Originally posted on 03/29/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
For once, Laker boy has some relevant information.

Canada and the USA became engulfed in the Covid-19 pandemic at roughly the same time. As of today, the USA's death rate is almost 4 times higher than Canada's (7 to 2 per 1 million population). I strongly believe that our quick response and, more importantly, Canadian's willingness to take this issue seriously, and do what is required of us, has lead to this result.

[Edit: Before you make a comment that the USA's population is 10 times ours, please note that I am speaking in terms of per million people so the comparison is accurate.]

source: https://www.worldometers.info/
I posted some of this before:
Canada is bigger than the entire US with a population less than California's. Geographically we are self isolated.
Not being fanatical about politics we believed the people of knowledge, not those in charge.
When the head medical experts told us the game plan we followed.
We didn't start earlier but when we did it was "all in" and still is.
The Prime Minister isn't being blamed and we are all pretty much on the same side......slow the virus down!