1. #1
    Say what? I'll bite your head plum off!
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    A serious and scary question. Protecting Trump!

    How, in this modern world of technology--and how long--can we protect our nonchalant president, Trump?

    Everyday and every time I see him standing among crowds or in the public eye, I get nervous. Hey, he's the one who should be nervous, as should his many secret service men that "try" to protect him.

    How many more times can he do what he did today and not get an assassination attempt? A live speech and a live outdoor interview.
    I have to believe it's coming, just like some all time record breaking cold weather and some once in a decade, record breaking rains, sooner or later, they will come.

    Who wins that contest? I say it is definitely no lock our gutsy president survives this term or even the next one.
    It's our cruel human nature at work,trying to see he doesn't.

    There must be 100 different methods available, to possible take out one of the most controversial presidents of all time?. After thinking about that question, yeah, he is definitely our most controversial Prez.

    It's coming, and we probably have 5 more years to, either; pray for it to happen [his many enemies], or the other; His millions of loyal fans, obediently praying for his safety.

  2. #2
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    I often think he will take a bullet myself.. The fake news media demonizes TRUMP constantly.

    Security is tight though at his rallies.. Still ya never know? You see hecklers man handled out of his Rally's just like tonight.. There were 3 that got the boot tonight at his rally.

    Hope Trump doesn't catch a bullet.. That would suck!! ..

    Then again I thought OBAMA might catch a bullet also and he never did..

  3. #3
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    Yeah, bot Obama was looked upon as choirboy. Not so with Trump.
    There are too many hidden avenues open to launch a bullet. The odds, I say, are not in his favor, but let's just hope he can survive any assassination attempts.
    Be it hits or misses.

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    Well if Trump takes a bullet, VP Pence will take over right where Trump left off..

    Will be a drop off in Presidential talent but not the end of the world. Can't worry about that ABE..

    Presidents are protected well these days bottom line even though it doesn't seem like it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Well if Trump takes a bullet, VP Pence will take over right where Trump left off..

    Will be a drop off in Presidential talent but not the end of the world. Can't worry about that ABE..

    Presidents are protected well these days bottom line even though it doesn't seem like it.
    Remember Bush, in Saudi Arabia--was it--having to duck TWO thrown shoes? Couldn't that have easily been a gun, knife or a bomb?
    No, you say not worry but being a huge Trump guy, I see him taking way too many chances.

    Today's speech at the airport, there were trucks parked in the far back ground. Seems a man could hide in there and get a nice shot off, while well hidden. Maybe hidden all night or even day or two.
    That's only one scenario of maybe a thousand more to survive.
    He is irreplaceable, too.

  6. #6
    Sanity Check
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABEHONEST View Post
    There must be 100 different methods available, to possible take out one of the most controversial presidents of all time?
    Think of all the active and retired intelligence and special forces in the world.

    Who might not respond kindly to such a thing occurring.

    They could know who was really responsible and there might be a backlash.

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    That first Slider was a little wide but that second fastball was serious chin music.

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    Only tighty righties shoot and kill, why would they shoot their own? You dumb asses!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Well if Trump takes a bullet, VP Pence will take over right where Trump left off..

    Will be a drop off in Presidential talent but not the end of the world. Can't worry about that ABE..

    Presidents are protected well these days bottom line even though it doesn't seem like it.

    Yeah but he doesn't have the ballz to speak the truth like Trump does all the time.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hman View Post
    Yeah but he doesn't have the ballz to speak the truth like Trump does all the time.
    Are you being funny or are you convinced that what you say is accurate? "that Trump speaks the truth "all" the time"?

  12. #12
    tommir99's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    ROTFL... I'm not even an American, but I like Trump.

  13. #13
    Say what? I'll bite your head plum off!
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    Only tighty righties shoot and kill, why would they shoot their own? You dumb asses!
    Being the most hated president of all time, yeah, where they feel uncontrollable hatred and fear at the same time, yes, the climate is overwhelmingly ripe for an assassination.
    Abe Lincoln, JFK and RFK were "easy targets.
    I see little difference in today's world.

    Trumps enemies have to be in the highest numbers, ever, for any president or any world leader on earth.

