Originally posted on 01/08/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by The General View Post
Mr Trump's demeanor wasn't good but his policies were the best in 50 years. Enjoy the future political failure, puzzies.
Character matters and Trump has zero tact, no morals and is a habitual liar. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Even the people that voted for him admit that he's an asshole. There's only so much people can take. NO ONE gives a shit about policy when you are a first class dick. Trump is easily the most hated person on this planet. Entire countries cannot stand the man. People around the world were dancing in the streets when he lost the election.

Could you, would you ever work for this narcissistic? Can you imagine having him for a boss? It's always his way or the highway. If you don't do what he tells you, he will fire you and he will always take credit for your work. Trump reminds me of a couple of bosses I worked for. Everyone hated them. They were total dicks. They would lie, cheat, steal from their own mommas. That's Trump. This fukker turned on his VP. He threw Pence under the bus so bad that many of the rioters were trying to get to him to hurt him. Trump is a damn fool. Time to move on from his shit.