Originally posted on 02/01/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by Orbison View Post
the problem with his specific claim against the Giants is that they had already interviewed black candidates Leslie Frazier twice and Patrick Graham once prior to them interviewing Daboll and Flores, so the interview with Flores wasn't 'required' or a 'formality' (as Flores is claiming) since they had already fulfilled the rule and then some.
but even if the Giants hadn't already fulfilled the rule, they still had the right to ultimately hire whoever they wanted and no court can take that away from them.
so strictly from a legal standpoint, it's very hard to see where Flores has any ground here with the Giants. as for the Dolphins situation, the best he can do is cause problems between the league and Dolphins ownership for potential tampering and trying to influence outcomes of games, but that has nothing to do with race.
that said, i'm sure plenty of Rooney rule candidates do often fall under the "token interview" category, but that's obviously the downside of the rule to begin with.. it's puts both the teams and candidates in bad situations.
The Giants have gone with offensive minded coaches for a while so hiring Daboll goes with that fit fine.

The Broncos have also denied the allegations made against them. Claiming they had multiple executives showing up for the allotted timespan as well as detailing their interview process with all potential candidates using their notes in ultimately deciding who was the best qualified candidate for this job in this instance.

Seems like his best shot may be against his former boss in Miami.

Interesting timing to include a Broncos interview from 2019 considering the sale of the team now and all