1. #1
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Why aren't there more Black coaches in the NBA?

    Why aren't there more Black coaches in the NBA and why don't people care?

    I feel like the NBA is 90% Black, and the coaches are at least 75% old white guys.
    I feel like the NFL is about 65% Black, and the coaches are about 80% white

    Yet the NFL makes a huge huge huge deal about Black quarterbacks and an even bigger deal about Black head coaches. The NFL promotes affirmative action because there are a lot of white coaches/coordinators. The argument goes that the NFL is mostly black, but the coaches are mostly white and that's unfair. Well doesn't that argument hold a lot more weight in the NBA yet nobody brings it up? I think they are scared that white America will stop watching NBA games if it was 90% black players and 90% black coaches but most white people over that age of 16 don't give a shit about the NBA anyway. Might as well give the job to the best guy. I think David Stern is wrong about this one and they should hire the best coaches regardless of skin color and to me that would mean more black coaches. Do you think even 1/2 of these coaches could relate to the players?

    Now I agree that some white coaches will be coaching in the NBA regardless. The Phil Jacksons and Pat Rileys of the world would be fine the Doc Rivers of the world would be fine, but what about the crummy white coaches?

    Baseball is making a big deal about the lack of black players, how baseball is a white and growing hispanic game and Joe Morgan said it was a problem that the Houston Astros a few years ago were in the world series and didn't have a single black player. He said they should have tried to trade for one for diversity.

    I just don't understand how the NFL/MLB are trying to promote black coaches and players and the big elephant in the room is the NBA, and the nba isn't trying to promote black coaches. I mean look at the coach of Miami, he's a 40 year old virgin joke.

    Why doesn't ESPN raise a big stink about the lack of black coaches in the NBA? Scared it will hurt ratings?

  2. #2
    King Mayan
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    RACE, RACE, RACE......... C-golds vocabulary........

  3. #3
    Smoke's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    They are considered "high risk"

  4. #4
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post
    RACE, RACE, RACE......... C-golds vocabulary........
    Exactly. C-gold, try getting yourself a girlfriend or at least a blowup doll.. You have too much time on your hands.

  5. #5
    k13's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Why is there not more white/asian/etc. players in the nfl/nba?

    Get these black guys out of there, we need more diversity.

  6. #6
    Slim's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Black people aren't that bright. Just look at how many black players are broke a few years after they retired.

  7. #7
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    Exactly. C-gold, try getting yourself a girlfriend or at least a blowup doll.. You have too much time on your hands.
    Hey Nats fan, where are you at? Wanna dance Mr. Internet tough guy ???????????

  8. #8
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post
    Hey Nats fan, where are you at? Wanna dance Mr. Internet tough guy ???????????
    Your ignorance has just been confirmed.

  9. #9
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Why aren't there any black coaches in soccer?

  10. #10
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    Your ignorance has just been confirmed.
    You sKered.

    Glad to see I could call out your Bluff Mr. Tough guy. Keep talking, everybody knows you are a joke now.

  11. #11
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    Why aren't there any black coaches in soccer?
    Nobody cares about soccer in America.

  12. #12
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post
    Nobody cares about soccer in America.
    I'm not talking about black soccer coaches in America.

  13. #13
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post
    You sKered.

    Glad to see I could call out your Bluff Mr. Tough guy. Keep talking, everybody knows you are a joke now.
    You're right. Your quick wit has buried me.

  14. #14
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    You're right. Your quick wit has buried me.
    Keep back stepping there Mr. Internet tough guy. You've been exposed.

  15. #15
    Nats' Fan
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    C-gold: honestly, I'm not talking trash. Serious question... why do you make everything about race? I'm being serious, now. Not trying to get into a pissing match with you. If you are prejudice, be a man and admit it. Don't hide behind the obscure posts.

  16. #16
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    C-gold: honestly, I'm not talking trash. Serious question... why do you make everything about race? I'm being serious, now. Not trying to get into a pissing match with you. If you are prejudice, be a man and admit it. Don't hide behind the obscure posts.
    1) You were talking trash.

