Originally posted on 09/09/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post

A white woman.
Wearing a gorilla mask.
Attacks Larry Elder by throwing eggs at him…..


Once again, ‘Black Lives Matter’ - unless it doesn’t fit the Tard agenda. Then, they can commit the most vile, racist acts against black people…..

Oh preppie,

FOX News stoking the fire with racist in the headline, activist white women throws egg at black pube radio host running for governor.

How do you know that it is race related? did she shout racial slurs at the supposed victim?

A member of Elder’s security team approached the woman, eliciting her to say, "Take your hands off me, motherf—er! Touch me again! Touch me again!"
If anything this should show and tell you that there are those on the left that hate fu@king pubes, black or white or whatever ethnic group you identify with, to try to pull this BS with racism as the reason, just goes to show that pubes will stoop as low as they can to try to gain an edge, it's a pretty disgusting tactic, but not surprising considering who sits at the head of the party.