Originally posted on 03/13/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by HockeyRocks View Post
Hey Chump, how about some facts you ignorrant one.

#1. The poster said illegals were getting there cks. In order to get a ck. you must have filed taxes. Most illegals don't file taxes and don't even have a SS#. So no ck. The poster is LYING, just like you.

#2. "100% of illegals are eligible to be covered under Obamacare." A total fukking LIE. 100% of illegals, don't file taxes, don't have a SS# therefore do NOT qualify for Obamacare. More lies from you..Catch up with current events fats, your a fool..

Just stop your lying and misrepresenting the facts fats. Your taking over where bacon left over and i buried him on facts.
Let me educate you again

From the governments own website

Secondly, since I'm in the check cashing business let me tell you how they get checks (and this is WHY there are checks and not *************** mandatory).

Illegal gives name, fake ssn, real address, usually a immigration lawyer or community leader/ church. They receive the check. They go to check cashier because they have no bank account. IRS doesn't enforce ICE laws, it only cares that the SSN isn't in arrears for taxes, which it's not since regular withholding has been made despite the true identity never being verified.

Seriously, your arguments in this forum are profoundly stupid and extremely weak. Find a JV forum and try over there.