Originally posted on 04/04/2013:

So let me get this straight, some of you are actually arguing that these guys should not be paid?

What if one of my fraternity brothers from college happens to be a good baseball capper? He gives me a couple tips, and they hit, so naturally I want a couple more. Next thing you know I am following is tips religiously because he spends six hours a day capping and I work a full-time job. You're saying my balance should be confiscated?

God forbid someone on SBR ever catches fire and goes on a tear. What if 25 people follow the SEER Next football season and he kills it. Since we are all on SBR, chances are we are all using the same book. You idiots are saying that because we all took our cues from one person and he posted his lines 15 minutes before the game that we are a syndicate and all of our accounts should be confiscated.

Sometimes I feel dumber for having been on this forum.