    2) The NBA is about 90% black, yet 75%-90% of the coaches are old white guys that couldn't possibly all be able to relate well to the players. Nobody gives a shit about it either yet they raise bloody hell that Michael Vick is pretty much the only black QB, and there aren't many black coaches in football, and aren't many black players in baseball. How come nobody cares about the NBA coaches? My guess is that there is reverse affirmative action for white coaches in basketball.

  17. #17
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    There's 11 black coaches in the NBA.

    You think that's a bad record? Are you crazy?

    Why aren't there more white, European coaches in the NBA? They have a decent representation of players in the league but ZERO head coaches. RACISMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Go to bed.

  18. #18
    Nats' Fan
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    Okay. First off, there is no such thing as "reverse affirmative action". The last time I checked, Blacks only make up about 12.9 percent of the population. Sorry if you thought I was talking trash- I was not. It just seems you are always bringing up the subject of race.

  19. #19
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by InTheDrink View Post
    There's 11 black coaches in the NBA.

    You think that's a bad record? Are you crazy?

    Why aren't there more white, European coaches in the NBA? They have a decent representation of players in the league but ZERO head coaches. RACISMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Go to bed.

    My guess was that the NBA is 90% Black, with 25% Black coaches.
    Now you tell me it's about 33% Black coaches but don't refute the 90% players.

    In other sports people argue that the sport is 60 or whatever % black, but there is not that same proportion of coaches. If you extrapolated that argument to the NBA, they'd want to see 90% coaches in the NBA but it's not even close.

  20. #20
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    Okay. First off, there is no such thing as "reverse affirmative action". The last time I checked, Blacks only make up about 12.9 percent of the population. Sorry if you thought I was talking trash- I was not. It just seems you are always bringing up the subject of race.
    African Americans might make up 12% of America but they make up 90% of the NBA and 33% of NBA coaches.

    You were being a jerk, you know I'm serious, you got called out on it, and you backed up. End of story. You remind me of King Mayana and TTrace. Two other guys scared to get called out.

  21. #21
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post
    My guess was that the NBA is 90% Black, with 25% Black coaches.
    Now you tell me it's about 33% Black coaches but don't refute the 90% players.

    In other sports people argue that the sport is 60 or whatever % black, but there is not that same proportion of coaches. If you extrapolated that argument to the NBA, they'd want to see 90% coaches in the NBA but it's not even close.
    Why does it matter, bro? It's the 21st Century. Skin color should not be indicative of skill or ability. Let it go.

  22. #22
    yurnero's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    i think the nba has a good amount of black coaches. i know this topic comes up every now and then, but i really dont see anything wrong with it currently.

    first, i must say that its not even or should not even be a race thing. the goal is to win, not to make sure its a racially balanced coach to player ratio. just because the nba is made up majority of black players does not mean that the same black players should be or could be coaches. if you look at most coaches in the nba, they are not GREAT players or anything. the very good players that have tried to coach have not faired as well as when they are players. and im pretty sure you already know that there are a lot more skilled black players than white right now.

    it could just be that there are more white players that are pursuing a career in coach more than the black players. it could be that many of the black players are just not interested in it.

    nat's fan also brought up that there are 12.9% black popluation in america, i would say there are MORE WHITE COACHES IN ALL OF SPORTS just because THERE ARE MORE WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA. pretty simple imo

    all in all, race should not even matter...

  23. #23
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post
    African Americans might make up 12% of America but they make up 90% of the NBA and 33% of NBA coaches.

    You were being a jerk, you know I'm serious, you got called out on it, and you backed up. End of story. You remind me of King Mayana and TTrace. Two other guys scared to get called out.

    C-gold: If you want to be taken seriously, don't make comments like this. If you want to have a civil discourse, that's fine. People try to bully other people, when they are outmatched intellectually. Keep the idle threats out of it.

  24. #24
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Race should not matter!

    That's why I'd guess there would be MORE black coaches in the NBA.

    That's why the NFL should stop promoting shitty undeserving black quarterbacks.

