1. #1
    BrentCrude's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Anyone hate being addressed by strangers who say,hey,big guy?Any comebacks?

    You can be standing in line at Wal Mart and some guy will say,hey big uy,can you hand me receipt I left on the counter.Or you can be in Vegas at the betting window and some guy behindyou goes,hey big guy,can you hand me a pencil.So what the hell,are big people supposed to look at the guy asking you the question and say,hey fetal alcohol syndrome man with your eyes spread apart,I would be glad to hand you your receipt.Or hey acne man who didn't wash your face good enough as a kid,I will gladly hand you a pencil.Or better yet,if you want a receipt or a pencil where someone is standing close to it why not say,hey body odor man,can ou hand that receipt or pencil next to you and hand it to me.You would see fist fights break out if all other people in society were treated like fat people where people said those crude remarks.hehe!

  2. #2
    clarkacal's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    You should say, "Your mom been talking to you about me huh?"

  3. #3
    Cap dat 4ss
    okst. -13.5
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    Never heard of ya pal.

  4. #4
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I say whats up

    Hey Bud

  5. #5
    BrentCrude's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    See a guy with a cold sore in line and say,hey,herpes boy,could you hand me a napkin.
    See a guy with mutton chops and say,hey,60's timewarp guy,can you tell me what time it is.

  6. #6
    Dirty Sanchez
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    I normally turnaround and look over my shoulder and say..."Oh I thought someone was standing behind me...because I know you're not talking to me that way"

  7. #7
    Swinging Johnson
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    Nah, I think you're overreacting. When I was a young guy, I was a gym rat, always working out but honest to God, I never thought twice about saying 'big guy' to an overweight guy. I tell you this because I was not disgusted by them nor did I think they think they should do something about their diet, exercise, etc...they were just heavy and that was that. It was almost a compliment because if I was offended by their appearance or uncomfortable with them I wouldn't even interact with them.

    Now fast forward twenty years and all that goodwill I gained in the gym has turned on me because I no longer work out. So I know of what you speak. But what I cannot fathom is how tooled on people get who are fat, bald or short. I am not bald nor am I short but I am heavy due to a sedentary lifestyle. And even when I was very fit, it never occured to me to rag on a fat guy, bald guy or short guy. To this day I barely take notice if a guy is short or bald but do feel camraderie with the behemoths that roam the Earth.

  8. #8
    keenecharger21's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    there shouldn't be any comebacks lol besides yes are no i will do it
