Originally posted on 05/27/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
Thanks for the time and effort to reply to my post, however, the Repubs have done what again?
blocked Obama from doing ever more damage.

What has Obama done except blame, lie and spend?

rk, be honest, if it was a republican in office and the economy was as bad like it is, Benghazi, AP taps, IRS, 7 trillion, 13 million more on food stamps, cash for clunkers, solyndra, no budget ever, blaming the other guy at every chance ... you and the main stream media would be all over it all day long for years and years, just like Emily on Meth.

it doesn't take a lot of skill to blame the other guy and spend trillions. You could do it i'm sure. Most could. I could.

A real leader gets things done. Passes budgets and works together with the opposite for the betterment on the country as a whole. Obama might be a good community organizer but is a lousy president. He has wasted 4 years and looks to do it for another 2 and likely 4. There's tons of proof.