1. #1
    I dont play at SHIT books
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    Favorite Drug??

    Name your top 3!

  2. #2
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    coffee? is coffee a drug? or sugar?

    are they the "gateway" drugs?

    or is it cigarettes? No. Hmmm...


    Might you clarify your question?

    Most are going to "assume" that you refer to "illegal" drugs...

    SOME of us might have this expectation that you alert us to YOUR TOP 3 since you want to KNOW ours????

    asking "cop" questions is NOT cool. unless the officer announces him/her self.

  3. #3
    Not interested....
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    Iv dillaudid is awesome. Only got it in the hospital though. I know I would get addicted

  4. #4
    I dont play at SHIT books
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    Ok my top 3...


  5. #5
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    Those are for guys 30 and under, in moderation no doubt. Enjoy and good luck.
    since you answered...
    being over 30 I only use weed, and legal drugs - thankfully no `scripts.

  6. #6
    The Kraken
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    Ya, gotta second IV Dilaudid, it warms you up nicely.

    Oxycontin is really good as well, a pharmacy in Denmark was supposed to give me #60 of them and somehow I ended up with two boxes full from the manufacturer think I counted #500 This was 6 years ago now and the kid was new, good stuff.

    Thats about the extent of my knowledge. Tried Cocaine a while ago and didn't like it. Have a buddy always giving me Adderalls and honestly, don't really like them either, just so-so.

  7. #7
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    Different kind of beer,
    Another different kind of beer.

  8. #8
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    There is often a waking, lucid-dream-like feeling to the Vortex, and not long after moving into my mate Smithy’s house, I entered this strange new world.

    On one of the first nights at Smithy’s during which I took crystal meth, I remember he was entertaining three guests in his bedroom. He had music playing loudly, and I could hear them talking over the top of it.

    I had the lamp on, and I was typing away at old notes from my rehab days, trying to pull together an article. I was typing away effortlessly, rhythmically, quickly, and without judgment. Soon there were 1000 words on the screen, then 2000, and then, as two hours passed in a few heartbeats, I had 4000 words written.

    I had a break to make a cup of tea. As I was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the bench, I started seeing very vivid images of people I had once met at mardi gras. They were living in an alternate dimension that looked like rural Queensland centuries ago.

    A few minutes later and I had written up these images as best as I could, but I was struggling to keep up with them as they joined together, becoming more like a movie.

    As the night passed, I would either be trying to write these images down, though often struggling to articulate the detail, or I would become so enraptured with them that I would just stop and sit on the couch to enjoy the show.

    People would appear in elaborate, original costumes; the valley and surrounds created themselves, conversations began, and plots thickened.

    This was my first experience of the Vortex, and I loved it. When I started to become conscious of what was happening, though, I got into a bit of a panic. I began to see this process as a kind of creative ecstasy that could yield very positive results; but then it seemed that the more I willed it, the more I wanted it, the more I brought my ego into it, the less vivid and self-generating it became.

    To return to the night in question, though — at around four in the morning, I became aware that Smithy’s guests had left. This occurred to me because Smithy was hovering around me, pinching his crotch. He was hovering like ... let’s say, a cat that had just swallowed a bird, or a kid about to ask their parents for money.

    Smithy had a tendency to mumble when he was on crystal meth, though it was nonetheless clear to me that he, too, was having wildly vivid fantasies of his own.

    At this early stage of me living in the house, though, he seemed hesitant to give away the detail of his visions; it was almost as if he were giving me bits and pieces of what he was thinking to either get me to fill in the gaps or to get me interested.

    Eventually, these hyper-sexed images of his broke into my already dwindling creative stream, and in turn started another self-perpetuating, perhaps even clearer, image stream that I struggled to switch off — a rolling movie of crazy, hot, sex.

    The Vortex, it seemed, had grown a libido, and the images even had a Fantasia-like quality, featuring me performing as a sexual champion with various lost and unrequited lovers.

    After a short time, I moved into my bedroom and started masturbating to this self-generating porn that seemed as if it had been made just for me, with all the people I liked best, performing the most erotic acts I could imagine.

    I found these images totally captivating, “even better than the real thing”. In the “real thing”, people weren’t at my beck and call; the actual world, with its limited opportunities, rules, and actual other human beings was always going to run a distant second place to a magical alternate reality where I was the star and nearly anything — and everything — was possible.

