1. #1
    Sanity Check
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    Trump Haters Anthem in Charlottesville Tonight: "All cops are racist"



    All these democrats/liberals/socialists/communists marching while chanting: "All cops are racist, you better face it".

    When are these people moving to canada?

  2. #2
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    I notice that most of the people marching and chanting are young and white.

    I don't think these naive dumbfukks realize that a police presence is the reason why they get to sleep so safely every night.

  3. #3
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Here is a vid of the Left attacking a cop. I can't wait for the cops to get the green light to start cracking skulls at these stupid protest/riots and finally put an end to them.


  4. #4
    Sanity Check
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    They only act like that in democrat controlled states/cities like charlottesville where police have orders to let them run wild without arresting them.

    Berkeley is another example.

  5. #5
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Why are these people even marching? Is there something happening there?

  6. #6
    Sanity Check
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    Today is the anniversary of last year's rally.


  7. #7
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanity Check View Post
    Today is the anniversary of last year's rally.

    So they are protesting against the cops for something that happened last year?

  8. #8
    Many bags of soup. Many.
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    I'm glad you two found each other.

    “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.”

    Emily Dickinson

  9. #9
    Ralphie Halves
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    Okay, so what if they're right? Now what?

    Will this make cops not racist?

    Don't get me wrong, protesting never amounts to anything, but I don't even know what they're going for here.

  10. #10
    Sanity Check
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    So they are protesting against the cops for something that happened last year?
    Looks like the sequel rally is scheduled for the 12th. Who knows what'll happen then.

    They're pushing the anti america Colin Kaepernick thing. Persuading people to hate america, hate guns, hate the constitution & otherwise hate everything about this country that makes immigrants build rafts out of 2 liter bottles and sail across oceans in an effort to move here.

    On top of that they encourage racism and rebelling against police. It makes sense for CEO's making $10,000 an hour to encourage minimum wage workers to blame people with different color skin for low wages and high taxes, rather than blaming the real cause.

    That's why there are so many attempts @ inciting race wars and wars between genders and wars between straights and gays. They want people pouring all their time and energy blaming everything except the real cause of issues in the world.

  11. #11
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    ...protesting never amounts to anything, but I don't even know what they're going for here.
    I disagree, protesting has led and driven human history in a way that directly affects all of us.

    Protesting can be very, very powerful.

    But recent "organized" protests lead to your post, because there are no leaders.

    Too many protests aren't clear or consistent with what they are going for these days, and when we don't know, it will likely never amount to anything.

    But history has been shaped by protests, they can amount to a great deal.

    It seems like that is getting lost these days, or it's just an early start to some kind of revolution, who knows but a leader must emerge.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    So they are protesting against the cops for something that happened last year?

    Wasn't the initial protest over removal of Confederate statues in the park? What do the cops have to do with this? Also, aren't there black cops, Hispanic cops, Asian cops, female cops, LGBTQ cops? I think these Libtard "protest" groups just love to protest - doesn't matter what the issue is.....

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    Mostly just impressionable kids trying to be rebellious and make a virtue signaling name for themselves

    If their parents came down and protested with them they would probably start supporting cops

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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    I disagree, protesting has led and driven human history in a way that directly affects all of us.

    Protesting can be very, very powerful.

    But recent "organized" protests lead to your post, because there are no leaders.

    Too many protests aren't clear or consistent with what they are going for these days, and when we don't know, it will likely never amount to anything.

    But history has been shaped by protests, they can amount to a great deal.

    It seems like that is getting lost these days, or it's just an early start to some kind of revolution, who knows but a leader must emerge.
    This^^^ you are 100% correct

  15. #15
    Ralphie Halves
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    I disagree, protesting has led and driven human history in a way that directly affects all of us.

    Protesting can be very, very powerful.

    But recent "organized" protests lead to your post, because there are no leaders.

    Too many protests aren't clear or consistent with what they are going for these days, and when we don't know, it will likely never amount to anything.

    But history has been shaped by protests, they can amount to a great deal.

    It seems like that is getting lost these days, or it's just an early start to some kind of revolution, who knows but a leader must emerge.
    Sure, maybe 70 years ago. But it's devolved into shouting into a vacuum.

  16. #16
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Sure, maybe 70 years ago. But it's devolved into shouting into a vacuum.

    There needs to be leaders, with vision, that can see it through the eventual push back and see through being used by the media.

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    The protests that were done years ago (before the 24 hr news media started beating any ounce of drama into the ground) whether right or wrong served a purpose of calling attention to an issue.

    Modern protests are either snowflakes who want to feel special or dumb losers who are powerless in life and want to cause disruption and chaos.

    The anthem kneeling is a great example. The media had already pounded the cop vs. blacks narrative and then Kaepernick decided to hijack it to piss people off because he's a dumb, radicalized asshole.
    Last edited by dlowilly; 08-12-18 at 04:51 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    The protests that were done years ago (before the 24 hr news media started beating any ounce of drama into the ground) whether right or wrong served a purpose of calling attention to an issue.

    Modern protests are either snowflakes who want to feel special or dumb losers who are powerless in life and want to cause disruption and chaos.

    The anthem kneeling is a great example. The media had already pounded the cop vs. blacks narrative and then Kaepernick decided to hijack it to piss people off because he's a dumb, radicalized asshole.
    Worst response of the thread posted by the biggest piece of shit on this site, no surprise there

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venom72 View Post
    Worst response of the thread posted by the biggest piece of shit on this site, no surprise there
    Coming from you that's a compliment so thanks

    If I ever found out you agreed with me or liked what I said about something I would have to take a long look at my position