    That's why the NFL should stop promoting shitty black coaches

    That's why it shouldn't matter if the Astros make the World Series with White/Hispanic players.

    Give the job to the best guy, no affirmative action, no reverse discrimination.

  25. #25
    Illusion's Avatar Restricted User
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    Not that it matters because I hate getting involved in these race threads. Last time I heard 79% of players in the NBA are black. I believe our friend C-Gold has that figure at 90%

    These threads have no business in PT. All they do is provoke hate and will end up here anyway.

  26. #26
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
    C-gold: If you want to be taken seriously, don't make comments like this. If you want to have a civil discourse, that's fine. People try to bully other people, when they are outmatched intellectually. Keep the idle threats out of it.

    You ran your mouth but I'm probably a short 20 minutes drive from you and you backed down, just like your buddies Mayan or Ttrace would have if they were in your shoes. I doubt Ttrace would even look me in the eyes without sheer fear running through his body.

    I bully you BECAUSE I CAN. It has nothing to do with intellectual ability. If you are going to over step your bounds and talk talk talk, then don't be scared when you get called out on it. I'll make an example of you.

    My advice it to not talk trash unless you're willing to back it up. You wouldn't say crap to me at the sports bar, so don't talk at SBR.

  27. #27
    yurnero's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    c-gold, i have commented on a few of your previous threads and must say that i agreed with you on most of those points, but this one, i really don't see a thing wrong with how it is

    IF you really want to push it further, then maybe have more black billionares around to be able to buy these teams, then they can HIRE a black coach if they so choose. otherwise, things will not change and really theres nothing we can do about it.

  28. #28
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusion View Post
    Not that it matters because I hate getting involved in these race threads. Last time I heard 79% of players in the NBA are black. I believe our friend C-Gold has that figure at 90%

    These threads have no business in PT. All they do is provoke hate and will end up here anyway.

    I never looked it up, I guessed and you are probably right. So if 79% of the NBA is black, then why are 33% of the coaches black? Former players tend to turn into coaches right? There are many factors but I find it very odd, and I find it even more odd THAT NOBODY CARES WHEN THEY CARE SO MUCH ABOUT IT IN OTHER SPORTS.

    just hire the best guy for the job regardless of skin color!

  29. #29
    Nats' Fan
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Gold View Post

    You ran your mouth but I'm probably a short 20 minutes drive from you and you backed down, just like your buddies Mayan or Ttrace would have if they were in your shoes. I doubt Ttrace would even look me in the eyes without sheer fear running through his body.

    I bully you BECAUSE I CAN. It has nothing to do with intellectual ability. If you are going to over step your bounds and talk talk talk, then don't be scared when you get called out on it. I'll make an example of you.

    My advice it to not talk trash unless you're willing to back it up. You wouldn't say crap to me at the sports bar, so don't talk at SBR.
    Wow. Now I see why you're so angry at the world. You're a loser and deep inside, you know it. Try doing something with your life. Try to meet a girl or make some friends. Do anything to make yourself happy.

  30. #30
    C-Gold's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by yurnero View Post
    c-gold, i have commented on a few of your previous threads and must say that i agreed with you on most of those points, but this one, i really don't see a thing wrong with how it is

    IF you really want to push it further, then maybe have more black billionares around to be able to buy these teams, then they can HIRE a black coach if they so choose. otherwise, things will not change and really theres nothing we can do about it.
    In the real world you have to earn your billion dollars. The sky is YOUR limit. You can't really make somebody a billionaire. With coaches there are many factors, affirmative action being one of them in the NFL. You have to SELL somebody else on your abilities to get that first job. People raise such a big stink of quarterbacks and NFL coaches, but no big deal at all about the black NBA and all of the white coaches running the teams.

  31. #31
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    kiefynugs's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Apparently white people just make better coaches

  32. #32
    Fader of GOY'S
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    For the same reason their aren't more white players in the NBA

  33. #33
    mminkovski's Avatar SBR MVP
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    I have no problem watching 90% black players and 80% white coaches both in NBA and NFL.
