d6aad5e57e0b929656 22eb8a&oe=5733485B[/IMG]

  25. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    that makes no sense whatsoever as usual.

    Meanwhile in Australia ...

    [IMG]https://*********************************/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12439205_652358024903078_758548610788939 9930_n.jpg?oh=801f55c2d6aad5e57e0b929656 22eb8a&oe=5733485B[/IMG]

    Wouldnt expect you to understand basic comprehension Dwighter.

    Your a Trump supporter after all...

  26. #61
    Listen the toilet is flushing
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    The 2nd Bush scammed his whole life put us deep in a toilet while he lined the pockets of the Oil Men

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    Quote Originally Posted by konck View Post
    The 2nd Bush scammed his whole life put us deep in a toilet while he lined the pockets of the Oil Men
    Bush was almost 100% for Bush 100% of the time

    Closest thing to a dictator (besides Trump) the West had seen in the 21st century...

    Congress had to enact special laws just to make sure he and his cronies didn't have to face the consequences of their actions.

    Cowards to the core...

  28. #63
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    cooch bush and cheney were convicted of war crimes in malaysia. that is why bush canceled out of his trip to canada and cheney didn't go to sweden. they will never be allowed to be bothered in the states but going any where out of country in dicey.

  29. #64

  30. #65
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    He can never go out of country

  31. #66
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    true chico

    I doubt Obama will be doing any picnics with the family in many countries outside the US after this year.

  32. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    cooch bush and cheney were convicted of war crimes in malaysia. that is why bush canceled out of his trip to canada and cheney didn't go to sweden. they will never be allowed to be bothered in the states but going any where out of country in dicey.
    Yeah at least he'll rot within his own confines.

    Still too good for someone of his ilk...

  33. #68
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    [QUOTE=DwightShrute;25164285]true chico

    I doubt Obama will be doing any picnics with the family in many countries outside the US after this year.[/QUOTE
    i heard that because of his love of drones; you could be right.

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