Originally posted on 03/28/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by jt315 View Post
I stopped reading after the second sentence .
Of course you did. If you had any sense at all you would not bragging about things like this. For some reason or another... Trump supporters take GREAT PRIDE in their lack of willing to learn anything new. This is exactly why they believe the type of nonsense that they do to begin with. INTELLECTUAL LAZINESS. They have ZERO curiosity in learning about anything that they don't already believe. They take great pride in this! GREAT PRIDE!

Can you imagine if somebody said... "I stopped learning math in the 1st grade" or... "I stopped reading books in the 3rd grade." This is exactly what you are doing here.

Do you know what highly intelligent people all have in common? They have great curiosity in learning new and different things. They have an unquenchable thirst for learning ANYTHING new. Trump supporters are exactly the opposite of this. They hear ONE opinion from a single source and they decide that it is most definitely correct regardless of how ridiculous it may sound. "Virgin births and talking snakes you say?? Sign me up!!! And anyone that doesn't share this belief is going to burn in hell!!!"

I don't mean to always be picking on Christians... but I rarely... if ever... meet any that aren't EXTREMELY intellectually lazy. I've never met one that knew anything about other religions... what's worse... it's extremely rare to meet one that even know anything about THEIR OWN religion. This is the same reason why so many of them support Trump. He's doing all their non-thinking for them. This is the way they like it.

I would stop bragging about being intellectually lazy if I were you... you're only making it easier for us to know exactly why you know so little.