Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25154845'>posted</a> on 01/16/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Louisvillekid1 View Post
buddy im just looking out for you, look at the time difference from the texts, and there is nothing to say its a girl...

Im as laid back as they come, just saying other posters would have their many oppurtunites to pounce on that if they so choose...

I can think of 3 punch lines just briefly off the top of my head, to respond, and im not a bright person...
Lol ok, do not care. I know I got laid last night and I know that's a legitimate text. I also know that Colorado is winning tomorrow.

Lkid lets focus more on making money than questioning my sex life. Thank you