Originally posted on 04/05/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by RoyBacon View Post
My way of working hard and getting rich is going away because the dems won one election?

Dude, what happened after Carter and Obama? Did you leftists take over and snub out the hard working Bacon's? Or did the Bacon's rise up and kick you welfare trannys out??

I mean geezzz...enjoy the victory but there ain't no "shift". That's your hallucination.
Roy, I don't insult or question anyone who works hard to succeed, unlike U. You want to bring up Carter and Irangate, Your hero H bush's scam to have 12 years of power? Republicans only care about the bottom line, just like U. Know victory 4 anyone,as of now (see GA voter SUPPRESSION Laws). Revenge, down South, ain't foolin' anyone roy. U R the only one, in a false sense of reality. sidenote; How do feel about those scammed out of their life savings, hard working Patriots, by con men, I E trump? trumptards