Originally posted on 01/16/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
Mac I like you but your Trump hate has blinded you..
Pot meet kettle. I gave Trump a shot. He was my president. You can look through this forum and see my support of him when he won. 4 years later he has been easily the worst president in my lifetime. He knows everything, he’s smarter than everyone, he fights with everyone. What other president was divorced 2 times and another 3rd pending? What president didn’t speak to his own brother for years including his death? Trumps sisters, nieces and nephews have openly come out and say how much of a dick he is. His own wife confided with her best friend how he’s a Fukk up.

Every thing Trump touches turns to shit. Hes the ultimate shit stirrer. He likes to start shit than blame others for the shit. The media didn’t turn on him, he turned on the media before he got in office. Why should any news person endear themselves to Trump? He’s going to just Fukk you by playing the blame game. Look at what he did to Fox? And those fools are still sobbing him. He’s fired half his staff, the other half left because they refused to work for a dictator. It is ALWAYS his way or the highway. He’s never wrong. Then he doubled down his lies with Covid.

and even after the people spoke. Even after he lost in a landslide, you’re still in denial. Trump could shoot your mom on 5th avenue and you would still be here drinking his jizz. But I’m blind. Sure, it’s me not you.