    So there I was under the blanket; the light was on, and I was pulling and pulling, and I didn’t want these movies to stop, and I kept pulling, but I couldn’t seem to ejaculate. So I kept going, and then I saw, from under the plastic blind in my tiny bedroom with nothing in it but my bed, that it was starting to get light outside.

    I remember thinking that it must have been at least an hour that I had been masturbating because it had become day. No matter how hard I tried, though, I couldn’t ejaculate. The “movies” just kept getting better, and I couldn’t stop watching them: for one thing, it felt as if I wasn’t actually in control of them or of anything I was doing. And, naturally, I was also enjoying being there.

    I think it’s fairly well recognised that sexual fantasy can express more than just sexual desire, and that the things we fantasise about are not necessarily those we want to do in real life. But I found the sexual fantasies I experienced in the Vortex to be especially morally complicated; they presented me simultaneously as who I wanted to be, and who I would never, ever want to be.

    And yet the more unpleasant and unclean the fantasies became, the more exciting they seemed. When I finally finished, I pulled the blanket off myself; my hair and face were as wet as if I’d just got out of the shower, and it seemed as if the daylight had been part of the Vortex: it was clearly still dark outside.

    So I got up and walked into the kitchen, where Smithy looked at me in surprise.

    “Where have you been?” he said. “What time is it?” I asked.

    “It’s about 8.45.”

    “8.45 at night?”

    “Yep — where you have been all day?”

    “All day?”

    “Yep, you were gone for ages,” Smithy said.

    “What day is it?”

    “It’s Sunday night. Have you been in that bedroom all day?” Smithy asked.

    Yes, I had. I had been masturbating for sixteen hours non-stop, and it felt as if I had been in there for less than an hour.


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    After that first weekend in the Vortex at Smithy’s, I was determined to make the most of these self-generating images. I thought the best way to handle this was to use in low doses, sit myself down at a computer as soon as I had a dose, and concentrate on putting energy into creative ideas.

    Poetry, songs, more ideas for novels followed.

    Songs? Yes — while my dad is a musician, and I used to sing as a young teenager, I have never played an instrument, played in a band, or done anything remotely musical as an adult. Yet here I was, writing and performing songs — even if they weren’t exactly worth listening to.

    What happened next is evidence of my increasingly delusional state.

    One of the reasons I began writing music was that I had met some professional musicians when I was in Sydney who were exceptionally kind and who had invited me to a few events. During a conversation with one of them — a well-known performer from London — at an after-party, he told me that I had a made a “boring choice” to become a lawyer when I obviously enjoyed doing creative things, and he asked me if I ever felt like writing music.

    When I was high on crystal meth, I would daydream about these events, and eventually decided that these musicians had deliberately sought me out because they believed me to be an extraordinary talent who could be a professional musician, and that they had started me on something called “The Journey”.

    I even believed that, at times, the performer from London was sending me lyrics for songs via telepathy.

    At other times, these delusions would darken, and I believed that they had invited me to the events in order to pretend that they wanted me to become a professional musician, so I would make a fool of myself on stage, and they would get revenge on me for a long list of other nasty things I had, in turn, done to other people throughout my life.

    One day I started having invasive thoughts about things people had said on Facebook that I didn’t understand. The more I thought about these references, the more it seemed like everyone, collectively, was making fun of me.

    At the time I was also freelance writing, so I thought I would go over to a friend’s and check the computer to see if my article had been published. I googled my name, and some key words from the article, and nothing came up — instead, one of the first hits to come up was a blog written by an American musician of the same name. When I clicked on this blog, which was showcasing this other Luke Williams’ new music, it struck me how poorly written and self-absorbed it was.

    I immediately thought that everyone was making fun of me and had invented this satirical blog to send me up.

    Because I found it so incredibly clichéd and poorly expressed, I decided that it must be a parody. A parody of me! And, for some reason, I linked this back to my failed attempt at doing a show at Triple J — that somehow the people behind this were people who I used to work with at the station, who were making fun of me.

    And when I went back to my Facebook feed, it looked like all my triple j ex-colleagues were making coded allusions to me, and how lame I was, in their status updates.

    I contacted a trusted friend, who was able to talk me down from my delusion, and soothe me, at least momentarily.


  10. #10
    USA! USA! USA!
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    I'll have whatever the f\*\*k optional is on, thanks
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  11. #11
    Broke Homey
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    After that first weekend in the Vortex at Smithy’s, I was determined to make the most of these self-generating images. I thought the best way to handle this was to use in low doses, sit myself down at a computer as soon as I had a dose, and concentrate on putting energy into creative ideas.

