Originally posted on 12/26/2017:

Yet another dumbfuk brainwashed opie brown nose thread. Keep pressing those lips up against that trump ass, opie! So glad you think things are going so great. Your ignorant dumb asses deserve that fat fuk'in orange blow hard! Tax breaks for rich overpaid corporate fuks, unfunded CHIP program for children's health insurance, companies are still shutting down and sending jobs to Mexico. This mega piece of shit president had done nothing, except make himself look like the racist idiot he is!

How about you pull your horse teeth dumb fuk head outta your ass and start watching something besides fox news? Same 'ol horse shit they've been feeding you since the Bush years. Trickle down economics that doesn't trickle down to anyone in the middle class or poor.

Buy hey opie, just remember, this is the planet you're leaving your kids. You rich, pompous ass blind fuks won't be able to "buy" your way outta global warming, melting polar ice caps, lost of animal habitats, increasingly devastating tropical storms, and the destruction of native lands and national parks. Already leaking underground Keystone pipeline ring a bell, Dipshit?

How about you hop in that gas guzzling opie fuk truck you drive and take a ride down the Houston and tell me how "good" those people are doing? Hmmm.... never seen flooding like that in Houston before, especially so far inland from the gulf coast. Nice of your dumb fuk president to leave those people hanging for the holidays, along with the US territory of Puerto Rico.

But hey, lets keep that money flowing in for corporate assholes, while this spray tan orange idiot continues to agitate other countries to the brink of war. "All you've got to live for.... is what you leave behind".