1. #1
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Lies, lies and more lies

    What is it about the rifle? He has managed to turn off, oh I would say probably 90% of the SBR population and maybe even more. Could it be that this guy likes to be ridiculed? I know that sounds crazy but let us review the lies this guy has told and I certainly won't remember them all so help out whenever you want.

    First, didn't this lad tell us he was moving if Obama won? I am most sure he did. Where is he, still in his trailer park somewhere in Florida. He constantly posts negative comments about gays I think we all know what that means, right? He claims he is a Christian, no more need be written about that. Advanced degrees? I proved about a dozen times or more he has no degree. About how many times did he make a comment that was either totally wrong or a half truth? Think that number approaches 100, probably much more. Made up a story about being asked to be a mod, total lie. Compounded it by saying he accepted it. Posted a pic and said he would leave if identified? That promise was broken immediately. This lad tells more lies in one day than most do in a year. But, he is a Christian.

    You know what else is ironic about this clown. Often when he makes a point he uses people or countries or organizations that he completely disagrees with. Isn't that strange, he will ridicule B Maher but use him for proof of something or the other. He uses countries like Russia and Turkey to make a point about homosexuals. Good examples rifle. He also uses Muslim countries to make his points. He is just so strange and so weird it is almost like he is goofing on us. But no I think that is just the rifle, strange as they come.

    A week or so ago he was lecturing us on physical training, remember that? He told us that nutrition is not important and that he is physically fit and strong. That is just as true as his Christianity and advanced degrees.
    The strangest duck I have ever encountered and as dumb as a pile of shit.

    How about he and the loon ridiculing a recent post of mine because it got no replies. First it didn't call for replies it was informative about a TV show and second I immediately found at least a half dozen posts from those two clowns that got very few replies if any and some as old as a week. They can't even ridicule with any substance.
    Last edited by dante1; 07-01-13 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    ArchieBunker's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Can't figure out why you guys don't get along

  3. #3
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchieBunker View Post
    Can't figure out why you guys don't get along

    AB Do you like a liar and a braggart? Does anybody?

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    ArchieBunker's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    AB Do you like a liar and a braggart? Does anybody?
    No time for internet fights enjoy the tune

  6. #6
    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Thanks, no fight the guy intellectually has no ammo. Why do you think he hardly ever engages and when he does he always looks the fool.

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    If your a Leaf fan my attitude may change

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    dante1's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchieBunker View Post
    If your a Leaf fan my attitude may change

    I love all types of greens, trees and shrubs anything and everything that grows in our wonderful world.

    LOL, AB I will be honest I don't know a hockey puck from a sewer plate. I couldn't tell you what icing meant or even if I have spelled it correctly. No hard feelings. But, ask rifle I am sure he is an expert on everything hockey and knows everything about the sport. That is until you want to have a conversation about it. Then he will become mute.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
    Thanks, no fight the guy intellectually has no ammo. Why do you think he hardly ever engages and when he does he always looks the fool.
    political atheist rarely argue politics but the Champ is 90% right some may not agree with him