    Poetry, songs, more ideas for novels followed.

    Songs? Yes — while my dad is a musician, and I used to sing as a young teenager, I have never played an instrument, played in a band, or done anything remotely musical as an adult. Yet here I was, writing and performing songs — even if they weren’t exactly worth listening to.

    What happened next is evidence of my increasingly delusional state.

    One of the reasons I began writing music was that I had met some professional musicians when I was in Sydney who were exceptionally kind and who had invited me to a few events. During a conversation with one of them — a well-known performer from London — at an after-party, he told me that I had a made a “boring choice” to become a lawyer when I obviously enjoyed doing creative things, and he asked me if I ever felt like writing music.

    When I was high on crystal meth, I would daydream about these events, and eventually decided that these musicians had deliberately sought me out because they believed me to be an extraordinary talent who could be a professional musician, and that they had started me on something called “The Journey”.

    I even believed that, at times, the performer from London was sending me lyrics for songs via telepathy.

    At other times, these delusions would darken, and I believed that they had invited me to the events in order to pretend that they wanted me to become a professional musician, so I would make a fool of myself on stage, and they would get revenge on me for a long list of other nasty things I had, in turn, done to other people throughout my life.

    One day I started having invasive thoughts about things people had said on Facebook that I didn’t understand. The more I thought about these references, the more it seemed like everyone, collectively, was making fun of me.

    At the time I was also freelance writing, so I thought I would go over to a friend’s and check the computer to see if my article had been published. I googled my name, and some key words from the article, and nothing came up — instead, one of the first hits to come up was a blog written by an American musician of the same name. When I clicked on this blog, which was showcasing this other Luke Williams’ new music, it struck me how poorly written and self-absorbed it was.

    I immediately thought that everyone was making fun of me and had invented this satirical blog to send me up.

    Because I found it so incredibly clichéd and poorly expressed, I decided that it must be a parody. A parody of me! And, for some reason, I linked this back to my failed attempt at doing a show at Triple J — that somehow the people behind this were people who I used to work with at the station, who were making fun of me.

    And when I went back to my Facebook feed, it looked like all my triple j ex-colleagues were making coded allusions to me, and how lame I was, in their status updates.

    I contacted a trusted friend, who was able to talk me down from my delusion, and soothe me, at least momentarily.

    I had to keep re reading this post, just to make sure i didnt miss any situations you experienced. Kinda felt like, you got to experience most, if not all of the 7 deadly sins. Great post, Very well written optional! Was that a true experience or are you that twisted in the head when you write?

    Reality is just the playground for the unimaginative!

  12. #12
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    anyone get Quaalude?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweep View Post
    I'll have whatever the f\*\*k optional is on, thanks

  14. #14
    cashin81's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    fresh air.
    look how happy he is.
    it could be you.

  15. #15
    Vegas Baby!
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  16. #16
    Auto Donk
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    x if you're with the woman you love, and both on it..... (toss in a side of viagra to deal with the capability of x to suddenly kill your rod, and you're in for an all night "love fest").... and the smell of vagina while rollin' is probably the greatest thing on the planet.... you can literally eat pussy for hours during a good roll.... the flood of seratonins lowers inhibitions and lets the true inner feelings you have for one another out.... That's why, before it was banned for making people feel so good, it was commonly prescribed to couples having marital problems......

    hydro if you want to hallucinate while taggin' your babe, and have her morph into several different babes during your romp -- I once had a babe start out as herself, morph into liz taylor (who she somewhat resembled to start with), and then morph into a former girlfriend that I loved who was now deceased..... and, good dro can make sex feel a ton better from a tactile standpoint as well... that pussy feels so much better it's almost indescribable, and if your chick's stoned as well, no telling what she's sensing/perceiving during the romp..... my wife and I used to both be trippin, then compare notes after the session as to what we were experiencing in our minds while taggin..... Once, I was doing her doggystyle on a magic carpet ride coming into vegas; ie, i literally perceived that as we were romping, we were floating over the vegas skyline pounding away..... Many of my chronic weed smokin' friends were totally jealous that they simply have never been that "high" to experience the things that I, as a rare user of the drug, can experience....

    lastly, morphine in a hospital setting was pretty bad ass.....
    Last edited by Auto Donk; 05-18-16 at 10:29 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broke Homey View Post

    I had to keep re reading this post, just to make sure i didnt miss any situations you experienced. Kinda felt like, you got to experience most, if not all of the 7 deadly sins. Great post, Very well written optional! Was that a true experience or are you that twisted in the head when you write?

