1. #1
    Hello friends, Jim Nantz.
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    Rommel from 5Dimes is a Douche - Pretty Funny!

    Please wait for a site operator to respond.
    You are now chatting with 'Isaac'
    Isaac: Hello. How may I assist you today?
    Anthony: Hey whats up
    Isaac: hello
    Anthony: Okay heres my issue...I just got you guys a new client...he just deposited and I was going to claim my referral bonus...however...
    Anthony: id rather just get a promo code to bettracker
    Anthony: is that possible
    Isaac: for the referral reward bonus, is your friend who has to contact us.
    Anthony: yes i know that
    Anthony: but im asking if instead of getting the bonus i can get a bet tracker promo code
    Isaac: let me check your account
    Isaac: Can you please confirm your account number and password?
    Anthony: xxxxxxxxx
    Anthony: xxxxxxxxx
    Isaac: Just a moment please
    Isaac: In order to get a bet tracker promo code, you need to make a deposit of $500 and then within 24 hours of the deposit, request the bonus.
    Anthony: dude you just took 10 minutes to tell me that?
    Anthony: are you kidding me
    Anthony: i know thats your rule
    Anthony: im asking if i can get the promo code instead of my referral bonus
    Isaac: no sir, as you said, those are the rules.
    Isaac: I'm sorry for the delay
    Anthony: let me talk to your supervisor
    Anthony: can you have someone call me please
    Anthony: +1xxxxxxxxxxx
    Isaac: we don't contact customers.
    Isaac: let me see if someone is available.
    Isaac: Just a moment please
    Anthony: hello?
    Isaac: yes sir, just a moment
    Isaac: I'm afraid no one is available at this moment,
    Isaac: I already talked with a supervisor and the answer is no. if you want a bet tracker promo code you need to make a deposit of $500 first.
    Isaac: however you can receive a referral bonus.
    Anthony: how much does a promo code cost you guys?
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Rommel'.
    You are now chatting with 'Rommel'
    Rommel: Hello Anthony, my name is Rommel I'm the Customer Service Manager
    Rommel: I had read your chat with my coworker
    Rommel: I know you want to have a promo code
    Rommel: if you do so, you need to apply for that promo
    Rommel: We are no Negotiating any of this promos
    Rommel: I believe Isaac was more than clear with his answers
    Rommel: Is there something else I may assist you with?
    Anthony: hey
    Anthony: what do you mean i need to apply for that promo
    Rommel: I mean that your account must be eligible and you must do a $500 deposit
    Rommel: contact us immediately and we gladly enable the access to the bettracker promo
    Anthony: how much does one of those codes cost you
    Rommel: That is completely irrelevant if you want to apply for it you follow the rules
    Rommel: simple as that
    Rommel: this is not negotiable
    Rommel: those are the terms of use simple
    Anthony: stop being a douche
    Anthony: what are you guys such hard asses
    Rommel: Stop insisting in something that will not happen
    Anthony: its prob cheaper to give me the code instead of my referral bonus i try doing you guys a favor and you treat me like a piece of shit
    Anthony: who the hell made the golden rule that thats the only way to get a promo code
    Anthony: your business makes no sense
    Rommel: We made the golden rule and we enforce the golden rule
    Rommel: and the golden rule applies
    Anthony:take the golden rule and blow it out your ass

  2. #2
    The Bet Master
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    Hopefully you don't ever want to deposit by CC. I got mad at them on chat and they labeled me as a "Risk" so i can't use that to deposit anymore.

  3. #3
    Powderguy's Avatar
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  4. #4
    clip1's Avatar
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    yeah i noticed it too with them lately, I don't get why, I've been a customer with them scince 2003 the fycks treated me like i'm a new customer just now, wanted to get a payout the made me jump thru so many fycking hoops that by the end of it i just transfered everything out of there and now thinking of never coming back, thanks 5dimes you really know how to treat a customer right.

  5. #5
    July 2012 Poster of the Month
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    love these threads

  6. #6
    cyclonebell's Avatar
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    Haha thats classic.

  7. #7
    Winning Aint Easy
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    Ask for Tony next time and let us know how that goes

  8. #8
    Golazo De Riverrrr!
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    He was fine with me.

  9. #9
    The Wiggler
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    by reading this...it seems you are a little impatient haha

  10. #10
    Long Live Rodney!
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    lol. how old are you? honestly.

  11. #11
    Nittany Lion
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    That's why I stick with Bodog even though their lines are not the best and they post lines late. I also like how you can transfer money directly from your bank account to the site and then back from the site directly to your bank account, no fees, no e-cash services, do other places offer the same service? I'm thinking about trying out another site but I like the *** option on Bodog too much.
    Last edited by Reload; 03-26-11 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Took out deposit method

  12. #12
    Poster of the Month October 2015
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    Really not that funny, you come off like a prick.
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: illmatick

  13. #13
    C++ programming sucks..
    lolguy999's Avatar
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    you tell em

  14. #14
    Never Nude
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    Dont you have anything better to do on a Saturday rather than harass these people?

  15. #15
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  16. #16
    Swinging Johnson
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    Pesonally, I think Rommel comes out of this looking pretty good.

  17. #17
    who is the bitch in my avy???
    LostBankroll's Avatar
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    WTF is bettracker?

  18. #18
    TR88's Avatar
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    ......high rollers dont need no bonus son.....never fkn heard of ya anyway

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by apalm8 View Post

    Anthony: who the hell made the golden rule that thats the only way to get a promo code
    Some guy named Tony, call and ask for him tomorrow.

  20. #20
    polskboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trident View Post
    Some guy named Tony, call and ask for him tomorrow.
    hehehe yea call back and speak to tony and then post it here .... this should be good.

  21. #21
    ttwarrior1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    sorry but im on there side, rules a rule

  22. #22
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    Who is the guy "Anthony" in the chat window? He seems like a total jackass. I hope I never run into him at 5Dimes.

  23. #23
    Johnnythunder's Avatar
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    There customer service is very very bad

  24. #24
    mikeyg's Avatar
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    I like "the golden rule"

  25. #25
    playersonly69's Avatar SBR PRO
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    apalm8 comes out of this looking like a jack ass!

    Just make the $500 deposit and get your bonus code. Then you will still get your $100 referral bonus.

    It isnt that hard. Just follow the rules and deposit. What in the hell is a bettracker code anyway?

  26. #26
    Hello friends, Jim Nantz.
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    The thing is this chat isn't time stamped...I may have come off as impatient but that is only for two reasons.

    1. I was on the live chat for soooo long...I had been waiting forever.
    2. I have dealt with their customer service before and know that they are pretty awful.

    And if you don't know what the Bet Tracker is...look it up: "Blackberry bet tracker app"

  27. #27
    $$$ Fly In Any Weather $$$
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    you caught rommel at a bad time

  28. #28
    sneakerhead's Avatar
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    5dime stories never let me down

  29. #29
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    rules are rules...dont like them, use another book.
