Originally posted on 07/08/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by mathdotcom View Post
Welcome back Nicky

If we got Fishhead back it'd be worth posting here again
thanks buddy. btw, i was reading your soccer threads and my god, you are right. how boring is that fukkin sport? i swear, whenever i had insomnia at night, i'd just put a soccer game and i'd be knocked out in 4 min. nothing better than a 1-0 final, 859 passes, and shots on goal, 1-1 for the game.

btw, europeans hate when americans say they hate soccer. it kills them. they get so defensive. they really want americans to love their game. you know what i do when i am bored? i go to youtube, find a soccer clip and just make a comment by saying.. soccer is boring. and you should see the threats i get. fukk you as-hole, it's the best sport in the world. it's the most popular sport in the world.. fukk you,. go die.. etc.. who cares man, it's boring...people have threatened to come to my house in NY to kill me cause i said soccer sucks. i love it. try it.. it's hilarious. they really want americans to watch soccer, but we hate it.. it'll never be big in this continent.