Originally posted on 08/25/2016:

Interesting line movement on Condit/Maia Fight. Here's a few bets that might be worth checking out:
Maia +5.5 (-135). If you like Maia here this seems like a steal. Cashes if Maia wins by finish or decision. Also, cashes if the fight goes the distance and Condit loses a close decision. So basically, as long as Maia does not get finished (a big IF) this is money.

I still like Condit late round finish props even though they've dropped a lot since openers.
Condit Round 3 (+750)
Condit Round 4 (+875)
Condit Round 5 (+1075)

Finally, I think the Condit decision and split decision props are being undervalued at current odds (+510) and (+1175).