    Reality is just the playground for the unimaginative!
    Nah, it was a copy/paste. Just liked it too. Know someone who got lost for months jerking off and smoking ice in a small room and it helps understand it a bit.

    Linked at bottom of original post: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/hea...685b1de61ed128

  18. #18
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Nah, it was a copy/paste. Just liked it too. Know someone who got lost for months jerking off and smoking ice in a small room and it helps understand it a bit.

    Linked at bottom of original post: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/hea...685b1de61ed128
    whew, that's good to know, Opti.... you always seemed far too levelheaded, rational, and smart to be f'd up on any kind of substance....

    this is the opposite of Opti:

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    'Reality is merely an Illusion'
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    My Top 3 Drugs

    [1] Dilaudid

    [2] Tussionex

    [3] Adderall

    Honorable Mention - Marijuana, Morphine, Mushrooms (Acid)

  20. #20
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    I know I will get flamed but Tramadol is incredible. Stuff gives you energy for hours. My productivity at work has sky rocketed.

    BTW - Great read Optional!

  22. #22
    Auto Donk
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    not sure if it's a drug or not, but I do like chowing down on those japanese puffer fishes after sprinkling ground up african white rhino horn on them for "extra kick"

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    Not interested....
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    For those who don't know dialudid is several times stronger than morphine If you tell them morphine makes you itch or gives you a headache ( they usually ask if your allergic) they will give you the better stuff (dialaudid)

  26. #26
    stikymess's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Opana for me, blows oxy out of the water.

    Dialudid and morphine on drips not pill form.
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  27. #27
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    Fentynal. Stronger than heroin and oxicontin combined. Very hard to find though.

  28. #28
    Have Some Asthma
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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    Fentynal. Stronger than heroin and oxicontin combined. Very hard to find though.
    Your stupidity is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. Cheers!

  29. #29
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    xanax , ketamine and pot

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    Your stupidity is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. Cheers!
    Explain more please genious.

  31. #31
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    Explain please "chokeoncock" why am I stupid?

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    Quote Originally Posted by themike78 View Post
    Explain please "chokeoncock" why am I stupid?
    A few things about Fentanyl, the whole "it's 100x stronger than Morphine" is out of control. Indeed it is 100x stronger than morphine, hence the reason the dose is 1/100th that of morphine. This is generally true with all pain meds, ie Oxycodone is 1.5 x's stronger than hydrocodone, so hydrocodone doses tend to be 1.5 stronger. The most common Percocet dose is 5mg, the most common Vicodin dose is 7.5mg. Morphine is usually given 2.5mg to 10mg, Fentanyl is 25mcg-100mcg. It's all the same.

    Fentanyl is not that hard to find anymore.

    Fentanyl is a very, very short acting drug, it would be a terrible drug of choice. I make my living on pushing Fentanyl all day, everyday. Sometimes it last 5-10minutes, others 15-20 minutes.

    I would take oxycontin over heroin or fentanyl any day of the week

  34. #34
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsamazing777 View Post
    For those who don't know dialudid is several times stronger than morphine If you tell them morphine makes you itch or gives you a headache ( they usually ask if your allergic) they will give you the better stuff (dialaudid)
    You think you're being sneaky

    Look up the characteristics of drug seekers, number 1 are people that say they're allergic to certain opiate pain meds like Morphine to try and get Dilaudid

    be careful friend, you never know what a dr is going to put in your permanent record, and that just may preclude you from getting either Morphine or Dilaudid going forward. I've seen it more than I care to

  35. #35
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by stikymess View Post
    Opana for me, blows oxy out of the water.

    Dialudid and morphine on drips not pill form.
    hard to go out partying with a hanging f'n iv bag on one of those rolling metal stands, though....

    I really can't see ever just wanting to lie down getting lit hooked up to an iv..... tho I guess if my wife and I were both hooked up to drips with flexible lines, where we could still go at it, it might be ok..... I'd be worried tho about pulling the f'n i.v. out

    edit: tho, after re-reading my first paragraph above, I guess next Halloween I'll be a "hospital patient" dressed only in a backless patient gown, rolling an iv stand full of black market morphine......

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