1. #1
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    How Long Before The Race War Starts?


    Beatdowns, rioting, looting, demanding whites give up their homes, reparations......WTF?! The 13% might be biting off more than they can chew.

    I'm not for this thing escalating in any way, but the laws of physics clearly states that for every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction.

  2. #2
    contra spem spero
    cincinnatikid513's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    so glad live east coast

    seattle portland are a disaster

  3. #3
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Harry we need your NBA plays

  4. #4
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    We have to make the whites who are on the black side paint their faces black!!

  6. #6
    BrickJames's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Like I said before, first we had to fight a war to give them their freedom, now we are going to have to fight another one to get rid of them.

    Use the empty fukkin cruise ships to send them back. Fukkin animals.
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  7. #7
    Slurry Pumper
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    There probably won't be a race war unless this rioting, looting and general a$$holishness continues. I think a large percentage of the BLM crowd are actually white people. Either way the U.S. has a way of swinging around like a pendulum. In a few years, we will have laws that clamp down on feral people who can't seem to live with one another. It will be like it was in the late 70s and early 80s when the last time this sort of thing was going on, laws will be passed again and we will end up with long jail sentences for having weed again. Its like a cycle, we as a people never learn so we repeat the same shyt from the past.

  8. #8
    Harry N. Lloyd
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    Slurry, don't know what 70's and early 80's you're remembering. This is unprecedented chaos we're seeing in the streets this summer. And the dopes in charge are all afraid to call it out. Eventually the silent majority will respond. It's inevitable.

  9. #9
    jamessoutherland's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    It will not start. Keep Calm.

  10. #10
    Have Some Asthma
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    Harry let us know when you start shooting the blacks and browns

  11. #11
    Roscoe_Word's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Communist insurgence using race (whereas before it was class) as a catalyst.

    Might work this time if Biden wins.

    He'll do as he's told in office.

    Could be headed for a Mao or Stalin epoch where humanity was ripped from the very souls of the people.

    Probably the most discredited system conceived of by human minds.

    Envy of the gifted and industrious.

    A signal of one's weak character to want to take from societies best contributors.

    In the name of fake virtue and morality of course.

  12. #12
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    Sadly, America's best days are behind it.
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  13. #13
    habitualwinning's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    so glad live east coast

    seattle portland are a disaster
    Seattle and Portland are outliers. The shit there isn't about race. Those mfers are just anarchists and antifa. They use any civil unrest as an opportunity to riot. It's been that way since the 90's. Seattle and Portland are the two most dissimilar cities compared to the rest of the country. They legit want anarchy or at least socialism. A lot of the people there are straight weirdos. It's full of drug addicts, vegans, bisexuals etc. All of the people I grew up around in school that were fukkin weirdos like anarchists, athiests, vegans, goths etc. all moved to Seattle and Portland. The real race war will start in the south. Places like Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi where racial tension is already boiling and has been for decades. Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks of any state. They also have the Confederate flag in their state flag. Stone Mountain in Georgia is another catalysis of southern racial tension. There isn't hardly any racial tension in the Northwest where the anarchists and rioters are at.

  14. #14
    Tom, What do I do now?
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    Quote Originally Posted by habitualwinning View Post
    Seattle and Portland are outliers. The shit there isn't about race. Those mfers are just anarchists and antifa. They use any civil unrest as an opportunity to riot. It's been that way since the 90's. Seattle and Portland are the two most dissimilar cities compared to the rest of the country. They legit want anarchy or at least socialism. A lot of the people there are straight weirdos. It's full of drug addicts, vegans, bisexuals etc. All of the people I grew up around in school that were fukkin weirdos like anarchists, athiests, vegans, goths etc. all moved to Seattle and Portland. The real race war will start in the south. Places like Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi where racial tension is already boiling and has been for decades. Mississippi has the highest percentage of blacks of any state. They also have the Confederate flag in their state flag. Stone Mountain in Georgia is another catalysis of southern racial tension. There isn't hardly any racial tension in the Northwest where the anarchists and rioters are at.

    Some of those goth chicks are smoking hot. Sort of sexy if you ask me.


  15. #15
    Salam's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrickJames View Post
    Like I said before, first we had to fight a war to give them their freedom, now we are going to have to fight another one to get rid of them.

    Use the empty fukkin cruise ships to send them back. Fukkin animals.
    Yes and very funny

  16. #16
    Demonata's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    If Biden wins it will never end.

  17. #17
    MinnesotaFats's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    The race war has already begun

    The black populous votes 95% in line w Democrats. That's entirely because of a welfare and inferiority mentality.

    That's your war... using politics to literally TAKE MONEY from other people by law.

    I will always shake my head at white people voting for Democrats....seriously have no understanding of the historical significance of liberalism in changing societies social and moral fabric.

    There won't be race violence in South...too much structurecand segregation. There will be in MPLS CHI MIL CLEV BUFF NYC
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  18. #18
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Fake News Media has tried everything to start that race war already..

    It's probably begun now especially if the thugs and rioters continue to keep burning and looting our streets and looting the stores.. Oh and all the while the Democratic run leaders do nothing to stop it.

    Keep defunding those police..

  19. #19
    hostile takeover
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    As long as white liberals roam the earth, the race war will never end.