    I see an even greater threat for Trump, just as it was for MLK;JFK:RFK;Abe L. and many other long gone world leaders
    Believing yourself to be "invincible."

    And do you really believe America is not close to a political revolution?

    *Russian political opposition wiped out an entire Royal family in 1918.
    ** A must read: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/so...sar-execution/

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    Only tighty righties shoot and kill, why would they shoot their own? You dumb asses!
    Ronald Reagan got shot by a lefty nut job.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABEHONEST View Post
    Being the most hated president of all time, yeah, where they feel uncontrollable hatred and fear at the same time, yes, the climate is overwhelmingly ripe for an assassination.
    Abe Lincoln, JFK and RFK were "easy targets.
    I see little difference in today's world.

    Trumps enemies have to be in the highest numbers, ever, for any president or any world leader on earth.

    I see an even greater threat for Trump, just as it was for MLK;JFK:RFK;Abe L. and many other long gone world leaders
    Believing yourself to be "invincible."

    And do you really believe America is not close to a political revolution?

    *Russian political opposition wiped out an entire Royal family in 1918.
    ** A must read: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/so...sar-execution/
    Many Republicans think America will be better off in Jan. 2021 if Trump is out of the picture...

    Sounds like your Paranoia is encouraging someone to do it now....

  16. #16
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    Liberals don't own guns

    Democrats only people who obey gun laws

    Unless you live in Chicago or...

    Los Angeles
    Las Vegas
    New York
    San Francisco
    El Paso

    Then Democrats and their gun control success is judged only on its merits and not results.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by HockeyRocks View Post
    Many Republicans think America will be better off in Jan. 2021 if Trump is out of the picture...

    Sounds like your Paranoia is encouraging someone to do it now....
    I don't know 1 Republican that thinks that and I know MANY Republicans.. Stop with the fake news HockeyRocks..

    Soon as the final Debates start that's when Trump will shine and get re-elected. Just like last election when the polls gave Trump almost no chance to win against Hilary.

    This is gonna be fun to watch the melt down on CNN happen all over again.. Can't wait..

  18. #18
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    Too many people like him for it to happen

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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR_Guest_Pro View Post
    Too many people like him for it to happen
    "Too many people like him." That's a fukking riot...

  20. #20
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    You guys know very little about this subject and I am sure as hell not going to give away any trade secrets. Let's just say that for every one person who may want to take out Trump, there were 5 who wanted to take out Obama.

  21. #21
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    The liberal news media which is the majority of television stations make it seem that everyone hates Trump. This is all fake news. They won't talk about the millions that love him. Trust me there are more Trump supporters than haters. The bias news media just wants everyone to think everyone hates Trump. It's all b.s. Just like they all said Hillary would win in a landslide. The silent majority won the election and will win in 2020 again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    The liberal news media which is the majority of television stations make it seem that everyone hates Trump. This is all fake news. They won't talk about the millions that love him. Trust me there are more Trump supporters than haters. The bias news media just wants everyone to think everyone hates Trump. It's all b.s. Just like they all said Hillary would win in a landslide. The silent majority won the election and will win in 2020 again.
    Agreed.. Most Trump supporters don't poll either, we just sit back in the shadows until election day.. I know I've never polled myself.

    I think Trump wins the popular vote this go around as long as the economy doesn't fall into a recession by election time. Dems don't have a superstar pushing forward either.. They all suck and offer no policy plans.. They just have hate for Trump and call him a racist.. That won't work it's getting old fast..

    I personally know a few Jewish Democrats that didn't vote for Trump first go around and will now vote for him come this next election just because of his continued support for Israel.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    You guys know very little about this subject and I am sure as hell not going to give away any trade secrets. Let's just say that for every one person who may want to take out Trump, there were 5 who wanted to take out Obama.
    Nah, no way!
    Has any ever seen such garbage thrown at a sitting president?
    We know the answer. To be called a MFR in public, under the lights and camera, not once, not twice, but at least 3 or four times.
    To me, those are one of the most inflammatory words--not in the dictionary.
    And extremely personal.

    And I know of three guilties who were all of Black ethnicity.
    There is no excuse and why isn't there a law to prevent this garbage dumping on a sitting USA president? And I mean in public!
    A sign of democracy at the crisis.

