1. #1
    ijustwant2bpaid's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Nascar Napa 200 Blog!

    Hoping Kyle shows up today, Kyle Bush is starting at 12th place which i not too far back in the pack for him to make it to the top. Marcus Ambrose has the pole and has a very fast car today beating the rest of the Field by almost a second at 80.806 mph I believe. This track should keep this race very interesting but I know Kyle Busch and he is due to perform well after underachieving this year. Kyle Busch is a whiny cry baby for sure but the kid knows how to drive unlike many other drivers in history. He runs Sprint, Nationwide and the Camping World circuits and is quickly gaining experience and will have a long history and in my opinion go down as one of the best drivers in history. I wouldn't put the house on it but everyone knows this kid has potential for sure and I feel has a good chance at over taking Marcus Ambrose

    My sentimental favorite for this race is Carl Edwards who averaged 80.116 mph in his Ford and this kid has a very good chance at taking the checkered come the end of this race. Carl is a happy kid who doesn't let the pressure effect him negatively like Kyle Busch. He hasn't had the best season but is due up soon and starting second I would give him a very good chance for top 5 at least. Carl is a fan favorite and if u can find a head to head match up with him and even Ambrose I would take it given the numbers are close. I feel Ambrose found a good line for qualifying but that if his line is taken away early on he will have a hard time keeping up and we may see him drop even though he has a very fast car

    No matter who you guys decide to take today it will be a very exiting race and I would check out the numbers and take one of the drivers I mentioned to at least keep the race very interesting to watch. I haven't seen general around but would love to hear his predictions as to the outcome of this race because i feel he is very sharp when it comes to all Nascar racing inn general not just limited to the sprint cup

    Brad Kezolowski in the #88 Chevrolet is starting 19th and looked good in the short time of practice I watched, He will move up early I believe and if he can keep up with the pack and not get caught up in any mistakes or accidents in front of him he may do well. The problem I have with betting drivers that are back in the back is that there are so many errors that may occur that can cause them to be caught up in multiple bad scenarios. When betting I try to stick to the top 15 and watch practice because qualifying times can be very misleading because the cars are tuned to qualify fast on a track by themselves. These cars then need to be re-tuned to compete with other drivers that sometimes severely effect their handling etc. U guys should stick to the winning drivers a lot like horse racing because the chalk is usually not as heavy but it seems week in and week out that the same drivers seem to perform well and at least finish in the top ten to fifteen. I'm trying to get this blog out so many can read it by race time and I would like to wish you all the best of luck if u choose to follow any of my advice. The race is fit to go underway though so good luck and even if your not betting have fun watching and enjoying the race and I would suggest High Definition which adds so much to the experience of nascar which I have a huge passion for.

    ]We should expect fierce competition for this race . I have the honor of going to the race in Fontana in October and cannot wait. Hope u all the best and enjoy your Sunday and good luck to all u race fans out there! [/color]
    Last edited by ijustwant2bpaid; 08-31-09 at 01:40 AM.

  2. #2
    ijustwant2bpaid's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    green flag under way!
    Last edited by ijustwant2bpaid; 08-30-09 at 02:05 PM.

  3. #3
    ijustwant2bpaid's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    guess no one here likes nascar but do still get 15 points for this blog, please!

  4. #4
    fadeable flamingo
    diogee's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I enjoyed the race...only saw the last 1/2 due to hitting the snooze button for 2 hours. Nice write-up ijw2bp.

    Loved the racing on the wet surface. Pretty good unexpected finish as well...gotta feel for Ambrose. 1 decent f*ck-up in the race and it happens to be on the very last corner.
