1. #1
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    your vehicle not perforing lately heres why !

    fawking mo fo Corn oil

    proof here

    Most of us are driving around right now in cars powered by a combination of gasoline and ethanol. Ethanol is a fuel alternative produced from corn (mostly), and it has been touted for years as cleaner, carbon-neutral alternative to gas.

    Ethanol was supposed to be a clean way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The growing mandate for ethanol has instead created an enormous, artificial demand that has had unintended consequences, many of them bad.

    Unfortunately for the rest of us, mandating the use of ethanol is a terrible policy. Here are three reasons why.

    1. Ethanol lowers your gas mileage–a lot. Ethanol only has about 2/3 the energy content of gasoline, meaning it simply cannot provide the same amount of power per gallon (or liter) as gas. E85 fuel, which uses 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline, is widely available, and some gas stations now offer no alternative. Consumer Reports put E85 to the test, and found that highway mileage decreased by 29% and city mileage by 22%. Car and Driver ran their own tests and found a 30% drop in mileage on E85. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, nearly all gas sold in the U.S. today has 10% ethanol–much less than in E85, but still providing lower fuel efficiency than straight gasoline.

    Making things worse, ethanol attracts water and is more corrosive to some metals and rubber than gasoline. So it's bad for your car.

    2. Using ethanol doesn’t reduce carbon emissions. The main argument for using ethanol is that because the carbon contained within it was recently put in the ground, burning ethanol (and releasing that carbon) is carbon neutral. Compared to extracting oil, which has lain in the ground for millions of years, growing corn and extracting ethanol puts far less carbon back in the atmosphere.

    When the scientists accounted for these land-use changes, they found that using corn to produce ethanol will double greenhouse emissions over a 30-year period. Switchgrass is only slightly better, increasing emissions by 50%. As the Union of Concern Scientists explains that “sustainable production is possible” only if we stop making ethanol from corn.

    What happened was that back in 2005, Congress told us how to solve a problem (carbon emissions from our cars), instead of just encouraging us to solve it using innovative new ideas. Corn producers and their government representatives—governors, senators, representatives—all got behind the ethanol “solution” because they saw increased profits in it. Now we are stuck with a non-solution that, as the New York Times recently put it, is “a boon for Iowa and a boondoggle to the rest of the country.” It’s long past time to end the ethanol mandate.

    i have to change oil more frequently more prts replced in fule system buying fuell additives and spray oil lube to get gas flowing and burning completly helps increase gas milege greatly 3 - 5 MPG more

    one day 3 yrs ago full tank i drove up to parx casino played for 5 hours then went to ac NJ 85 miles away and back home 65 miles still had almost half a tank car just full tune up new air filter higher combusting hot spark plugs 4 of them cost $45 and pvc valve plus cleaner and lube lower throtlle body valve car is old over 135,900 on it but now oo baby i can really acclerate easier like feather foot on gas pedal so that really saves wear and tear in trans and rear and all other rubber joints and bearings

  2. #2
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    I believe the USA is the only place in the world that uses corn for ethanol.

    I think that is due to long term subsidies for the industry there that states like Iowa would collapse without.

  3. #3
    Tom, What do I do now?
    hehfest's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Ole Billy Bob - I have to figure you copied and pasted most of this because I can't see your English writing improving this fast. I've been wrong many times before.

  4. #4
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    I believe the USA is the only place in the world that uses corn for ethanol.

    I think that is due to long term subsidies for the industry there that states like Iowa would collapse without.
    That was one of Al Gore's hot key issues 30 years ago.

  5. #5
    OldBill's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by hehfest View Post
    Ole Billy Bob - I have to figure you copied and pasted most of this because I can't see your English writing improving this fast. I've been wrong many times before.
    wow really you caught that huh sherlock but bottom part is all me
