Originally posted on 03/12/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by Heltah Skeltah View Post

Optional you been after my dck for years guy going back when I called 5mike5 out.
You didn't give a fck what I had said which in fact was true! You simply sent me a pm saying you could care less 5mike5 gets views in the Nascar forum.
So spare me the act big fellow.
You are clueless on this subject wth Cuomo...not a bad thing you live far away. But please don't act like you have a fckn clue.
Why do you say this in the middle of completely different conversations?! Is it just your way of diverting when you you lose? Or are you really this big of a victim about everything in your life?

I don't hate you, or your dick. Or Republicans. Or care about your NASCAR comments.

I disagree with you in this thread as you sound like an unreasonable lunatic. That is all.

You rant just as hard against the accusers of those you idolize, as you do about anyone accused you see as not on your side.

I consider you to be an unthinking tool of those that want to divide and oppress us all. Worldwide. That's the only root of disagreement here.