    Besides,Trump has shown be almighty and powerful, whereas, Obama, was seen as a spoiled human being. Always trying to smile his way through a speech.
    Soft and not the least bit of a threat to our enemies.
    He certainly was not material for leading our powerful country. Maybe if he was 20 years older?

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    You have no idea what you are talking about. NONE!!! Stop talking like you do. I don't care what you think. I am telling you what I KNOW to be a fact, and I will tell you right here and now that Obama was in a much more precarious position than Trump is. You do not know the first thing about protecting ANYONE, much less a President, so just drop it. You are making a fool out of yourself and waving a red flag to boot.

  25. #25
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    "yeah, he is definitely our most controversial Prez."

    Not that I was around then, but I venture to say whatever white supremacist exist today, pales in comparison to like 150 years ago. If you don't think Lincoln freeing the slaves was vastly more controversial than anything Trump has done, perhaps reassess the like 620,000 citizens killed in the civil war. How may military personnel has been lost under Trump in the USA? Not even close.

    My guess though, is that Rep. Ilhan Omar is part of a plot to assassinate him, and is the only reason she ran for office. Questions mount on her committing fraud when she originally entered the USA, including allegations she married her brother, as well as committing tax fraud by filing a joint tax return with someone to which she was not legally married. She has been caught lying about facts, refuses to answer basic questions about her family, and there is doubt Ilhan Omar is even her real name. Guard should not be let down 'cause she's a member of Congress, whenever she's (and the likes of her are) around the Prez, and be extremely cautious as to what classified into she asks for and has access to already. How this American hating, terrorist sympathizing woman (who says, regarding Muslim extremists who hijack planes and kill thousand of innocent good people, "that some people did something," got even 1 vote is troubling. The 'SEND HER BACK' chant was pretty harsh, or was it?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4sees View Post
    "yeah, he is definitely our most controversial Prez."

    Not that I was around then, but I venture to say whatever white supremacist exist today, pales in comparison to like 150 years ago. If you don't think Lincoln freeing the slaves was vastly more controversial than anything Trump has done, perhaps reassess the like 620,000 citizens killed in the civil war. How may military personnel has been lost under Trump in the USA? Not even close.

    My guess though, is that Rep. Ilhan Omar is part of a plot to assassinate him, and is the only reason she ran for office. Questions mount on her committing fraud when she originally entered the USA, including allegations she married her brother, as well as committing tax fraud by filing a joint tax return with someone to which she was not legally married. She has been caught lying about facts, refuses to answer basic questions about her family, and there is doubt Ilhan Omar is even her real name. Guard should not be let down 'cause she's a member of Congress, whenever she's (and the likes of her are) around the Prez, and be extremely cautious as to what classified into she asks for and has access to already. How this American hating, terrorist sympathizing woman (who says, regarding Muslim extremists who hijack planes and kill thousand of innocent good people, "that some people did something," got even 1 vote is troubling. The 'SEND HER BACK' chant was pretty harsh, or was it?

    I could see a Muslim extremist taking out Trump maybe if REALLY carefully planned out, Trumps love for Israel and Jews may set a plan in motion in a funded group..

    Luckily in America Muslim extremists are CLOSELY monitored.. Don't ask me how I know this but I do as HOMELAND SECURITY is on it BIG TIME!!

    Still don't think it will happen if it hasn't happened already. Trump is here to stay..

  27. #27
    Say what? I'll bite your head plum off!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    I could see a Muslim extremist taking out Trump maybe if REALLY carefully planned out, Trumps love for Israel and Jews may set a plan in motion in a funded group..

    Luckily in America Muslim extremists are CLOSELY monitored.. Don't ask me how I know this but I do as HOMELAND SECURITY is on it BIG TIME!!

    Still don't think it will happen if it hasn't happened already. Trump is here to stay..
    Yep, and thanks to the Dems, we have a gaping hole on our SW borders. Anyone was has the money or inside knowhow, can come right on in.
    They can then do whatever dirty deed they might have planned and sneak right back ascoss again, likely undetected.

