1. #1
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    The American Dilemma.

    Joe Biden has wrought a great deal of suffering on the American people he pledged to serve.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of thousands of criminals have been allowed to cross our border and are nurtured by the Leftist regime.


    Laken Riley murder suspect Jose Ibarra lived it up in NYC after reportedly entering US illegally, social media posts appear to show

  2. #2
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Scumbag Barach Biden..

    Joe Biden has erased our southern border, taking away any mechanism for the United States to decide who can come in and when.

    There is no vetting, no rules and no limit at the border.

    When so many laws are ignored, how can anyone be surprised when it leads to even more lawlessness? The argument is not that all migrants are bad because of one murder; it’s that one murder illustrates how corrupt and broken the system has become.
    Last edited by slewfan; 02-26-24 at 03:07 PM.

  3. #3
    VeggieDog's Avatar SBR PRO
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    It's all part of the plan. It involves everyone from POTUS on down to the lowest public servant.

    The plan is to turn the U.S. into a third-world shittehole. That will create a huge gap between the haves and havenots.

    Once there is no middle any longer, the top class can do what they want because there won't be anyone to stop them.

    This is why our borders are wide open.

    This is why they've reduced the police's ability to make arrests.

    This is why they've got rid of cash bail.

    This is why they've reduced or outright eliminated jail sentences for offenders.

    This is why they've increased the minimum wage so there will be less people making money.

    They want 80% of the country to be dependent on the top 20% for handouts. Maybe even 90/10.
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  4. #4
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Damn shame she got killed. Open borders! I've been preaching it for years on this forum. One of the main reasons I supported Trump and voted for him 2016. He was right about building that WALL.. Look how effective the shipping containers and barb wire is working in Texas now.

    Trump gets my vote again in 2024.

    Open borders and soft on crime are a disaster! Democrats support those.

  5. #5
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    It seems likely the border opening by the Barach Biden organization has gained momentum towards the elitist takeover of the American experiment.

    They may have found a way by squeezing out the middle. America’s path will be determined in the upcoming elections. Rigged or not, only the outcome determines our future.

  6. #6
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Trump and Biden at the border on Thursday. Biden going to a clean up spot for a photo opt. Pathetic.

  7. #7
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Trump and Biden at the border on Thursday. Biden going to a clean up spot for a photo opt. Pathetic.
    The problem is, all the anti American Bidenists will only see the cleaned area on the fake news.

  8. #8
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by slewfan View Post
    The problem is, all the anti American Bidenists will only see the cleaned area on the fake news.
    That's how it is planned. Fake news media will protect and cover for old JOE also.

    Trump going to the real hot spot on the border in Texas and I would not be surprised if the liberal fake news media won't cover Trump at all and just praise Biden instead.

  9. #9
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    In less than 24 hours, two separate stories of 14-year-old girls being raped by ‘bad hombres’ hit the news cycle - 2/28/24 by Olivia MurrayIf Derek Chauvin can be held responsible for his official conduct, then why not judges, prosecutors, and politicians for theirs? More
