Originally posted on 06/12/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
The vast majority of violent crime is commited by IDIOT liberal democrats JUST LIKE YOU. A great solution to our country's fiscal problems would be to cram several million Crustyme's in specially designed buses and drive them off steep cliffs.

Mayweather represents no danger to anyone and granting him house arrest in return for him paying a massive fine and earmarking those funds to ensure no teacher layoffs makes all the sense in the world. When a good for nothing leech like Crustyme expresses strong opposition, you know the idea has merit.

Liberal democratic idiots combed through Romney's entire life and the worst possible thing they could find was him participating in a schoolyard prank where a group of kids gave a boy with long hair a haircut about 40 years ago. That alone tells you Romney is as pure as Ivory soap.

As far as handouts are concerned, its liberal democrats like you that are CRYING & PLEADING for handouts from the 1% because you don't possess the intelligence or work ethic to financially support yourselves.
There are no Liberals and there are no conservatives, there are just morons like yourself who think that voting for Romney is any different than voting for Obama. It's just 2 sides to the same coin and as long as there are morons like you choosing sides red or blue there will always be that 1 percent that takes advantage of the rest.