  20. #20
    Okieirish's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    There will be no race war. That is manufactured by Fake News. Most minorities loved the Trump economy. They will love it again shortly. This is AMERICA!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Steve Ass
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    So why are you asking when it starts? I'd say its been in motion for a long time.

  22. #22
    stake1's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Need to defeat biden. That will guarantee four years of no anarchy in the streets as he is pro blm, riots, looting

  23. #23
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by stake1 View Post
    Need to defeat biden. That will guarantee four years of no anarchy in the streets as he is pro blm, riots, looting
    Yet Trump is the current president and you’re expecting a race war on HIS watch. We’ve already seen millions unemployed, thousands dead in a pandemic, police out of control, thousands of people protesting and many other rioting and looting. All under this current president. Yet you want 4 more years of this shit? Brainwashed much?

  24. #24
    Tom, What do I do now?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Yet Trump is the current president and you’re expecting a race war on HIS watch. We’ve already seen millions unemployed, thousands dead in a pandemic, police out of control, thousands of people protesting and many other rioting and looting. All under this current president. Yet you want 4 more years of this shit? Brainwashed much?

    Well, Biden/Kamala (lol Kamala Obama always some strange name) will make you wear that mask for the rest of your lives and a guaranteed lockdown would be coming again. He will also make vaccines mandatory or else you will pretty much die because you won't be able to work or enter a store basically.

    All over a virus that kills 1 out of 500 people that they claimed would kill 3 million Americans based on those cawksucking models they had.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by stake1 View Post
    Need to defeat biden. That will guarantee four years of no anarchy in the streets as he is pro blm, riots, looting
    We had rioting under Obama and police sniper shooting towards the end of his Presidency and that wasn't even because of a Floyd death or Corona..

    Yes that all starts up again under a Biden Presidency.. Trump is our only hope for peace in the streets as he fully SUPPORTS law enforcement and civil order unlike our top Democratic leaders today..

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by hehfest View Post
    Well, Biden/Kamala (lol Kamala Obama always some strange name) will make you wear that mask for the rest of your lives and a guaranteed lockdown would be coming again. He will also make vaccines mandatory or else you will pretty much die because you won't be able to work or enter a store basically.

    All over a virus that kills 1 out of 500 people that they claimed would kill 3 million Americans based on those cawksucking models they had.
    I don’t give a shit about Biden either but to think things will be so much different if the Dems or Republicans win is just stupid. Both parties are in cahoots. They’re in it together. They love having 2 sides, so that you have to choose a side. Those of you that have taken a side are so dug in that you won’t even consider another option. Y’all are political psychos. Totally bat shit crazy. You will believe any lie they tell you and all they do is lie.

  27. #27
    Can't stop Won't stop
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    What's your solution, or at least advice, Mac4?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Trump is our only hope for peace in the streets as he fully SUPPORTS law enforcement and civil order unlike our top Democratic leaders today..
    Trump is your only hope. You are desperate and pathetic. Your only hope? Really? Have you really hit rock bottom? How does he fully support law enforcement any different than all other presidents? He’s all talk and zero action. The police are fukking up more today than ever. The people do not trust the police. People are protesting and rioting because they are fed up of bad cops. Some rather have no police or at least defund them because they are Fukk ups. This has happened under Trump. Everything he touches and everyone he gets in bed with turns to shit. And I’m no democrat.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by StackinGreen View Post
    What's your solution, or at least advice, Mac4?
    Easy solution. We need a 3rd party. There’s more people in the middle than these psychos in both parties. We need a “Make Fukk in Sense Party”. A party that can cooperate and work together. A party that can compromise and not make it always right or wrong, black or white, right or left. You can win this time and I’ll win next time and we can agree and disagree and still be friends. These 2 parties are killing this country and the people are too dumb to realize it.

  30. #30
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    The middle can hold these psychos on both sides accountable. Far right are sickos, far left are definitely sickos. Bring them to the middle, bring them back to normal because they are both abnormal and are not represented by the masses but they have the loudest voices. We need to call them both out.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Easy solution. We need a 3rd party. There’s more people in the middle than these psychos in both parties. We need a “Make Fukk in Sense Party”. A party that can cooperate and work together. A party that can compromise and not make it always right or wrong, black or white, right or left. You can win this time and I’ll win next time and we can agree and disagree and still be friends. These 2 parties are killing this country and the people are too dumb to realize it.
    Trump is a 3rd party

    He's a social liberal, fiscal conservative

    His politics are NOTHING like Reagan or even Pence

  32. #32
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    Trump is a 3rd party

    He's a social liberal, fiscal conservative

    His politics are NOTHING like Reagan or even Pence
    I thought he was but he’s dug in his heels and is totally in bed with Republicans. He’s even doubled down by claiming that everything the dems do is bad. Zero compromise like the rest of them. He spends money and adds on debt with the best of them.

  33. #33
    CM Punk -1000.5 (100X)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demonata View Post
    If Biden wins it will never end.

  34. #34
    Black Coffee
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    Here's part of the problem...


    So the FBI wants this group on the potential domestic terror list?

    Yet the group get praised by the president?

    Sounds idiotic...

    Politics as usual...

  35. #35
    ttwarrior1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    why is it always black guys on drugs or with a bad record that this stuff happens too and they don't care

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