Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=15728802'>posted</a> on 08/20/2012:

Heritage Sportsbook that they have got notices in the mail in regards to bank wires they have received from the sportsbook. The class action suit is coming out of North Carolina in which happens to be one of the largest banking hubs in the United States. The processing company used was being ran from the state and at this time are being told all the funds traced from the accounts have been frozen in and out. This has been a huge issue for this company (since February) along with a few other sportsbooks in which was first reported on SBR and quickly deleted from public viewing.
What can Heritage Sports Players Do?
There seems to be a few options for players but none are attractive at this point:
(1) The player can let the money go and forget about the entire situation .
(2) The player can contest it however by doing so they would have to lie on where/what the money was for in which could get a player in serious legal trouble. The government already has heritage processor nailed so would be a stupid and very risky venture.
(3) The player could demand Heritage credit their playing account. This seems like an obvious and best option but this is where the entire thing gets nasty. Heritage sportsbook does not want to meet players in this situation and have gone as far as saying, "gamblers are aware about online gambling and the risk for making bets online". To give Heritage credit they did get players winning cash outs to the states but from there was never actually in most players accounts.

SBR do your HomeWork!