    One likely border crosser could be professional sniper, trained to do just one job to perfection.
    Do his professional hit, then afterwards, take his time to get lost in the crowds somewhere, and carefully finish the job by securing another safe passage across that same border.
    I see this possible assassination [if it was undertaken], not a greatly difficult task to consumate.
    We only need three things:
    1.Someone, or some country who would greatly benefit with Trump's death.
    2.A professional killer, probably recognized as a "sure kill."
    3.The money to support all needs involved.

  28. #28
    Say what? I'll bite your head plum off!
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
    You have no idea what you are talking about. NONE!!! Stop talking like you do. I don't care what you think. I am telling you what I KNOW to be a fact, and I will tell you right here and now that Obama was in a much more precarious position than Trump is. You do not know the first thing about protecting ANYONE, much less a President, so just drop it. You are making a fool out of yourself and waving a red flag to boot.
    Sorry, I didn't know you were a retired secret service agent?
    We'll meet again, I am sure.

  29. #29
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABEHONEST View Post
    Sorry, I didn't know you were a retired secret service agent?
    We'll meet again, I am sure.
    Whatever it is BigDaddy is saying, you can rest assured it's 100% bullshit.

    Guy never tells the truth, ever, and often tries to impress strangers on the internet. He seems to never know what he's talking about.

  30. #30
    Say what? I'll bite your head plum off!
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    Whatever it is BigDaddy is saying, you can rest assured it's 100% bullshit.

    Guy never tells the truth, ever, and often tries to impress strangers on the internet. He seems to never know what he's talking about.

    Thank you. Now I see him as you do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    I could see a Muslim extremist taking out Trump maybe if REALLY carefully planned out, Trumps love for Israel and Jews may set a plan in motion in a funded group..

    Luckily in America Muslim extremists are CLOSELY monitored.. Don't ask me how I know this but I do as HOMELAND SECURITY is on it BIG TIME!!

    Still don't think it will happen if it hasn't happened already. Trump is here to stay..
    Am not only not thinking will happen either, am betting it won't ...

    Ticket # Accepted Risk To Win Short Description
    2/5/2019 0:30AM 34.00 66.30 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 195
    3/4/2019 6:51PM 35.09 64.92 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 185
    3/21/2019 9:27PM 17.66 30.91 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 175
    3/31/2019 11:59PM 41.67 58.34 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 140
    4/21/2019 5:36PM 23.00 26.68 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 116
    4/24/2019 11:06PM 23.59 27.84 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 118
    5/15/2019 9:47AM 23.50 26.79 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 114
    5/19/2019 7:30PM 24.51 25.49 Political - US Politics - Odds to win US Presidency 2020 - Donald Trump 104

    Dropping little bits on him here and there, with a goal between now and then to get a grand payout. Started with him @ 2:1 back in Feb, and now he's @ -101. Play's value has for sure dropped big league, since you still have all of next year to go, after the rest of this one. And, I did personally confirm with the Book, that all plays have action, so if for any reason including death by any means he doesn't win, all bets on him lose. Yea, between Comey and Gang on the inside not taking him out while secretly spying on him, but set a incredulous witchhunt in motion instead, and stepping foot in N. Korea, he'll make it thru for 4 more no doubt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ABEHONEST View Post
    Yep, and thanks to the Dems, we have a gaping hole on our SW borders. Anyone was has the money or inside knowhow, can come right on in.
    They can then do whatever dirty deed they might have planned and sneak right back ascoss again, likely undetected.

    One likely border crosser could be professional sniper, trained to do just one job to perfection.
    Do his professional hit, then afterwards, take his time to get lost in the crowds somewhere, and carefully finish the job by securing another safe passage across that same border.
    I see this possible assassination [if it was undertaken], not a greatly difficult task to consumate.
    We only need three things:
    1.Someone, or some country who would greatly benefit with Trump's death.
    2.A professional killer, probably recognized as a "sure kill."
    3.The money to support all needs involved.
    Don't know what you're reading, watching and/or smoking, but may I suggest getting out to a park/lake/beach, nice picnic, sunset, and some thoughts of joy as long live the POTUS.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Ronald Reagan got shot by a lefty nut job.
    I believe he did it to impress a female movie star? You know those kind of people who can't get twat, which are usually righties?

  34. #34
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    4 sees:
    Good luck pal but he'll need to "survive-5."

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    Last edited by jtoler; 08-17-19 at 11:37 AM.

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