Originally posted on 01/09/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
So, Sean McVay wins the Super Bowl, then has an injury-riddled season (and his first losing one), and he’s like, “Yeah, I’m most likely out…..”

WTF?!?! What kind of $#!T is that? When the going finally gets tough, and he might have to coach some new, young, untested talent - he takes off? I wouldn’t hire this guy simply based on that - same thing could happen somewhere else.
Him and Snead knew what they were doing but most people missed it. They jammed all their draft capital to get themselves a ring and / or extensions knowing damn well the roster wouldnt be sustainable long term. Snead got his contract and Mcvay was always going to have ALL his options open to him. He can walk away as that whole team burns, spend a few years on tv, and still come back as the #1 in demand coach down the road because of his age and his offense. The rams were always going down in flames it just happened 1/2-1 season earlier than expected.